Travel. Way there and back ...
Good evening friends !!!
I want to tell you about my little adventure. Agreed stars and I had two days off! At the family council decided to spend it on communion with nature. In the couple had a plan to get to the lake, roast skewer and slowly on the same day to return home. But I was cunning and calculating, and made adjustments to the plan)))
Yandex has promised 370 km and 8 hours is not a simple way to one side, it is not cheerful, but ....
First post, please do not break ... I'll tell Zakonchu- !!!
So go
1. Riding the Iron Horse, we set off. We live in the country and our way lay through the city of Ulan-Ude, which had to stock up with food in town ... .Vezd ...
Posted in [mergetime] 1401625943 [/ mergetime]
2. Next, the path ran through streamers, revealing stunning views of Taiga ...
3. After passing the pass to leave space ... .Vidneetsya ROC ...
4. This mountain river ...
5. Periodically afraid of accidentally falling rock ...
6. Grandfather Baikal ... It is words can not describe ...
7. The natural monument Rock Turtle (for attentive)
8. Legend ...
9. remind friends - 31 May, and snow ... just do not care.
10. Beauty ....
View of the Holy Nose Peninsula
Route F-438 ... (by the way, very smooth, because new)
13. We pass Ust-Barguzin ... Earlier on it was possible to pass only by ferry, which, according to eyewitnesses lined up very long queue. Now -most And by the way there the asphalt ended and began priming ...
14. drove past these villages, and suddenly think about - and what a person needs to live ... Yeah no shit do not need !!! - Home, forest and river !!!
15. River Barguzin ...
16. It is the same with not much perevalchika ...
17. Go further
18. And come to Barguzin
24. By the way speed limits set locals ... 70-90 km \ h (speed over smaller holes) ... Feel like a rally driver)) was spectacled but I managed ...
25. 1811 - Opening of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, and along with. Ulyun ....
30. Arriving at the point of cultural enrichment ...
So Barguzinsky datsan erected near the "place of gaining Yanzhima goddess." It was opened on 15 February 1991. In 2000, it was renamed Kurumkansky datsan Gandan Shae Duvlin.
Tyril from here: irkipedia.ru/content/barguzinskiy_d...ndan_she_duvlin
A bit of history: The Buddha's teaching in the Barguzin Valley has become a critical part of the life of the Buryats, helping consolidation and development of the ethnic community, influenced the world, morality, culture, society. Datsan became the center of spiritual and cultural life in the Barguzin Valley, help educate people. It has developed medicine, arts and crafts, architecture, typography.
The line of succession Superiors (shireete lamas) Barguzinsky datsan from 1828 to 2012. over 182 years, has 12 teachers. The most vivid mark in the history of the datsan left Fifth and Ninth shireete Lama - Sanji Shintadov (1854-1889) and Tsydenov Soodoev (1894-1901).
Sanji Shintadov (Chintaday Lama) at age 7 began khuvaraks (disciple) Barguzinsky datsan. At age 14, he somehow has appeared in the list of lamas and khuvaraks Barguzinsky datsan "Gandan Sheduvlin" from December 28, 1837 (see. Appendix №3) among the revered lamas. Probably, this fact suggests manifested unusual abilities and talents. Subsequently, it recognizes Gegen - Nimaylan reincarnate lamas and incarnations of Yamantaka. There are many legends about him, describing Chintaday Lama as a very eccentric man. Once he arrived at the important meeting of eminent wealthy, dressed in expensive silk robes, and urinated on them. On the indignant cries he replied: "ARSHAND hurtegty!" That is, "Yes you unto the holy nectar!". One of his divine extravagance beat him, people stood up for the Lama, saying the offender: "In vain you did it - because it is not a simple man, but Gegen, Lama high spiritual attainment. Go to him, to ask for forgiveness! ". Who beat Lama came to him and asked for forgiveness. What Chintaday Lama began to cry and said, "You did not hurt me, I - what? But you hurt the One who is always with me - my Champion. " Sanji Shintadov Lama was the abbot Barguzinsky datsan thirty-seven years, from 1854-1891 years. Soybon Shintadov Sanji was a teacher Tsydena Soodoeva, future Soodoy Lama, who became ninth abbot Barguzinsky datsan. He honored his teacher. Subsequently Soodoy Lama was an outstanding practitioner of meditation, he was recognized as the epitome of the great Indian philosopher and yogi Nagarjuna (c. II century AD). In 1983, Nepal has published a handbook on the tulkus - Buddhist reincarnation, where there is an article about Tsydenov Soodoeve with the application of his photographs, it is recognized worldwide as a Tulku Nagarjuna - the legendary founder of the Mahayana teachings "Middle Way" transferred to it by the Wisdom Buddha Manjushri. In many homes, the Barguzin Buryats altars have pictures Soodoy Lama secretly propagated, they kept all the 70 years of persecution of religion.
