5 classic film about moral choices. When you do not know how to be ...
These films will not leave anyone indifferent. If you have a difficult situation in life, you're standing in front of a difficult choice or doubt something - see the thematic cinema. Classic films raises eternal questions, watching them, you know that good and evil just seem so different - life is much more complicated. How to make the right choice, without changing its own moral principles? Perhaps these films will prompt you to answer ...
«Sophie's Choice" (1982, J. Alan. Pakula)
Wonderful acting in this film is important. You will immediately enjoy the quiet, sweet and shy Sophie, played by Meryl Streep. Her relationship with a psychopath Nathan leads the viewer puzzled how it tolerates it all? Why is that? After all, their life is like a pendulum - they arrange costume party with champagne, then parted forever ... However, the course of action you will understand that keeps Sophie near this impulsive man. Thanks to him, she found strength in himself to live on, after the horrors that fell to its share. The worst shots the director shows in the final, Sophie is facing such a terrible choice that can not be imagined - the Germans offer her to choose which of her children to die in the gas chamber. This movie will change your idea of many things.
«12 Angry Men" (1952, Sidney Lumet)
For fifty years, the movie was not a bit out of date. This plot is simple-beaten by many other directors, including Nikita Mikhalkov. Popularity history is understandable - when it comes to life and death in people waking up great interest. 11 jurors vote to confirm that the defendant is guilty. And only one of them understands the importance of human life and can not be sent to the electric chair living creature, whose guilt has not been proved completely. After all, if there is the slightest doubt, he may be innocent and die simply because the jury languishing in the heat and boredom during the court session. Social prejudices and xenophobia are shown in the movie is very bright. Whether justice will prevail? Look and learn.
«Ascent" (1976, Larisa Shepitko)
Vasil Bykov wrote a very powerful book on which this drama and filmed. There is wide and many-sided deals with betrayal: as long as you are in a comfortable position for themselves in normal circumstances, it seems to you that you will be true to himself and his convictions to the end. But in an emergency situation, when at stake is life and death, it is impossible to predict how to behave in this or that person. The film is about true friendship and betrayal in the ranks of the military. Two partisans fall into German captivity, and each of them represents a certain image - one commit treason, but remains faithful companion until the end of the second - life ends in a loop, worn to the limit, but true to his convictions. Is it worth his allegiance to the country of human lives? Everyone should think about it myself.
«The Conformist" (1970, Bernardo Bertolucci)
The film with a brilliant camera work, a beautiful picture, which few places you'll see. But the story - creepy. The history of the traitor who betrays all and sundry. A woman who truly loves him, a communist professor, friends ... First he collaborated with the Nazis, and when their traffic crashes, throws mud what admired yesterday. Whether this man love anyone but yourself? It seems that is unlikely. This motion picture, like a bucket of cold water effusions understand that in today's world of characters - is complete. They're everywhere. They lie, use others for their own purposes and are loyal to anyone or anything. Suppose that in each of our lives of these "heroes" will be less ...
«The Age of Innocence" (1993, Martin Scorsese)
Psychological, which teaches to think and make their own opinions about what they saw. Very nicely dressed people are trying to not only look perfect, but to act as they dictate society. As a result, the main characters are victims, bringing their sincere feelings on the altar of conventional morality. What to choose - the woman he loves, or the approval of others? Plagued by passions are very picturesque characters, to look at everything that happens is hard, but at the same time - it is so beautiful! The film is about love for all.
Let your life will never be situations when you need to make such a difficult choice, in these films. But if there are any difficulties - think about what can be worthy of a story in any situation.
Show your friends an article about these films, the person raising.
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«Sophie's Choice" (1982, J. Alan. Pakula)
Wonderful acting in this film is important. You will immediately enjoy the quiet, sweet and shy Sophie, played by Meryl Streep. Her relationship with a psychopath Nathan leads the viewer puzzled how it tolerates it all? Why is that? After all, their life is like a pendulum - they arrange costume party with champagne, then parted forever ... However, the course of action you will understand that keeps Sophie near this impulsive man. Thanks to him, she found strength in himself to live on, after the horrors that fell to its share. The worst shots the director shows in the final, Sophie is facing such a terrible choice that can not be imagined - the Germans offer her to choose which of her children to die in the gas chamber. This movie will change your idea of many things.

«12 Angry Men" (1952, Sidney Lumet)
For fifty years, the movie was not a bit out of date. This plot is simple-beaten by many other directors, including Nikita Mikhalkov. Popularity history is understandable - when it comes to life and death in people waking up great interest. 11 jurors vote to confirm that the defendant is guilty. And only one of them understands the importance of human life and can not be sent to the electric chair living creature, whose guilt has not been proved completely. After all, if there is the slightest doubt, he may be innocent and die simply because the jury languishing in the heat and boredom during the court session. Social prejudices and xenophobia are shown in the movie is very bright. Whether justice will prevail? Look and learn.

«Ascent" (1976, Larisa Shepitko)
Vasil Bykov wrote a very powerful book on which this drama and filmed. There is wide and many-sided deals with betrayal: as long as you are in a comfortable position for themselves in normal circumstances, it seems to you that you will be true to himself and his convictions to the end. But in an emergency situation, when at stake is life and death, it is impossible to predict how to behave in this or that person. The film is about true friendship and betrayal in the ranks of the military. Two partisans fall into German captivity, and each of them represents a certain image - one commit treason, but remains faithful companion until the end of the second - life ends in a loop, worn to the limit, but true to his convictions. Is it worth his allegiance to the country of human lives? Everyone should think about it myself.

«The Conformist" (1970, Bernardo Bertolucci)
The film with a brilliant camera work, a beautiful picture, which few places you'll see. But the story - creepy. The history of the traitor who betrays all and sundry. A woman who truly loves him, a communist professor, friends ... First he collaborated with the Nazis, and when their traffic crashes, throws mud what admired yesterday. Whether this man love anyone but yourself? It seems that is unlikely. This motion picture, like a bucket of cold water effusions understand that in today's world of characters - is complete. They're everywhere. They lie, use others for their own purposes and are loyal to anyone or anything. Suppose that in each of our lives of these "heroes" will be less ...

«The Age of Innocence" (1993, Martin Scorsese)
Psychological, which teaches to think and make their own opinions about what they saw. Very nicely dressed people are trying to not only look perfect, but to act as they dictate society. As a result, the main characters are victims, bringing their sincere feelings on the altar of conventional morality. What to choose - the woman he loves, or the approval of others? Plagued by passions are very picturesque characters, to look at everything that happens is hard, but at the same time - it is so beautiful! The film is about love for all.

Let your life will never be situations when you need to make such a difficult choice, in these films. But if there are any difficulties - think about what can be worthy of a story in any situation.
Show your friends an article about these films, the person raising.
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