Gadgets that you wanted to take a vacation
June is coming to an end, which means that the summer-vacation-vacation in full swing, no matter what the thermometer. On this occasion, we have published a selection of mobile applications , which may be useful to travelers and just relax in nature. But applications applications, and in the world there are many interesting gadgets in addition to smartphones and tablets, which can decorate a nice stay. See our selection of gadgets for the holidays and recreation.
We will not touch smartphones and tablets. If you are reading this text, you already belong to a stratum of modern, educated people walking in step with the times. So you have both a smartphone and a tablet, and certainly not one. Sure you and without our council will not forget to take them with me, otherwise what do you run applications from above selections a >? Talk among other gadgets.
Action-Camerano recently become very popular action-camera. This is a very small compact cameras that are attached to clothing or special fasteners and remove everything that happens automatically. This is useful if you are fond of active sports or extreme entertainment. Another possible application - as a kind of DVR if you do not want or can not, for whatever reasons, to keep the camera in his hands.
For maximum coverage of the space in these cells using wide angle lenses, so closely spaced objects strongly distorted. There are many different accessories for such cameras: helmet mount, extension arm for shooting selfi, underwater and safety boxes, etc.
The choice of models is not yet beyond any reasonable limits, but it is also small and can not be named. The best examples of videos with FullHD resolution and 30 frames / sec. When choosing also recommend to pay attention to:
The security from moisture and dust; attachment method; the duration of the work; weight; JavaScript wireless broadcasting to mobile devices; proposed additional accessories.
Portable gadgets kolonkaEti gain more and more popularity. Times hefty tape-boom boxes that are worn on the shoulder of the black guys on the nature of music lovers for a long time in the past. To provide a small music company away from computers and stereos, today good enough portable speakers and a selection of your favorite music on your smartphone or tablet.
Some speakers compensate its small size vibrodinamikom built for bass. Simply place the gadget on a table or stick to the door, and these surfaces will serve as a kind of sound amplifiers. Larger portable speakers costing their own, pretty well reproduce bass frequencies.
When selecting a note:
latitude band played; weight; size; battery time; Dust and moisture protection.
Mobile routerEsli you spend a vacation is not in total isolation from civilization, you have access to your network and you need an internet connection, then you may need a mobile router. The compact device that uses SIM-card and distributes traffic over Wi-Fi. The benefit here to save battery smartphones and tablets, as well as the ability to simultaneously connect multiple devices to the Internet via a SIM-card. In addition, in the zone of unstable reception you will not need to catch the smartphone signal stronger, enough to put or hang there router and comfortable stay near by. But do not forget, roaming does not sleep.
When selecting a note:
Battery life; the ability to use networks 4G.
Portable akkumulyatorNarodnaya wisdom says farther into the forest - the angrier woodpeckers. In our time, the long separation from populated areas threatens not only meeting with inhospitable fauna, but batteries are depleted of all gadgets. With all the consequences. All right, if you lose just music or books. And if you put on a navigation using a smartphone / tablet, and suddenly were in the midst of an unknown terrain with "dead" device?
Save the situation can laptop battery high capacity with which to easily recharge other gadgets. Importantly, do not forget to pre-trip / hiking charge the laptop battery itself. The market now offers plenty of such devices a variety of form factors, from wristbands to cylinders and boxes of all sizes and colors.
When selecting a note:
the presence of the solar cell for recharging; battery capacity; the size and weight; the number and types of connectors; < resistance to shock and moisture; The LED current charge level;
Passive chargers ustroystvaPod This term refers to gadgets that convert heat or kinetic energy into electrical energy. If your laptop battery is dead, and the solar battery you have, or the sky is overcast, can help decision for real survivalist. For example, you can use a portable dynamo:
Or thermoelectric charger. In order not to waste the gas cylinders in the campaign against the mere boiling water, you can recharge the navigator or reader.
Universal charger from prikurivatelyaOchen useful gadget for all fans to travel by car. Is a standard connector adapter from the cigarette lighter with a bunch of various plugs.
When selecting a note:
the number and composition of the bundled plugs; the presence of USB-ports.
KvadrokopterVozmozhno, someone thinks it's not a gadget, and toy. But if you decide to install on quadrocopter action-camera and go shooting with altitude strong sparrow, it is already quite a tool and a real gadget.
When selecting a note:
Capacity; Battery life; the range of the remote control; The security of propellers.