At the turn of XIX - XX centuries Aghvan Dorzhiev initiated in the country obnovlencheskoe movement of lay Buddhists and the clergy, to adapt the organization and rituals to the new political situation in the country. Anticipating persecution of religion, he tried to save Buddhism from destruction. In 1922 Aghvan Dorzhiev came to datsan and Barguzin addressed the lamas and worshipers with their renovative ideas. Lama agreed to follow his advice. It was decided to settle in a new place. Already in 1923, one of the two Duganov at datsan transported to the foot of the sacred mountain Baraghan, in the same year a new datsan Aghvan consecrated with the participation Dorzhieva. Lama with the help of relatives built a small cottage-type houses standard, planned the tiny plots of land for a vegetable garden. Old datsan near Lake Sagaan Nuur with all additions and Lamsky village of 100 houses were left. Later, they were used for household needs formed nearby farms. The Museum of the History of Buryatia have a picture Barguzinsky datsan 1930s. When he is not acting. On the gable and roof were lifted Buddhist symbols - Ganchzhir (Tib. 'Full of treasures "), the crowning temple cylindrical extension on the roof and -Zhalsany vosmiradiusnoe Wheel Teachings to lie on either side of it fallow deer on the portal.
It turns out that at the beginning of the XX century. Barguzinsky datsan on Sagaan-Nur was again transported to Baraghansky source of healing, but, due to the policy of the Soviet government toward religion was destroyed.
In the 30 years of mass repression unfolded, most lamas were killed in camps or were shot.
In the "Book of Memory of Victims of Political Repression in the Republic of Buryatia," published in Ulan-Ude in 2008 the names of llamas Barguzinsky datsan, repressed in 1932 - 1938. Some unjustly sentenced to death - death, some died in prison Barguzinskaya, some - to 10 years in the camps. All of them are rehabilitated, mainly posthumously, in 1957, 1962.
In 2006, private donations to the site of the demolished in the 30s Barguzinsky Datsan near the sacred mountain Baraghaan Stupa was built. At the base of it, apart from the sacred relics, laid the ground with all the places in the XIX-XX centuries. located Barguzinsky datsan. This stupa dedicated to the memory of all lamas datsan, innocent victims of years of Stalinist repression.
In 1990 radio marathon was held to raise funds for the construction of the Barguzin datsan. It was decided to build near the village Kurumkan datsan. February 15, 1991, the day Sagaalgan, inaugurated Barguzinsky datsan. In 2000, at the request of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus was renamed Kurumkansky Datsan datsan "Gandan Shae Duvlin."
Revival datsan began in 2005, when it was registered local religious organization "Barugzinsky Datsan", as the legal successor of the former Barguzinsky datsan "Gandan Sheduvlin", built in 1828. This organization is part of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia. In Barguzinsky datsan operate four llamas and two khuvaraks.
First, in 2005 began the construction of a very small, 8x8 meters, the temple in the village -dugana Yarikto - Sahyuusan sume. In 2006, he was consecrated, and it carried great khurals, which bring together all Buddhists Barguzin district.
Currently datsan is located in the Barguzin Valley, 3 km north-west from the village Kurumkan. The monastery complex consists of a main temple, two suburgans the main entrance, the arc of Green Tara, outbuildings and a house for retreats.
May 2, 2005 near the village of Barguzin Yarikto area was opened samoproyavivsheesya image of Saraswati, the Buryat language Yanzhima.
this is the entrance to the ecological path to the goddess Yanzhima. Actually trail -
34. Mount ...
35. Mount
37. 1 Yuan, come all the way from China !!!
38. Again, in the mountain ...
39. Along the trails are often caught pyramid of stones ...
40. The task at attention .... Squirrel Where ????
41. Again the hill ... the path ...
42. Approaching the sacred place ...
43. All that can be wrapped with tape to impose ...
45. Your humble servant, too, decided to lay down a pyramid ...
46. Place of offerings ...
Digression ...... not to start a religious Sor))))
I actually baptized, but not that I do not believe in God ... I believe, but not quite into it. I do not understand why that's necessary to fight and to fight for something all-powerful .... All religions have some head ... So I think there are some chief, only he does not have racial, linguistic or other characteristics ... just in different people differently established communication with him ...... Well it is, to the word ...
47. Ribbons
48. That's actually a shrine Buddhist goddess ... Lick Yanzhima on a rock ......
48-1 comparison
This is a contemporary account of the events stybrennoe E. Garmaeva "Back in 1996, the locals not far from this place found a box inside which is a kind of cult thing. They went to Ivilginski temple, lamas told his finding. Lama told them to bring the box, but amazingly, they could not find it. Apparently it was not yet time to open Yanzhima and the story was forgotten.
In late April 2005, the area came Barguzinsky delegation of Buddhist Traditional Sangha headed Hambo Lama D.Ayusheevym for the consecration of the construction of temples, places in the villages Duganov Yarikto and Bayangol and to find a place of erection Barguzinsky datsan.
April 29 Khambo Lama held a Buddhist ceremony of consecration of the place for erecting Doug and went to Kurumkansky area. To the border area was accompanied by representatives of the administration, driving Unigan area, he said: "There is something there. Maybe there's something there. "
On his return from Kurumkansky datsan May 2, 2005 Hambo Lama Ayusheeva met on the road Yarikto residents. At the rector shireete Lama Datsan Barguzinsky Tsydenov Namzhilova and a few locals in Chile four women, all went up to the mountain Ulzaha. It turned out that the people with Yarikto 1996 secretly kept "box" in the place where it was found. Following her examination of Hambo Lama I have determined that this tsa-tsa - Buddhist ritual small "Thousand Buddha stupa", and she points to the seat of Burkhans.
