Lazy diet
Forty six million three hundred seven thousand seven hundred forty seven
Many women are concerned about excess weight. For some, the extra weight is really a threat to the health, many people do go on about the complexes. But in the main we are one: each wants to feel like a Goddess.
So, the pages of Newspapers, magazines and Internet are full of different diets, various physical exercises, is the miracle drugs that promise quick results without any extra effort. The problem is that:
- First, the pace of life often does not allow to comply with the strict conditions of many diets.
- Secondly, the forbidden fruit is sweet. Such is the nature of man that when he something forbidden, it is doubly more you want it.
- Thirdly, it is very difficult to comply with the conditions of a strict diet without harm to health, especially if your body already decently exhausted. Constipation, diarrhea, gastritis await you on every step of the way.
- Fourth, it often happens that can not withstand the load of a diet, a person breaks it and returns to normal power supply, thereby not only acquires its previous form, but adds also 2 — 3 kilos.
- Fifty nine million nine hundred ninety seven thousand seven hundred eighty
Lazy diet doesn't limit food choices and amount of food. But in practice, difficulties may arise. The habit is pretty hard on an empty stomach to drink 500 ml of water and drink the next 2 hours. Also, if you decide to eat on the go a Apple or ice cream, before again you need to drink 2 glasses of water. Not recommended to drink high-calorie beverages such as tea, sugar, cocoa, coffee, concentrated juices.
This diet is based on the so-called "cheating the stomach." Water partially satisfies hunger without excess calories, thus at meal times you eat 2 times less than usual therefore getting a meal fewer calories. Furthermore, pure non-carbonated water can accelerate the body's metabolism, due of which are not stored body fat.
Please note that many resources promise a stunning result: minus 8 — 12 pounds in 14 days. In fact, without unnecessary restrictions in the diet, without exercise lazy diet can give the result a minus 5 — 7 pounds. If you not satisfied with the result, you can Supplement a diet with some restrictions:
- try not to lean on the sweet;
- move more;
- eliminate the second dinner, and evening snacking;
- eat more fruits and vegetables instead of organic fats.
Source: zdorv.ru
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