That's what happens to your body, if you massage this point!
Medical services are becoming more expensive with each passing day, and people vsë longer forced to seek alternative ways of treating and preventing diseases. These methods include, and reflexology, which is used since ancient times for healing the body and mind. Today we want to tell you about ear acupuncture - pressed his fingertips on the different points of the ear. Namely - the special point Shen Men, whose name translates from Chinese as "Cloud Gate».
This point is located at the top of the triangular dimples ear directly over the central part with the ear canal.
Clicking on the Shen Men point:
relieves depression, stress and anxiety; strengthens the nervous system and eliminates insomnia; relieves headaches; helps to cope with allergies; strengthens the immune system; improves performance; causes a surge of strength; helps in fighting with bunks * Oman tabaroku * HAND.
How to massage:
1. Slowly rotate your finger around the point Shen Men, massaging the ear gentle taps.
2. The duration of such a procedure shall not be less than a minute.
3. Repeat twice daily and verify the effectiveness!
Massage this point is a great way to deal with nicotine and drug addiction * otic. If you have the desire to go re * urit - just massage the right point on the ear. You will not believe, but the desire to immediately pass!
Regular massaging point not only helps to maintain health, but also to quit. Personally, I really like the fact that I can do this exercise even in the workplace, in public transport or on the street. Share with your friends the secrets of health. Let them try on the healing power of acupuncture!
via takprosto.cc
This point is located at the top of the triangular dimples ear directly over the central part with the ear canal.
Clicking on the Shen Men point:
relieves depression, stress and anxiety; strengthens the nervous system and eliminates insomnia; relieves headaches; helps to cope with allergies; strengthens the immune system; improves performance; causes a surge of strength; helps in fighting with bunks * Oman tabaroku * HAND.
How to massage:
1. Slowly rotate your finger around the point Shen Men, massaging the ear gentle taps.
2. The duration of such a procedure shall not be less than a minute.
3. Repeat twice daily and verify the effectiveness!
Massage this point is a great way to deal with nicotine and drug addiction * otic. If you have the desire to go re * urit - just massage the right point on the ear. You will not believe, but the desire to immediately pass!
Regular massaging point not only helps to maintain health, but also to quit. Personally, I really like the fact that I can do this exercise even in the workplace, in public transport or on the street. Share with your friends the secrets of health. Let them try on the healing power of acupuncture!
via takprosto.cc
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