Hambo Lama Damba Ayusheev: "From 11 hours we began to move the rocks. When we turned over a stone, under which found tsa-tsa, under it was a huge heavy stone blocks. A passed for three hours, all tired, we have already begun to lose hope that -That find. I took a crowbar and began rattling the stone, and when he lifted his head, somewhere in my face hit the bright lights, so I even blinked, and when looked closely, then on a huge gray boulder 10 meters away from you see a clear image of a dancing goddess .. . "And, indeed, a great Yanzhima raised in a graceful gesture of his left hand and left foot, ready to start creating beautiful dance of life and beauty. And next, you can see her defenders, many see an elephant on the right side, and some see the left side of the outline of the bear.
The revival of Buddhism in the Barguzin valley is primarily due to the phenomenon of existence in the face of Yanzhima Unigan area near Ulus Yarikto. This is an image of self-manifestation official decision of the Supreme Sangha Council - Sugundy which meets every five years, is recognized as one of the five Buddhist shrines Buryatia. Every year in the Barguzin Valley is widely celebrated manifestation Yanzhima. Above the stone palace built Yanzhima.
In Barguzin Buryats have a persistent belief that it is in these places safely hidden sacred relics Barguzinsky datsan, which was destroyed in the 30s.
After finding the image Yanzhima, it became clear that the ritual tsa-tsa left in this place a great son of the rector of the Barguzin Barguzin Valley datsan Lama shireete Tseden Soodoev, Soodoy Lama in the late XIX century. According to the stories of old residents, it is in these places to meditate and was born not far from here. Hambo Lama Ayusheev often repeats: "In Buddhism, there are no coincidences" and not accidental Yanzhima, the embodiment of wisdom and the arts, which was the main Yidam meditation Soodoy Lama, manifested in our time, in front of Hambo Lama, who came to revive the datsan. Buryats believe that the strong spirit of the invisible Under baqsi - High Master has been 160 years invisibly present in these places to bless and guard. E.Garmaeva: "Through the years, the thickness is even warm light emitted eyes of our esteemed Soodoy Lama, the embodiment of the great Nagarjuna, education rights and a visionary."
Each year, the 24th month of the lunar calendar of the dragon in the Barguzin datsan in Buryatia held a holiday Yanzhima manifestation of the goddess. Yanzhima - goddess of arts, sciences, crafts, wisdom and prosperity. It is associated with purity, innocence and the creation of a new one. The Indian name of the goddess Yanzhima - Saraswati. In ancient times in India was revered river Saraswati. Light river Saraswati, which is poured out from the mountain tops, long gave clear feelings and thoughts of people. And on its banks, many found shelter for quiet reflection and offering prayers. It is believed that she later ascended to heaven, taking the form of eternally young goddess Saraswati, and the heavens became the giver of knowledge.
For Yanzhima drilled - one of the most revered goddesses, which is also considered the goddess of wisdom and patron of motherhood, children and students. It gives people all kinds of aesthetic knowledge, eloquence, fine mind. Goddess worship Yanzhima artists and musicians, poets and artists. It is referred to childless women.
At the end of 2009 at the Barguzin region near the site displays the face of the goddess began construction Yanzhima Tsogchen Dugan Barguzinsky datsan or "Palace of the goddess Yanzhima" - "Yanzhima burhanay Ordon".
The pilgrimage is taken under the custody of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia.
51. The descent takes place on a different path, view amazing ...
53. Further events taking place rapidly. Before Sunset was about 2 hours ... We had to look for a place overnight. The blessing took the tent. I said, "Poh * th in the suspension," - and we rushed on the dirt road (100 km) to Lake Baikal. After half an hour, when stopped with the dirt on the asphalt, I was ready to camp anywhere, but the wife is steadily demanded the coast, with picturesque ....
As a result, the place was found, and an overnight stay ......... sorry for the lack of photos ... ... there has been little .DROVA, tent, fire, food ... everything about an hour. But it was worth, who have never slept in a tent in the woods, do not understand ... .nablyudenie ...... SURF Baikal, by the way does not differ from the surf of the Black Sea ...
In the photo, my trusty steed and palatochka ....
Sleep so as not getting enough sleep ... and never slept 7:00 ... .Pozavtrakali gathered and went home.
54. The road home was easy, given the novelty of the road. I went with a cruising speed of about 140 km \ h.
55. Only in the pass caught quite a large cloud)))
56. ALL
You can troll)))) Thank you)))
I want to tell you about my little adventure. Agreed stars and I had two days off! At the family council decided to spend it on communion with nature. In the couple had a plan to get to the lake, roast skewer and slowly on the same day to return home. But I was cunning and calculating, and made adjustments to the plan)))
Yandex has promised 370 km and 8 hours is not a simple way to one side, it is not cheerful, but ....
First post, please do not break ... I'll tell Zakonchu- !!!

