Mega Anek
Military unit? .. Sympathy. 4 sitting lieutenant. One offers to go to the unit commander to ask for vacation. We got up went. Comes to the commander of the first:
- Comrade Colonel, Lieutenant Doe. Allow me to leave.
- Yes, you are human! On vacation, you say? Let's efficiency suggestion rationalization proposal) - go on vacation!
- Easy! Won at your window soldiers mows the grass. Th he oblique waves in one direction? Give him a second braid tie, let mows left and right!
- Good For You! On vacation!
Comes second:
- Let's efficiency suggestion ...
- Easy! Won at your window soldiers mows the grass. Th he oblique waves back and forth? Let's tie him to spit forks, even once in a handful of stacks!
- Good For You! On vacation!
Comes the third:
- Let's efficiency suggestion ...
- Easy! Won at your window soldiers mows the grass. Th he scythe back and forth waves of grass in a handful of stacks? Let's tie to his cart, let immediately and takes!
- Good For You! On vacation!
Comes the fourth:
- Let's efficiency suggestion ...
- I do not know.
- Well-oo-oo-oo ... So go think. Come to think up!
Lieutenant goes out onto the porch, lit a cigarette nervously, is "turnip wrinkles."
And there comes to him the soldiers. With this damn hands tied with a cart, sweaty, exhausted. And so viciously, asks Lieutenant:
- Che, Comrade Lieutenant, on vacation want ?!
- Yes, but ...
- Efficiency suggestion can not come up with ?!
- Yes, but ...
-, Faro on my forehead !!! FARO !!! THAT NIGHT mowed !!!
- Comrade Colonel, Lieutenant Doe. Allow me to leave.
- Yes, you are human! On vacation, you say? Let's efficiency suggestion rationalization proposal) - go on vacation!
- Easy! Won at your window soldiers mows the grass. Th he oblique waves in one direction? Give him a second braid tie, let mows left and right!
- Good For You! On vacation!
Comes second:
- Let's efficiency suggestion ...
- Easy! Won at your window soldiers mows the grass. Th he oblique waves back and forth? Let's tie him to spit forks, even once in a handful of stacks!
- Good For You! On vacation!
Comes the third:
- Let's efficiency suggestion ...
- Easy! Won at your window soldiers mows the grass. Th he scythe back and forth waves of grass in a handful of stacks? Let's tie to his cart, let immediately and takes!
- Good For You! On vacation!
Comes the fourth:
- Let's efficiency suggestion ...
- I do not know.
- Well-oo-oo-oo ... So go think. Come to think up!
Lieutenant goes out onto the porch, lit a cigarette nervously, is "turnip wrinkles."
And there comes to him the soldiers. With this damn hands tied with a cart, sweaty, exhausted. And so viciously, asks Lieutenant:
- Che, Comrade Lieutenant, on vacation want ?!
- Yes, but ...
- Efficiency suggestion can not come up with ?!
- Yes, but ...
-, Faro on my forehead !!! FARO !!! THAT NIGHT mowed !!!