10 facts about how to get out of the coffin if you buried alive
Today the site will tell you how to survive if you're buried alive in a coffin.
1. First, do not panic! Seriously, panic can significantly reduce the time available in order to survive. In a state of panic, you will actively use oxygen. Typically, live in the tomb can be for one or two hours - provided that you do not panic. If you know how to meditate - Do it immediately. Try to relax as much as possible, it helps to think more clearly.
2. Check whether you have the ability to call. These days, people are often buried with cell phones, tablets, or other means of communication. If in your case this is the case, try to contact relatives or friends. As soon as you do, relax and meditate, to save oxygen.
3. No cell phone? Okay ... given that you are still alive in a coffin with a limited air supply, you have been buried long ago. So the land should be soft enough.
4. Now lift the shirt over his head, almost removing it out, but not until the end. Tie the top of the shirt to get a bag that contains your head. It will protect against inhalation of dust.
5. If your coffin has not damaged under the influence of Earth's gravity, using his feet to make a hole in the coffin. The best place for this is the middle of the lid.
6. After you have successfully hacked into the coffin, with the help of the arms and legs push coming into the hole to the edges of the land coffin. Fill in the coffin of the ground as much as possible, tamping it, so you do not lose the ability to stick with the head and shoulders into the hole.
7. Once you have stamped inside the coffin as much land as they could, using all his strength to stand up straight. You may need to make a break in the cover longer, but it will not be difficult in the case of a cheap coffin.
8. Once the head is on the surface and you will be able to breathe freely, do not hesitate to give yourself a little popanikovat even yell if necessary. If no one came to your aid, pull themselves out of the ground, writhing like a worm.
9. If your relatives do not cheapskate and you buried in a coffin made of stainless steel, the best thing to do in this case, - to try to remove the loud sounds from the tomb, by clicking on the cover at the point of attachment or hitting coffin buckle belt or something similar. Perhaps someone still stands near the grave.
10. Note, lit match or lighter, if you have them - bad idea. Open fire quickly destroy all the oxygen supply.
via www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2010/01/how-to-survive-being-buried-alive-in-a-coffin/
1. First, do not panic! Seriously, panic can significantly reduce the time available in order to survive. In a state of panic, you will actively use oxygen. Typically, live in the tomb can be for one or two hours - provided that you do not panic. If you know how to meditate - Do it immediately. Try to relax as much as possible, it helps to think more clearly.

2. Check whether you have the ability to call. These days, people are often buried with cell phones, tablets, or other means of communication. If in your case this is the case, try to contact relatives or friends. As soon as you do, relax and meditate, to save oxygen.
3. No cell phone? Okay ... given that you are still alive in a coffin with a limited air supply, you have been buried long ago. So the land should be soft enough.
4. Now lift the shirt over his head, almost removing it out, but not until the end. Tie the top of the shirt to get a bag that contains your head. It will protect against inhalation of dust.
5. If your coffin has not damaged under the influence of Earth's gravity, using his feet to make a hole in the coffin. The best place for this is the middle of the lid.
6. After you have successfully hacked into the coffin, with the help of the arms and legs push coming into the hole to the edges of the land coffin. Fill in the coffin of the ground as much as possible, tamping it, so you do not lose the ability to stick with the head and shoulders into the hole.
7. Once you have stamped inside the coffin as much land as they could, using all his strength to stand up straight. You may need to make a break in the cover longer, but it will not be difficult in the case of a cheap coffin.
8. Once the head is on the surface and you will be able to breathe freely, do not hesitate to give yourself a little popanikovat even yell if necessary. If no one came to your aid, pull themselves out of the ground, writhing like a worm.
9. If your relatives do not cheapskate and you buried in a coffin made of stainless steel, the best thing to do in this case, - to try to remove the loud sounds from the tomb, by clicking on the cover at the point of attachment or hitting coffin buckle belt or something similar. Perhaps someone still stands near the grave.
10. Note, lit match or lighter, if you have them - bad idea. Open fire quickly destroy all the oxygen supply.
via www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2010/01/how-to-survive-being-buried-alive-in-a-coffin/