Mom, can not you see how beautiful you are?

American Bridget White decided to publish on the Internet your photo, to make it a seven-year son. First shot brought her in horror, but then forced to see themselves through the eyes of a child. Website and Psychologies touched the story.
"Looking through the photos on the phone, I suddenly saw it, - says in his blog mother of two young children Bridget Wight. -
My first reaction - shock.

Who made a terrible picture without my knowledge? I feel like self-hatred and disgust wave moving to the throat, eyes - tears. That's right click "delete", but then the son enters the room.
- You do not know where my phone this photo? A smile lights up his face. - That I shot you, Mom! When we went to the beach, remember? You were so beautiful, I could not resist. - Actually, you need to ask permission before taking pictures of my phone - I say. - I know, Mom, but seriously, just look what you're here pretty!
Again, I look at the picture and try to see what he sees, to look at ourselves through the eyes of a child. Suitable daughter, too, looks at a picture of me on the shoulder and smiles: "Just finished card, mom. You're so pretty. I really like! »
I take a deep breath.
Yes, my typical installation - only to notice the shortcomings. We're doing this automatically. Now, when I peered, I starting to see a little more. Here's my full hips with traces of cellulite - immediately apparent. But now I see and just tired mom - she spent a few hours on their feet, exploring the lake and the neighborhood children, and finally lay down on the beach, arms outstretched, enjoying holiday. My thick hands - my mother's arms, who tirelessly dragged the kids on hot stones and sand, so they do not burn your feet. I still see a big woman in a black bathing suit - a pathetic attempt to hide the extra weight. But in front of me in the picture and even courageous mother, who travels the world and opens his children he loves strongly strongly.
Like many women, I have all my life fought with obesity.
I can not escape from it. By nature I am inclined to be overweight and have never been thin. Now I weigh even more than ever over the past ten years. But I do not want to devastate their lives because of completeness. I wear open dresses and swimsuits in the summer, I run and play with their children, and even sometimes feel attractive. Yes, attractive. Well, almost.
Maybe it's because of age?
Or because you have to worry about more important things than looks? Or maybe the reason is that my children look at me with such adoration? I do not hate my body. It's not that I decided to quit trying to play sports and to monitor their health. I will continue to, because I want to live happily ever after. And still today the most important thing for me - to love your body for what it is. I want to look at yourself through the eyes of their children.
Thank you, children & quot ;.
Perhaps next to the children we always feel beautiful? If we wake up in the morning is not at its best - hair matted, dark circles under the eyes - the kids do not notice it. They seem to see us through, look into the essence and the physical shell of little interest
What if you make it a rule to look at themselves through the eyes of a child? Anxiety because of minor flaws such as acne and wrinkles disappear for sure: who has it matter?
Photo on preview: Jade Beall
Love yourself and read more I'm a lazy mother. And selfish and careless
My old age will be a
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