So go
1. Riding the Iron Horse, we set off. We live in the country and our way lay through the city of Ulan-Ude, which had to stock up with food in town ... .Vezd ...
Posted in [mergetime] 1401625943 [/ mergetime]
2. Next, the path ran through streamers, revealing stunning views of Taiga ...


3. After passing the pass to leave space ... .Vidneetsya ROC ...

4. This mountain river ...

5. Periodically afraid of accidentally falling rock ...

6. Grandfather Baikal ... It is words can not describe ...

7. The natural monument Rock Turtle (for attentive)

8. Legend ...

9. remind friends - 31 May, and snow ... just do not care.

10. Beauty ....

View of the Holy Nose Peninsula

Route F-438 ... (by the way, very smooth, because new)

13. We pass Ust-Barguzin ... Earlier on it was possible to pass only by ferry, which, according to eyewitnesses lined up very long queue. Now -most And by the way there the asphalt ended and began priming ...

14. drove past these villages, and suddenly think about - and what a person needs to live ... Yeah no shit do not need !!! - Home, forest and river !!!

15. River Barguzin ...

16. It is the same with not much perevalchika ...

17. Go further

18. And come to Barguzin






24. By the way speed limits set locals ... 70-90 km \ h (speed over smaller holes) ... Feel like a rally driver)) was spectacled but I managed ...

25. 1811 - Opening of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, and along with. Ulyun ....





