Because of my brother's problems, my mom sold her apartment, moved in with us, and turned life into torture.

“Vitya got into trouble, and now her mother is helping her brother get out of it. To do this, she had to go to extreme measures: sell her apartment and give half the amount to Vita. She bought a house smaller in size, but in a house that has just begun to build, says Anya.

Since her brother is in trouble, Ana has to support her mother, how can she refuse to help her family? Only the mother did not appreciate the help, despite the fact that the daughter provided her with her own housing so that her mother lived comfortably and did not need anything until she moved to a new apartment.

Mom says she's promised the keys to her new home in 8 months, but I think she'll have to wait longer. Of course, my mom needed somewhere to live, and she moved in with my husband in a two-bedroom apartment. We work every day and we don’t like to stay home on weekends, so it wasn’t a problem.

Especially since the situation is temporary, although unpleasant. Mom can’t rent an apartment because she pays a mortgage. She has no one else to stay. My mom lives with us for almost a month, but during this time she was replaced. Mom is unhappy with everything every day. She speaks out about the dishes, our furniture, she is not comfortable cooking in our kitchen. In addition, my mother complains to friends about how hard it is for her to live with us.

Yes, our apartment is not very large: the living room is combined with the kitchen, where we settled my mother, and we have enough bedrooms. My mother had no choice but to live on the street. Everything was fine at first. And then my mom got used to it and started complaining that it wasn't the back of our couch that hurt. What to do - bought her an orthopedic mattress. It's still not comfortable.

Then it turned out that she does not have enough space in the closet for her things, in the apartment everything is always in the wrong places, in her opinion. And once it starts, it is impossible to stop mom. She throws tantrums, sometimes she stays silent all day, as if we had hurt her. When I asked what was going on, my mother was outraged that we had evicted her in the living room as a servant.

At first I was surprised, and then I asked her seriously: “So, you want to live in our bedroom, and Taras and I will huddle in the living room?” Mom likes to put things in order, and often it ends badly. Then she broke the induction cooker panel when she dropped the pan on her, then burned the cooker, because she does not know how to use it.

And then he blames us for everything, saying that our utensils are wrong. I’m tired of this procedure, and my husband too, when I had to throw new blue shirts in the trash after another mother’s wash. I tell her I'll do it myself, and she's impatient. That's the chaos.

We already try to have dinner in the evenings, and we only spend the night at home. The place where you want to relax has become another everyday irritant. On weekends, we try not to show up. Ironically, my mom says we’re so rich, we eat every night. And when we buy some things, he sulks, does not talk all day.


The constant reproaches “I am already ashamed of my husband.” If his mom did that, I wouldn't tolerate it. He's quiet, he says it's okay. Although, if this situation unsettles me, I can understand how Taras feels. So the other day, I talked to my mother, I said that living conditions would not be better, because we somehow live here. She asked me to come over and I think we didn’t. And if she doesn't like that, she can find something better.

After this conversation, my mother packed her things and went to live in a utility room. She's been living there for almost a week. I don’t understand this behavior, is it better than ours? I called her, asked her to come back, and she didn't. The husband says that she is an adult woman, she will figure out how and where she should live. But I can't leave it like this. It's my mother.

It is strange how different the attitude of parents to their children sometimes happens. The mother rescues the son with problems, and sells the only housing. And the daughter, who did not deny her anything, sheltered in her apartment, turned out to be a bad daughter. Everyone should be aware of their actions. Before you do anything, you need to think carefully. Don't blame others when you're wrong. Parents need help, but if they do not accept help, then they are able to solve their problems themselves. Should you blame yourself for that?


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