How to become a co-owner of the first farmers market of Lakalaka?
In December 2015, in one of the largest shopping centres in Eastern Europe – in MEGA Khimki will open our farmers market – MEGA Farm Lakalaka. And everyone can become an investor in this project and not only to income but also to help build an honest and clean agriculture in Russia. After all, the market can only get products from small farms and will trade only the farmers or their direct representatives – no dealers! We have long and persistently worked through the idea of opening a permanent farmers market, arranging festivals farm products at many of the major venues of Moscow. And this experience has led us to the understanding that Moscow is just necessary cultural and gastronomic area of the European type, by means of farmer's market where you can always buy food – a real gastronomic specialties from different regions of Russia. And they will sell only certified farms, that is, the producers themselves!
Here will go not just for food but also for the positive emotions and feelings. This market will inevitably become the favorite place for the lovers of high-quality food, which we see more and more.
After a long preparatory works and negotiations cooperative Lakalaka signed with IKEA agreement to open in December 2015 farmer's market "MEGA farm Lakalaka" in MEGA Khimki, one of the largest shopping centres in Eastern Europe. The daily audience of the shopping center reaches 100,000 people. The market is built in the Central square shopping centre where, until recently, was a skating rink. Market area is about 750 sq. m. in addition, will be built warehouses and a veterinary lab. Every day the market will trade 70 farmers – so many shopping places there is.
All farmers on the market, will be tested for compliance with environmental standards LavkaLavka.
That is to trade it will be only the farmers and their representatives, no dealers. Honest farmers and honest natural products. Then these markets will be opened in other MEGA trading centers throughout the country.
To Finance the project, farmers markets have created investment company "FR-Finans". Control will remain with the company "Lakalaka". Package to 38 percent implemented Lakilaki loyal customers and all those who are interested in the project. Participation in the project is possible with the purchase of 1% shares (1,47 mln.). We prefer to work with a small investor-buyers, not investment funds.
The project has already attracted several private investors. One of the first invested in the farmer's market co-owner of the development company Uniparx Development Alexander Goncharov, senior lecturer at Skoltech Professor Vasili perebeinos, marketing consultant and business development Daniel Proskurin, agricultural cooperative "mark and the lion" (Tula region). And this is not a complete list.
Alexander Goncharov, a lawyer, co-founder of the development company Uniparx, Chairman of the Board of the cooperative "MARK and the LION".
"Lakalaka I know more than two years. I am deeply impressed by the fact that Lakalaka aims to make tasty and healthy products accessible to the broadest possible range of buyers. And confidently going in the direction of expensive boutique to a mass market, but there is, involving in their circle more and more wide layers of customers. Harvest festival at MEGA Khimki, I saw for myself who comes and buys a farm the food is not the bourgeoisie with pockets full of money, and ordinary normal people. Means, such business has tremendous opportunities for development and growth. You'll see – for participation in the following projects Lakilaki will competition among investors who are cautiously eyeing"the.
Vasili perebeinos, Professor, SKOLKOVO Institute of science and technology (Skoltech).
"I'm doing research in the field of nano - and optoelectronics. With Lavalavas familiar with the summer of 2014. Before moving from the United States, where he lived for 17 years, began to look for where to buy high quality food and found Liukuluku. Why I decided to invest in the market? The experience of living in the USA showed that those who invested in a similar company Whole Foods 20 years ago, has provided a comfortable old age. Food in Russia (for average citizen) is not yet as bad as in the US, we are 10-15 years behind – in a good way. But the trend is obvious. Besides, I share the values Lakilaki. Enjoy the quality of products, but there is work to do in terms of reducing prices. And the market is just an opportunity to become more ambitious project. So feel my involvement in big business!".
Daniil Proskurin,independent consultant-marketing expert.
"I have been professionally engaged in marketing. Worked as a marketing Director in a number of Western automotive companies. Currently working with companies in the retail, telecommunications, automotive industry, advising them on marketing and business planning.
To invest in the market Lakalaka I decided because its values, development strategy and aspirations are very nice to me. On our deep commercialised market, where there is nothing but greed, very nice to see people doing good deed, really important for everyone. This gives farmers the opportunity to exist and develop. And an increasing number of people eating a normal, not some obscure products. I am sure that the farmers market will be a successful project. Because pure and honest food is what now the people want".
The financial model of the project from the point of view of interaction with investors is simple: target rate of return depends on the occupancy of retail locations in the market. All investors who invested in the first market, get the pre-emptive right to co-Finance new markets that Lakalaka plans to open in other MEGAHIT throughout Russia.
The opportunity to participate in the project – from 1% of the shares of the project (we are ready to discuss smaller packages).
Price 1% – to 1.47 million RUB.
Project payback – 4 years.
Opening – December 2015.
All questions and details by e-mail: Vasily Palshin vpalshin@lavkalavka.ru
Support a local farmer! Become the investor of the first true farmer's market in Russia!
P. S. In September 2014, we conducted a test market – "Harvest Festival at MEGA Khimki".
The festival was held from September 18-21, 2014. The mega arrived 40 farmers and brought about 15 tons of farm products. 8,000 people made a purchase. The administration of "MEGA Khimki" with the help of the consulting company conducted a survey of customers and visitors to the Farmers ' Market during the "Harvest Festival". Below are some only a small part of the digits of the materials prepared on the results of the survey.
The parameters of the survey Number of surveyed visitors — 300
Number of farmers-participants — 30
The average time per interview is approximately 20 minutes
Portrait of a buyer
Average age was 40.2 years.
The average household income is more than 100 thousand rubles per month.
The main results of the survey: the Majority of respondents are willing to pay for farm products, the price more than usual — 83%
Most believe that buying from real farmers who have grown the product — 91%
The vast majority of visitors made purchases – 91%
The majority of respondents want to visit this market in the future — 95%
Project market "MEGA Farm Lakalaka" published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook and in Vkontakte, and we're Classmates
Source: lavkagazeta.com/otvetstvennost/kak-stat-sovladelcem-pervogo-fermerskogo-rynka-lavkalavka
Here will go not just for food but also for the positive emotions and feelings. This market will inevitably become the favorite place for the lovers of high-quality food, which we see more and more.

