The philosophy of good and truth in its purest form: 25 wise sayings of the Dalai Lama.
Many people mistakenly believe that the Dalai Lama - the name and surname of the ruler of Tibet. In fact, it is nothing like the title of the spiritual leader of the people. He translates literally as "the great teacher." The representatives of the Tibetan people firmly believe in reincarnation, so after the death of another guru, they go in search of a new Dalai Lama - a baby with certain skills that must pass specific tests and undergo training under the guidance of experienced lamas. Today, the Tibetan spiritual leader is the Dalai Lama XIV, whose real name is Tenzin Gyatso Ngagvang Lovzang. He has experienced a lot in his lifetime, but always remained steadfast in their faith, preaching the principles of kindness, nonviolence, harmony with nature, spiritual purification and self-knowledge.
This wise ruler of the east of the country knows very well what is the secret of happiness and boundless as the man to reach equilibrium. According to Tibetan beliefs in life there is nothing more important than peace in the soul. Just finding them, you can see all the charm of this planet, and to achieve the desired harmony. Listen to his insightful words, the man became an idol for millions of people. Each of his statements - the key to understanding ourselves, others, nature and the world.
1. Prosperity comes through actions, not because of the prayers. B>
2. Arrogance is never justified. It comes from low self-esteem or temporary, superficial achievements. B>
3. Planet does not need a large number of "successful people". The planet desperately needs peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kinds. It needs people, next to which is good to live. The planet needs people with morality and love, which will make the world safe and humane. And these qualities have little to do with the "success", as defined in our society. B>
5. Evaluate their victory by what you had to sacrifice for her. B>
6. We will never establish harmony with the environment, is not reconciled with him. B>
7. Love in its purest form and the sublime - a strong, absolute and unconditional desire of happiness to another person. It's coming from the heart desire, not depending on how that person treats us. The theme of compassion is not related to religion. This universal thing, one condition for the survival of the human race. B>
9. Remember, it's not always what you want, you really need to. B>
10. I do not celebrate birthdays. For me this day was no different from the others. In a way, every day - the day of birth. You wake up in the morning, all fresh and new, and most importantly, to the new day brought you something important. B>
11. Our enemies give us an excellent opportunity to practice patience, perseverance and compassion. B>
13. Each of us is responsible for all of humanity. This is my simple religion. No need for temples, no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our heart - that is our temple; our philosophy - kindness.
14. If God wants to make you happy, it brings you the most difficult way, because the easy way to happiness does not happen. B>
15. What are you looking for? Happiness, love, peace of mind. Do not go looking for them on the other side of the earth, you come back disappointed, distressed, deprived of hope. Look for them on the other side of himself, in the depths of my heart. B>
17. Keeping a positive attitude to life, you can be happy even in the most adverse conditions. B>
18. The great change begins with individuals; the basis for peace in the world are inner calm and peace in the heart of every individual. Each of us can contribute. B>
19. Each morning, wake up, start with a thought: "Today I was lucky - I woke up. I am alive, I have this precious human life, and I will not waste it ». B>
21. I - Professional-headed gull. I came across with a lot of difficulties in my life, and my country, and is now in its critical period. Nevertheless, I often laugh, and laughter is my contagious. When people ask me where I find the strength to laugh at the situation, I answer: I am a professional-headed gull. B>
22. If there is a cure, you do not have to worry. You just need to take it. If the medication is not, then why bother? Worry only adds to the suffering. B>
24. People were created to be loved, and things were created in order to use them. World in chaos because the opposite is true. B>
25. The purpose of our life - to be happy. B>
For many decades, people are desperately waiting for this man of wise words and right actions. Such great personalities, as the current Dalai Lama, say they are making history. Hundreds of thousands of people admit that often the words of the Tibetan spiritual leader helped them in the most unexpected moment to maintain sanity in a different way to look at this cruel world. A great human thanks to him for that!
If you find these statements to be wise, you can share them with friends and family. Perhaps some of these aphorisms will help them in the most difficult moment.
via ofigenno ru
This wise ruler of the east of the country knows very well what is the secret of happiness and boundless as the man to reach equilibrium. According to Tibetan beliefs in life there is nothing more important than peace in the soul. Just finding them, you can see all the charm of this planet, and to achieve the desired harmony. Listen to his insightful words, the man became an idol for millions of people. Each of his statements - the key to understanding ourselves, others, nature and the world.
1. Prosperity comes through actions, not because of the prayers. B>
2. Arrogance is never justified. It comes from low self-esteem or temporary, superficial achievements. B>
3. Planet does not need a large number of "successful people". The planet desperately needs peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kinds. It needs people, next to which is good to live. The planet needs people with morality and love, which will make the world safe and humane. And these qualities have little to do with the "success", as defined in our society. B>

5. Evaluate their victory by what you had to sacrifice for her. B>
6. We will never establish harmony with the environment, is not reconciled with him. B>
7. Love in its purest form and the sublime - a strong, absolute and unconditional desire of happiness to another person. It's coming from the heart desire, not depending on how that person treats us. The theme of compassion is not related to religion. This universal thing, one condition for the survival of the human race. B>

9. Remember, it's not always what you want, you really need to. B>
10. I do not celebrate birthdays. For me this day was no different from the others. In a way, every day - the day of birth. You wake up in the morning, all fresh and new, and most importantly, to the new day brought you something important. B>
11. Our enemies give us an excellent opportunity to practice patience, perseverance and compassion. B>

13. Each of us is responsible for all of humanity. This is my simple religion. No need for temples, no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our heart - that is our temple; our philosophy - kindness.
14. If God wants to make you happy, it brings you the most difficult way, because the easy way to happiness does not happen. B>
15. What are you looking for? Happiness, love, peace of mind. Do not go looking for them on the other side of the earth, you come back disappointed, distressed, deprived of hope. Look for them on the other side of himself, in the depths of my heart. B>

17. Keeping a positive attitude to life, you can be happy even in the most adverse conditions. B>
18. The great change begins with individuals; the basis for peace in the world are inner calm and peace in the heart of every individual. Each of us can contribute. B>
19. Each morning, wake up, start with a thought: "Today I was lucky - I woke up. I am alive, I have this precious human life, and I will not waste it ». B>

21. I - Professional-headed gull. I came across with a lot of difficulties in my life, and my country, and is now in its critical period. Nevertheless, I often laugh, and laughter is my contagious. When people ask me where I find the strength to laugh at the situation, I answer: I am a professional-headed gull. B>
22. If there is a cure, you do not have to worry. You just need to take it. If the medication is not, then why bother? Worry only adds to the suffering. B>

24. People were created to be loved, and things were created in order to use them. World in chaos because the opposite is true. B>
25. The purpose of our life - to be happy. B>
For many decades, people are desperately waiting for this man of wise words and right actions. Such great personalities, as the current Dalai Lama, say they are making history. Hundreds of thousands of people admit that often the words of the Tibetan spiritual leader helped them in the most unexpected moment to maintain sanity in a different way to look at this cruel world. A great human thanks to him for that!
If you find these statements to be wise, you can share them with friends and family. Perhaps some of these aphorisms will help them in the most difficult moment.
via ofigenno ru
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