Secrets seating Orchids: How to Turn 1 plant 100.
Orchid - a favorite flower of many gardeners. It is considered very demanding. However, many orchids grow well in the house and no special care. If you want your home to become a whole greenhouse with flowers, do not need to spend much. We'll show you how to turn one flower in the 100. Those who have tried this method can not admire the beauty of orchids in his house.
How to improve root growth?
Buy sphagnum moss, which is worth a penny in a flower shop. Soak it in water. Moss form a small ball. Primotat his thread to the bottom of orchids sprout. The thread can wring out of old pantyhose. It will be flexible and not too too hard plant.
Wrap the moss film. Shoot it every day for about an hour. At the same time sprayed with moss. After 9-11 days in the germ appear roots. Otsazhivayut sprout, when it will be three or four or more spine.
At orchid, which has already bloomed, srezh stem. Stand back approximately one centimeter from the roots and then cut off the shanks length of 10-12 centimeters. Plant the cuttings in a special orchid pot with holes in the bottom. The mound in the bottom of a small amount of sand and put moss. Fields soil. Landed cuttings. The distance should be about 3 cm apart. Cover the pot film. Twice a day film shoot for 20-25 minutes and gently moisturizes the soil. The room is necessary to arrange the daily temperature drop, decreasing its night at 4 ° C. Approximately 4 months later drop off the plants in individual pots.
After 5-7 days, the flowers should fertilize previously watering plants. Then place the pot in a container of fertilizer diluted in water for about 40 minutes.
Share these wonderful tips on seating orchids with their loved ones and friends!
via takprosto.cc
How to improve root growth?
Buy sphagnum moss, which is worth a penny in a flower shop. Soak it in water. Moss form a small ball. Primotat his thread to the bottom of orchids sprout. The thread can wring out of old pantyhose. It will be flexible and not too too hard plant.
Wrap the moss film. Shoot it every day for about an hour. At the same time sprayed with moss. After 9-11 days in the germ appear roots. Otsazhivayut sprout, when it will be three or four or more spine.

At orchid, which has already bloomed, srezh stem. Stand back approximately one centimeter from the roots and then cut off the shanks length of 10-12 centimeters. Plant the cuttings in a special orchid pot with holes in the bottom. The mound in the bottom of a small amount of sand and put moss. Fields soil. Landed cuttings. The distance should be about 3 cm apart. Cover the pot film. Twice a day film shoot for 20-25 minutes and gently moisturizes the soil. The room is necessary to arrange the daily temperature drop, decreasing its night at 4 ° C. Approximately 4 months later drop off the plants in individual pots.

After 5-7 days, the flowers should fertilize previously watering plants. Then place the pot in a container of fertilizer diluted in water for about 40 minutes.
Share these wonderful tips on seating orchids with their loved ones and friends!
via takprosto.cc
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