7 secrets of eternal happiness by the Dalai Lama
Although we humans tend to think that happiness - is something elusive, subtle and almost mystical, really happy - this is a normal human condition. And there are techniques that will ensure that sostoyaniya.Ego Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama told a psychiatrist Howard Cutler recorded, and chose the most important site.
1. Empathy, sochuvstvieSochuvstvie, wrote St. John of Damascus - «dissatisfaction experienced over the misfortunes of others». The true sympathy we feel, regardless of who is in front of us - a friend, foe or even unknown to us people .
Mental and psychological benefits of this state of mind is compassion, proved scientifically. Among them - the deep satisfaction of knowing that we are helping people, and even higher life expectancy!
Instead of being angry, is to try to find common points between you and this man. h4> To develop this attribute, we must exercise empathy for other people and actively seek look at things from the perspective of the other person, trying to understand his motives.
Everyday Spirituality is a fundamental human values: kindness, compassion, care. h4> Another important component of a happy life - spirituality. Researchers around the world celebrate "true believers" often manages to create a happy family, and maintain health throughout life. Any of the major religions of the world gives a person the opportunity to live a full life.
To implement good habits, you first need to understand why change is necessary. h4> But feeling with a "plus" - love, compassion, patience, generosity - are to them as medicines, offsetting caused by negative emotions, moods and behaviors harm.
The biggest enemies of a man on the path to happiness - anger and hatred. h4> Anger and hatred can not simply suppress in itself. It will not help and the opposite way - giving yield negative emotions, you will only provoke themselves. The right decision - to overcome the anger with patience and tolerance. The Dalai Lama Tip: If you are mired in anger - take a break and analyze the internal situation. Where does our anger? What caused it? It is destructive or constructive? Analyzing our anger logically, we oppose him our patience and understanding - and thus defeat him.

1. Empathy, sochuvstvieSochuvstvie, wrote St. John of Damascus - «dissatisfaction experienced over the misfortunes of others». The true sympathy we feel, regardless of who is in front of us - a friend, foe or even unknown to us people .
Mental and psychological benefits of this state of mind is compassion, proved scientifically. Among them - the deep satisfaction of knowing that we are helping people, and even higher life expectancy!
Instead of being angry, is to try to find common points between you and this man. h4> To develop this attribute, we must exercise empathy for other people and actively seek look at things from the perspective of the other person, trying to understand his motives.
Example: the taxi driver is trying to "tear off" with you more than they should. Instead of being angry, it is to try to find common points between you and that person. Perhaps the two of you are tired, hungry, and as soon as possible want to get home to his family. A taxi driver will likely still earns enough to spend their free time with loved ones. Ask yourself, "What is this person?". Such questions enable us to develop a sense of empathy and muffle his irritation. Empathy - the key to a happy life.
2. Not just romantic love - is more than what we schitaemTёplye her personal relationships with other people raise our level of physical and mental comfort. But people mistakenly believe that the deepest feelings is only possible when a romantic relationship. As a result, those who have no such relationships often feel lonely and unhappy.
In the East, int * mnye (deep, very personal) relationships to understand much broader. The Dalai Lama said that he has a close attachment to a variety of people. For example, the case of national importance, he has repeatedly discussed with ... cleaner, myvshey his floor. To establish contact with another person - then make their lives happier, he said.
When interacting with others we often encounter problems. In such cases, it is important to understand on which we base our relationship with them. Romance, which are based on the CE * or a Western ideal of love at first sight, may not last long if they do not have long-term components.
But long-term relationships based on respect and respect for the other person. This kind of relationship requires that we must know the nature of our partner, and it takes time. Mark Twain once said: "No man or woman does not know what the ideal love, as long as they do not survive in marriage quarter of a century».
3. Religion and spirituality
Everyday Spirituality is a fundamental human values: kindness, compassion, care. h4> Another important component of a happy life - spirituality. Researchers around the world celebrate "true believers" often manages to create a happy family, and maintain health throughout life. Any of the major religions of the world gives a person the opportunity to live a full life.
Spirituality is developed and religion - there is her "everyday" option. Everyday Spirituality is a basic human values of kindness, compassion and care. If we practice these qualities, you become closer to all of humanity, we find inner peace and can live happier, "the world of the soul».
4. Suffering - a natural part of zhizniBol - universal and absolutely natural part of life. In the West, often do not realize the importance of suffering in life, and if something goes wrong, feel themselves to be victims of an evil force.
But suffering is inevitable. For example, we are all mortal and ever grow old and die. To ignore this fact - only a temporary solution. Everyone, sooner or later will face with suffering - and in this case is extremely important our mental attitude. If we otnesёmsya to suffering as something unnatural and unjust, then we feel themselves as victims and begin to point fingers instead of looking for the roots of his discontent at the head.
Error Westerners, says Dalai Lama - the resistance with which they accept change. We firmly attached to things that are important for us - are linked, perhaps too much. But change - it is constant and universal power. Trying to oppose them, we will suffer from the loss of the dear things.
Another source of unnecessary suffering - binding to the negative experience of the past. We are constantly reminded that what we want to forget, and do not let heal our wounds. For divorced people over the years to maintain a sense of dislike for his former partner.
But if we accept the fact that the pain is - a natural thing, we will be able to endure it easier , and take a step to a happier life.
5. Finish with negativomDalay Lama is convinced that the negative state - rage, fear - interfere with the natural reach a happy state of mind. They can be compared with the poison.
To implement good habits, you first need to understand why change is necessary. h4> But feeling with a "plus" - love, compassion, patience, generosity - are to them as medicines, offsetting caused by negative emotions, moods and behaviors harm.
To implement good habits, you first need to understand why change is necessary. Understanding should be turned into a belief of it - in the firm resolve. So - and through discipline - we can make the necessary changes.
The Dalai Lama himself says that the adoption of Buddhist principles and practices it took him 40 years. Four hours he spends on prayers and mantras every day, called to remind him how and where he decided to conduct his life.
6. Bridging storonyEsli people meet on the way the problem, they often perceive it unambiguously "hostility." But in most cases we can see it and the bad and good. For each situation can be viewed in different ways. Sitting on a plane next to a nervous person, we can be indignant - and can "bleed" your skill patience and tolerance.
Changing the angle of view may help to find pain and suffering ... pluses! The problem may be a challenge for us - and, as you know, "what does not kill us makes us stronger». In order to learn to look at things this way, we need a seasoned spirit - in other words, a kind of mental flexibility. As a "forge" your spirit in this way? Think about the experience suffering - and look at it in a new way.
7. Analyze etoSamye great enemies of man towards happiness - anger and hatred. If they cover our mind, it quickly destroys inner peace. They inhibit our ability to judge things soberly - so we act so that only worsen the situation and inflame even more. Studies show that the propensity for anger and hatred has a negative impact on our health - up to cardiovascular disease.
The biggest enemies of a man on the path to happiness - anger and hatred. h4> Anger and hatred can not simply suppress in itself. It will not help and the opposite way - giving yield negative emotions, you will only provoke themselves. The right decision - to overcome the anger with patience and tolerance. The Dalai Lama Tip: If you are mired in anger - take a break and analyze the internal situation. Where does our anger? What caused it? It is destructive or constructive? Analyzing our anger logically, we oppose him our patience and understanding - and thus defeat him.
The long-term happiness is possible, but to achieve it will require self-discipline - happiness is not the result of any external factors such as wealth or successful set of circumstances. Work on your ability to empathize, develop spirituality in their daily lives, become more flexible person and begin to treat the pain and suffering in a new way.
via polezner.ru/dalaj-lama-o-7-sekretah-vechnogo-schast-ya/
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