External optics for smartfonovEsli you for some reason do not want to use a separate camera and prefer to shoot on a smartphone, thanks to the external optics can significantly improve the quality of photos. Of course, this is not so compactly and efficiently, but still photos - our memories. A better memories make sharp, with good color reproduction and minimal noise.
Why hide almost all lenses for smartphones make specifically for iPhones. But we believe that it is fair to talk only about universal gadget. Unfortunately, to create an object name under any smartphone impossible. So it is, in fact, talking about the special external compact camera, Wi-Fi Transfer pictures to your smartphone.
Price Range: 6000-17000 rubles.
Headphones with active shumopodavleniemPrekrasny gadget not only for holidays but also for everyday use in public transport. When you turn on the system of external noise cancellation, you almost cease to hear these headphones sounds of the world. This does not mean that you are in complete silence, but listening to music becomes much more comfortable.
When selecting a note:
Headphones Form Factor; the convenience of controls; the need for additional power supply for noise reduction system; Frequency.
Portable coffee mashinaGadzhet gourmet who can not live a day without a cup of freshly brewed coffee. And what do these people when within 200 miles there is nothing but instant horror, advertised under the guise of "real Brazilian coffee»?
When selecting a note:
the need for a power supply; availability and capacity of the water tank.
Sterilizer ultrafioletovyyEsli you go camping in southern latitudes, or as tourists in a third world country, we recommend you purchase an ultraviolet sterilizer water. For billions of people, we, the people of Russia - the northerners, spoiled an abundance of clean water. So go to the less fortunate, from this point of view it is necessary trained regions. It is best to drink only packaged in the factory of the water that is not opened without your knowledge. If you do not have access to this water, the sterilizer will be very odd.
When selecting a note:
Power; the possibility of battery life.
Pocket printerV our age of electronic photographs, books, newspapers and music, analog media has become, if not exotic, something unusual. And it is good that there are still quite a few people who appreciate no picture on the screen which will disappear with the discharge of the battery, and the imprint. For example, photos. And if you really want to quickly print your images, share them with your friends, then look at the handheld printers.
When selecting a note:
the availability of supplies; format printing; the ability to wirelessly transfer files.
Pocket proektorEsli you have no luck with a tablet or laptop, and want to see a movie, instead of peering at the small screen of the smartphone, you can use the Pocket Projector. At the same time, and your companions will not be deprived of entertainment. And in the evenings, you can through the projector to review photos taken per day. The main thing is to find a piece of light-colored vertical flat surface.
When selecting a note:
image resolution; wireless connectivity; Long battery life; maximum brightness.
That is, in our view, a list of interesting gadgets for every holiday-. Of course, if desired, can be loaded more than many, but it depends on the taste and individual needs. What gadget would you even offered to bring? Laptops / smartphones / tablets do not offer.
June is coming to an end, which means that the summer-vacation-vacation in full swing, no matter what the thermometer. On this occasion, we have published a selection of mobile applications , which may be useful to travelers and just relax in nature. But applications applications, and in the world there are many interesting gadgets in addition to smartphones and tablets, which can decorate a nice stay. See our selection of gadgets for the holidays and recreation.
We will not touch smartphones and tablets. If you are reading this text, you already belong to a stratum of modern, educated people walking in step with the times. So you have both a smartphone and a tablet, and certainly not one. Sure you and without our council will not forget to take them with me, otherwise what do you run applications from above selections a >? Talk among other gadgets.
Action-Camerano recently become very popular action-camera. This is a very small compact cameras that are attached to clothing or special fasteners and remove everything that happens automatically. This is useful if you are fond of active sports or extreme entertainment. Another possible application - as a kind of DVR if you do not want or can not, for whatever reasons, to keep the camera in his hands.
For maximum coverage of the space in these cells using wide angle lenses, so closely spaced objects strongly distorted. There are many different accessories for such cameras: helmet mount, extension arm for shooting selfi, underwater and safety boxes, etc.
The choice of models is not yet beyond any reasonable limits, but it is also small and can not be named. The best examples of videos with FullHD resolution and 30 frames / sec. When choosing also recommend to pay attention to:
The security from moisture and dust; attachment method; the duration of the work; weight; JavaScript wireless broadcasting to mobile devices; proposed additional accessories.

