10 lessons from the life of Buddha

Just that will help you change your life for the better and reject all lishnee.Budda Sakyamuni (or Siddhartha Gautama) was a spiritual teacher and founder of Buddhism in ancient India. His instructions were written and gathered followers.
Website offers to heed this advice that to anything you do not oblige, but they can make your life better.
1. Start small - this is normal
«jug filled slowly, drop by drop. As a wise man gradually filled with good ». Em>
Ralph Uoldo Emerson said: "Each artist was once an amateur».
We all start out small, do not neglect it. If you are consistent and patient, you will succeed. Nobody gets everything at once: happy is he who is willing to start small and work hard until the jug is full.
2. Thoughts are material «All that we are, - the result of what we think about ourselves. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain it pursues. If a man speaks or acts with pure intentions, followed by happiness, like a shadow, it will never leave ». Em>
Buddha stated: "All of our minds. You become what you think. " To live correctly, you must fill your mind "right" thoughts. Evil thoughts will destroy you. Your mind determines actions, your actions determine the outcome. If you change your thinking, you change and your life. Buddha said: "All wrong actions depend on thinking. When thinking changes, there will evil misdeeds? »
3. Goodbye « em> Hatred never cease to hate in this world. Only love to end it. This ancient law ». Em>
When you release those who are imprisoned by unforgiveness, you free from this prison and himself. You will not be able to suppress the one without suppressing and myself too. Learn to forgive, learn to forgive as quickly as possible. Buddha said: « In the light of the fire, there is no more powerful than passion, more ferocious sharks than hate, and the hurricane more devastating than greed». Em>
4. Your actions matter
«If there is something that is worth doing, do it with all my heart». em>
To grow, you have to act every day. The proverb says: "God gives every bird a worm, but does not throw it into the nest." And if you come for something, put his heart and soul to the cause.
5. Try to understand
« em> always respond only good, the only way to make this world a better place. Answer good or do not respond in any way. If you respond to evil with evil, then evil is greater than » em> . Em>
Stephen Covey said, "First, try to understand, and only then try to understand you." Easy to say but hard to do: you have to make every effort to understand the point of view of another person. When you feel angry, forget it. Listen to others, understand their point of view, and you will have peace of mind. More focus on how to be happy than to be right.
6. Control your mind
«Taming of thought, barely contained, lightweight, stumbling anywhere - good. Curbed thought leads to happiness » em> . Em>
Who will win themselves one more powerful than any ruler. To conquer yourself, you need to win your mind. You have to control your thoughts. They should not rage like waves of the sea. You might think: "I can not control my thoughts. The idea comes when she wants. " This is the answer: you can not ban a bird fly over you, but, of course, you can prevent it to build a nest on your head.
7. Live in harmony «Victory brings hatred. The defeated live in pain. Happy pacified, giving up victory and defeat ». Em>
Do not look outside of what can only be in your heart. Often we can get carried away by searching outside to distract from the truth. Harmony - is not a new job, not a new car or a new marriage, harmony - within you.
8. Be grateful
« em> Health - the greatest gift, contentment - the best treasure em> ». em>
There is always something for which he should be grateful. Not all were able to wake up this morning, yesterday, someone fell asleep for the last time. Someone daily struggles with a serious illness. A grateful heart will make you great.
9. Be true to what you know « em> How hard rock can not be moved by the wind, so the wise men steadfast amidst praise and blasphemy em> ». Em>
We know a lot, but do not always do what we know. If you fail, it will not happen because you do not know what to do; it happens because of the fact that you did not do what he knew. Be loyal to yourself.
10. Share the happiness of « em> Thousands of candles can light from a single candle, and the life it will not be shorter. Happiness does not become smaller when you share them. " em>
Happiness is not only getting smaller - it gets bigger. So do not hide it from the people who make others more kindly.
And finally, most importantly: «Do not believe everything you say, but check everything on my own experience. Be yourself guiding light ». Em>
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