A few facts about how to recognize a stroke by yourself before the arrival of doctors

Website published an article, which the reading will take you less than a minute, and the result can be saved someone's life! First a little history:

«During the picnic she stumbled and fell. She offered to call an ambulance, but she assured everyone that everything is in order and that she tripped on a rock just because of new shoes.

As she looked a little pale and trembling, she helped to shake off and brought her a plate of food. Inga spent rest of the day fun and ease. Later, the spouse of the girl called everyone and said that his wife was taken to hospital. At 23:00 she died. At a picnic with her had suffered a stroke ».

blockquote> If her friends knew how to look like signs of a stroke, she could now live.

Some people do not die immediately. Often they find themselves in a situation in which long periods of time you can still help.

Neurosurgeons say if they are within 3 hours time to the victim of a stroke, the consequences of an attack can be eliminated. The trick is to identify and diagnose stroke and to begin treatment within the first 3 hours - which is certainly not easy.

There are four steps to recognize stroke:

  • Ask the person to smile (he can not do this)
  • asked to say a simple sentence (eg., "Today the weather is good»)
  • asked to raise both hands (can not or only partly be able to raise)
  • Ask poke language (if a language curved, is turned - it is also a sign)
    If there will be problems even with one of those jobs - Call an ambulance and describe the symptoms on the phone.

    One cardiologist said that by sending out this message at least 10 destinations, you can be sure that someone's life - maybe ours - will be saved.

    via fishki.net/1651292-priznaki-insulta.html