Portable gadgets kolonkaEti gain more and more popularity. Times hefty tape-boom boxes that are worn on the shoulder of the black guys on the nature of music lovers for a long time in the past. To provide a small music company away from computers and stereos, today good enough portable speakers and a selection of your favorite music on your smartphone or tablet.
Some speakers compensate its small size vibrodinamikom built for bass. Simply place the gadget on a table or stick to the door, and these surfaces will serve as a kind of sound amplifiers. Larger portable speakers costing their own, pretty well reproduce bass frequencies.
When selecting a note:
latitude band played; weight; size; battery time; Dust and moisture protection.

Mobile routerEsli you spend a vacation is not in total isolation from civilization, you have access to your network and you need an internet connection, then you may need a mobile router. The compact device that uses SIM-card and distributes traffic over Wi-Fi. The benefit here to save battery smartphones and tablets, as well as the ability to simultaneously connect multiple devices to the Internet via a SIM-card. In addition, in the zone of unstable reception you will not need to catch the smartphone signal stronger, enough to put or hang there router and comfortable stay near by. But do not forget, roaming does not sleep.
When selecting a note:
Battery life; the ability to use networks 4G.

Portable akkumulyatorNarodnaya wisdom says farther into the forest - the angrier woodpeckers. In our time, the long separation from populated areas threatens not only meeting with inhospitable fauna, but batteries are depleted of all gadgets. With all the consequences. All right, if you lose just music or books. And if you put on a navigation using a smartphone / tablet, and suddenly were in the midst of an unknown terrain with "dead" device?
Save the situation can laptop battery high capacity with which to easily recharge other gadgets. Importantly, do not forget to pre-trip / hiking charge the laptop battery itself. The market now offers plenty of such devices a variety of form factors, from wristbands to cylinders and boxes of all sizes and colors.
When selecting a note:
the presence of the solar cell for recharging; battery capacity; the size and weight; the number and types of connectors; < resistance to shock and moisture; The LED current charge level;

Passive chargers ustroystvaPod This term refers to gadgets that convert heat or kinetic energy into electrical energy. If your laptop battery is dead, and the solar battery you have, or the sky is overcast, can help decision for real survivalist. For example, you can use a portable dynamo:

Or thermoelectric charger. In order not to waste the gas cylinders in the campaign against the mere boiling water, you can recharge the navigator or reader.

Universal charger from prikurivatelyaOchen useful gadget for all fans to travel by car. Is a standard connector adapter from the cigarette lighter with a bunch of various plugs.
When selecting a note:
the number and composition of the bundled plugs; the presence of USB-ports.

KvadrokopterVozmozhno, someone thinks it's not a gadget, and toy. But if you decide to install on quadrocopter action-camera and go shooting with altitude strong sparrow, it is already quite a tool and a real gadget.
When selecting a note:
Capacity; Battery life; the range of the remote control; The security of propellers.

External optics for smartfonovEsli you for some reason do not want to use a separate camera and prefer to shoot on a smartphone, thanks to the external optics can significantly improve the quality of photos. Of course, this is not so compactly and efficiently, but still photos - our memories. A better memories make sharp, with good color reproduction and minimal noise.
Why hide almost all lenses for smartphones make specifically for iPhones. But we believe that it is fair to talk only about universal gadget. Unfortunately, to create an object name under any smartphone impossible. So it is, in fact, talking about the special external compact camera, Wi-Fi Transfer pictures to your smartphone.
Price Range: 6000-17000 rubles.

Headphones with active shumopodavleniemPrekrasny gadget not only for holidays but also for everyday use in public transport. When you turn on the system of external noise cancellation, you almost cease to hear these headphones sounds of the world. This does not mean that you are in complete silence, but listening to music becomes much more comfortable.
When selecting a note:
Headphones Form Factor; the convenience of controls; the need for additional power supply for noise reduction system; Frequency.

Portable coffee mashinaGadzhet gourmet who can not live a day without a cup of freshly brewed coffee. And what do these people when within 200 miles there is nothing but instant horror, advertised under the guise of "real Brazilian coffee»?
When selecting a note:
the need for a power supply; availability and capacity of the water tank.

Sterilizer ultrafioletovyyEsli you go camping in southern latitudes, or as tourists in a third world country, we recommend you purchase an ultraviolet sterilizer water. For billions of people, we, the people of Russia - the northerners, spoiled an abundance of clean water. So go to the less fortunate, from this point of view it is necessary trained regions. It is best to drink only packaged in the factory of the water that is not opened without your knowledge. If you do not have access to this water, the sterilizer will be very odd.
When selecting a note:
Power; the possibility of battery life.

Pocket printerV our age of electronic photographs, books, newspapers and music, analog media has become, if not exotic, something unusual. And it is good that there are still quite a few people who appreciate no picture on the screen which will disappear with the discharge of the battery, and the imprint. For example, photos. And if you really want to quickly print your images, share them with your friends, then look at the handheld printers.
When selecting a note:
the availability of supplies; format printing; the ability to wirelessly transfer files.

Pocket proektorEsli you have no luck with a tablet or laptop, and want to see a movie, instead of peering at the small screen of the smartphone, you can use the Pocket Projector. At the same time, and your companions will not be deprived of entertainment. And in the evenings, you can through the projector to review photos taken per day. The main thing is to find a piece of light-colored vertical flat surface.
When selecting a note:
image resolution; wireless connectivity; Long battery life; maximum brightness.

That is, in our view, a list of interesting gadgets for every holiday-. Of course, if desired, can be loaded more than many, but it depends on the taste and individual needs. What gadget would you even offered to bring? Laptops / smartphones / tablets do not offer.