Just one minute of your time could save someone's life. You have to read it!
Every year, millions die of stroke. This disease does not spare neither man nor woman, neither old nor young people. When a stroke is by literally minutes. Doctors say that it is possible to avoid the effects of a stroke if they have time for the victim within 3 hours. It is therefore important to recognize the attack. On this depends not only the possibility of further recovery of man, but also his life.
To recognize a stroke, you need to remember only 4 simple steps.
To recognize a stroke, you need to remember only 4 simple steps.
- Ask the person to smile (he can not do any smile is crooked)
- asked to say a simple sentence (eg, "Today the weather is good," it will be difficult to do it or he is not able to talk )
- asked to raise both hands (can not or only partly be able to raise)
- Ask poke language (language will be twisted or rotated)
Stroke occurs suddenly and unexpectedly. If you'll be aware of how to find out that the person had a stroke, you'll be able to help him. The main thing - do not panic, because you can depend on human life.
If you tell me how to recognize a stroke to your friends, you can be sure that you will save someone's life, possibly their own.
via takprosto cc
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