4 Signs That Someone Will Have A Stroke Today
You can imagine the picture vividly. You go on a weekend in the city park. The temperature is still summer, it warms the sun well. You eat ice cream, you talk to your friend on the phone. There's an old man in front. Suddenly he stumbles and falls to the ground.
It's a disturbing story, isn't it? Let's go. You run up to him to see if everything's okay. He says it's okay, he just tripped. For some reason, you believe him, even though there is not a single stone around you that your foot can catch. You all go your separate ways. This man dies of a stroke in the evening.
But all that was needed was to recognize the primary signs of this terrible disaster, which mows down both old and young. The trick is knowing them, these signs. And get the person to take a few simple tests. In this case, human life is at stake.
Symptoms and signs of stroke Sudden stroke only seems. There will always be one or more. strokeThey signal to the body that trouble will come soon. A person who is not used to listening can easily miss them.
If you have elderly relatives, the following information will be extremely important. Read and remember these four signs, which can determine whether a person will have a stroke and whether he needs medical care.
If you find an elderly person at least one of these signs, immediately take him to the hospital. Call an ambulance, warn the doctors about the current situation. They know exactly what to do.
There are a couple of signs that people notice even before their condition worsens significantly. These signs include numbness of the fingers or entire limbs, dizziness, headache, severe nausea and a sharp drop in vision of one or both eyes.
The result of your persistence can be to save the life of a loved one. Or a stranger. What difference does it make if human life is priceless?
Share this article with all your friends and girlfriends on social networks. According to statistics, every tenth person needs this information. Informed means armed.

It's a disturbing story, isn't it? Let's go. You run up to him to see if everything's okay. He says it's okay, he just tripped. For some reason, you believe him, even though there is not a single stone around you that your foot can catch. You all go your separate ways. This man dies of a stroke in the evening.

But all that was needed was to recognize the primary signs of this terrible disaster, which mows down both old and young. The trick is knowing them, these signs. And get the person to take a few simple tests. In this case, human life is at stake.

Symptoms and signs of stroke Sudden stroke only seems. There will always be one or more. strokeThey signal to the body that trouble will come soon. A person who is not used to listening can easily miss them.

If you have elderly relatives, the following information will be extremely important. Read and remember these four signs, which can determine whether a person will have a stroke and whether he needs medical care.

- Ask the person you have. You suspect a pre-stroke condition.Smile big. Sometimes this is not easy, and the use of persuasion and tricks such as: “Smile to a beautiful woman.” It's definitely worth it! A person with a stroke will not be able to smile or with great difficulty will give a crooked smile.
- Ask a person who has just fallen because he or she stumbled to say a long, clear sentence. Not necessarily complicated, as long as it is longer than three words. For example: “I caught on my legs and fell, but now I’m fine.” man in prestroke You can't pronounce a long sentence clearly.
- Ask someone who feels strange to raise their hands above their head. If he soon has a stroke, even such a simple action he will not be able to perform, and if he succeeds, then only partially.
- Ask the person who is sick to stick out his tongue. Sometimes you have to stick it out first - many people are shy and uncomfortable. The tongue of the person affected by the stroke will be curved.

If you find an elderly person at least one of these signs, immediately take him to the hospital. Call an ambulance, warn the doctors about the current situation. They know exactly what to do.

There are a couple of signs that people notice even before their condition worsens significantly. These signs include numbness of the fingers or entire limbs, dizziness, headache, severe nausea and a sharp drop in vision of one or both eyes.

The result of your persistence can be to save the life of a loved one. Or a stranger. What difference does it make if human life is priceless?

Share this article with all your friends and girlfriends on social networks. According to statistics, every tenth person needs this information. Informed means armed.
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