After a long preparatory works and negotiations cooperative Lakalaka signed with IKEA agreement to open in December 2015 farmer's market "MEGA farm Lakalaka" in MEGA Khimki, one of the largest shopping centres in Eastern Europe. The daily audience of the shopping center reaches 100,000 people. The market is built in the Central square shopping centre where, until recently, was a skating rink. Market area is about 750 sq. m. in addition, will be built warehouses and a veterinary lab. Every day the market will trade 70 farmers – so many shopping places there is.
All farmers on the market, will be tested for compliance with environmental standards LavkaLavka.
That is to trade it will be only the farmers and their representatives, no dealers. Honest farmers and honest natural products. Then these markets will be opened in other MEGA trading centers throughout the country.
To Finance the project, farmers markets have created investment company "FR-Finans". Control will remain with the company "Lakalaka". Package to 38 percent implemented Lakilaki loyal customers and all those who are interested in the project. Participation in the project is possible with the purchase of 1% shares (1,47 mln.). We prefer to work with a small investor-buyers, not investment funds.
The project has already attracted several private investors. One of the first invested in the farmer's market co-owner of the development company Uniparx Development Alexander Goncharov, senior lecturer at Skoltech Professor Vasili perebeinos, marketing consultant and business development Daniel Proskurin, agricultural cooperative "mark and the lion" (Tula region). And this is not a complete list.
Alexander Goncharov, a lawyer, co-founder of the development company Uniparx, Chairman of the Board of the cooperative "MARK and the LION".
"Lakalaka I know more than two years. I am deeply impressed by the fact that Lakalaka aims to make tasty and healthy products accessible to the broadest possible range of buyers. And confidently going in the direction of expensive boutique to a mass market, but there is, involving in their circle more and more wide layers of customers. Harvest festival at MEGA Khimki, I saw for myself who comes and buys a farm the food is not the bourgeoisie with pockets full of money, and ordinary normal people. Means, such business has tremendous opportunities for development and growth. You'll see – for participation in the following projects Lakilaki will competition among investors who are cautiously eyeing"the.
Vasili perebeinos, Professor, SKOLKOVO Institute of science and technology (Skoltech).
"I'm doing research in the field of nano - and optoelectronics. With Lavalavas familiar with the summer of 2014. Before moving from the United States, where he lived for 17 years, began to look for where to buy high quality food and found Liukuluku. Why I decided to invest in the market? The experience of living in the USA showed that those who invested in a similar company Whole Foods 20 years ago, has provided a comfortable old age. Food in Russia (for average citizen) is not yet as bad as in the US, we are 10-15 years behind – in a good way. But the trend is obvious. Besides, I share the values Lakilaki. Enjoy the quality of products, but there is work to do in terms of reducing prices. And the market is just an opportunity to become more ambitious project. So feel my involvement in big business!".
Daniil Proskurin,independent consultant-marketing expert.
"I have been professionally engaged in marketing. Worked as a marketing Director in a number of Western automotive companies. Currently working with companies in the retail, telecommunications, automotive industry, advising them on marketing and business planning.
To invest in the market Lakalaka I decided because its values, development strategy and aspirations are very nice to me. On our deep commercialised market, where there is nothing but greed, very nice to see people doing good deed, really important for everyone. This gives farmers the opportunity to exist and develop. And an increasing number of people eating a normal, not some obscure products. I am sure that the farmers market will be a successful project. Because pure and honest food is what now the people want".
The financial model of the project from the point of view of interaction with investors is simple: target rate of return depends on the occupancy of retail locations in the market. All investors who invested in the first market, get the pre-emptive right to co-Finance new markets that Lakalaka plans to open in other MEGAHIT throughout Russia.

The opportunity to participate in the project – from 1% of the shares of the project (we are ready to discuss smaller packages).
Price 1% – to 1.47 million RUB.
Project payback – 4 years.
Opening – December 2015.
All questions and details by e-mail: Vasily Palshin vpalshin@lavkalavka.ru
Support a local farmer! Become the investor of the first true farmer's market in Russia!
P. S. In September 2014, we conducted a test market – "Harvest Festival at MEGA Khimki".
The festival was held from September 18-21, 2014. The mega arrived 40 farmers and brought about 15 tons of farm products. 8,000 people made a purchase. The administration of "MEGA Khimki" with the help of the consulting company conducted a survey of customers and visitors to the Farmers ' Market during the "Harvest Festival". Below are some only a small part of the digits of the materials prepared on the results of the survey.
The parameters of the survey Number of surveyed visitors — 300
Number of farmers-participants — 30
The average time per interview is approximately 20 minutes
Portrait of a buyer
Average age was 40.2 years.
The average household income is more than 100 thousand rubles per month.
The main results of the survey: the Majority of respondents are willing to pay for farm products, the price more than usual — 83%
Most believe that buying from real farmers who have grown the product — 91%
The vast majority of visitors made purchases – 91%
The majority of respondents want to visit this market in the future — 95%

Project market "MEGA Farm Lakalaka" published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook and in Vkontakte, and we're Classmates
Source: lavkagazeta.com/otvetstvennost/kak-stat-sovladelcem-pervogo-fermerskogo-rynka-lavkalavka