30. Arriving at the point of cultural enrichment ...

So Barguzinsky datsan erected near the "place of gaining Yanzhima goddess." It was opened on 15 February 1991. In 2000, it was renamed Kurumkansky datsan Gandan Shae Duvlin.
Tyril from here: irkipedia.ru/content/barguzinskiy_d...ndan_she_duvlin
A bit of history: The Buddha's teaching in the Barguzin Valley has become a critical part of the life of the Buryats, helping consolidation and development of the ethnic community, influenced the world, morality, culture, society. Datsan became the center of spiritual and cultural life in the Barguzin Valley, help educate people. It has developed medicine, arts and crafts, architecture, typography.
The line of succession Superiors (shireete lamas) Barguzinsky datsan from 1828 to 2012. over 182 years, has 12 teachers. The most vivid mark in the history of the datsan left Fifth and Ninth shireete Lama - Sanji Shintadov (1854-1889) and Tsydenov Soodoev (1894-1901).
Sanji Shintadov (Chintaday Lama) at age 7 began khuvaraks (disciple) Barguzinsky datsan. At age 14, he somehow has appeared in the list of lamas and khuvaraks Barguzinsky datsan "Gandan Sheduvlin" from December 28, 1837 (see. Appendix №3) among the revered lamas. Probably, this fact suggests manifested unusual abilities and talents. Subsequently, it recognizes Gegen - Nimaylan reincarnate lamas and incarnations of Yamantaka. There are many legends about him, describing Chintaday Lama as a very eccentric man. Once he arrived at the important meeting of eminent wealthy, dressed in expensive silk robes, and urinated on them. On the indignant cries he replied: "ARSHAND hurtegty!" That is, "Yes you unto the holy nectar!". One of his divine extravagance beat him, people stood up for the Lama, saying the offender: "In vain you did it - because it is not a simple man, but Gegen, Lama high spiritual attainment. Go to him, to ask for forgiveness! ". Who beat Lama came to him and asked for forgiveness. What Chintaday Lama began to cry and said, "You did not hurt me, I - what? But you hurt the One who is always with me - my Champion. " Sanji Shintadov Lama was the abbot Barguzinsky datsan thirty-seven years, from 1854-1891 years. Soybon Shintadov Sanji was a teacher Tsydena Soodoeva, future Soodoy Lama, who became ninth abbot Barguzinsky datsan. He honored his teacher. Subsequently Soodoy Lama was an outstanding practitioner of meditation, he was recognized as the epitome of the great Indian philosopher and yogi Nagarjuna (c. II century AD). In 1983, Nepal has published a handbook on the tulkus - Buddhist reincarnation, where there is an article about Tsydenov Soodoeve with the application of his photographs, it is recognized worldwide as a Tulku Nagarjuna - the legendary founder of the Mahayana teachings "Middle Way" transferred to it by the Wisdom Buddha Manjushri. In many homes, the Barguzin Buryats altars have pictures Soodoy Lama secretly propagated, they kept all the 70 years of persecution of religion.
At the turn of XIX - XX centuries Aghvan Dorzhiev initiated in the country obnovlencheskoe movement of lay Buddhists and the clergy, to adapt the organization and rituals to the new political situation in the country. Anticipating persecution of religion, he tried to save Buddhism from destruction. In 1922 Aghvan Dorzhiev came to datsan and Barguzin addressed the lamas and worshipers with their renovative ideas. Lama agreed to follow his advice. It was decided to settle in a new place. Already in 1923, one of the two Duganov at datsan transported to the foot of the sacred mountain Baraghan, in the same year a new datsan Aghvan consecrated with the participation Dorzhieva. Lama with the help of relatives built a small cottage-type houses standard, planned the tiny plots of land for a vegetable garden. Old datsan near Lake Sagaan Nuur with all additions and Lamsky village of 100 houses were left. Later, they were used for household needs formed nearby farms. The Museum of the History of Buryatia have a picture Barguzinsky datsan 1930s. When he is not acting. On the gable and roof were lifted Buddhist symbols - Ganchzhir (Tib. 'Full of treasures "), the crowning temple cylindrical extension on the roof and -Zhalsany vosmiradiusnoe Wheel Teachings to lie on either side of it fallow deer on the portal.
It turns out that at the beginning of the XX century. Barguzinsky datsan on Sagaan-Nur was again transported to Baraghansky source of healing, but, due to the policy of the Soviet government toward religion was destroyed.
In the 30 years of mass repression unfolded, most lamas were killed in camps or were shot.
In the "Book of Memory of Victims of Political Repression in the Republic of Buryatia," published in Ulan-Ude in 2008 the names of llamas Barguzinsky datsan, repressed in 1932 - 1938. Some unjustly sentenced to death - death, some died in prison Barguzinskaya, some - to 10 years in the camps. All of them are rehabilitated, mainly posthumously, in 1957, 1962.
In 2006, private donations to the site of the demolished in the 30s Barguzinsky Datsan near the sacred mountain Baraghaan Stupa was built. At the base of it, apart from the sacred relics, laid the ground with all the places in the XIX-XX centuries. located Barguzinsky datsan. This stupa dedicated to the memory of all lamas datsan, innocent victims of years of Stalinist repression.

In 1990 radio marathon was held to raise funds for the construction of the Barguzin datsan. It was decided to build near the village Kurumkan datsan. February 15, 1991, the day Sagaalgan, inaugurated Barguzinsky datsan. In 2000, at the request of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus was renamed Kurumkansky Datsan datsan "Gandan Shae Duvlin."
Revival datsan began in 2005, when it was registered local religious organization "Barugzinsky Datsan", as the legal successor of the former Barguzinsky datsan "Gandan Sheduvlin", built in 1828. This organization is part of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia. In Barguzinsky datsan operate four llamas and two khuvaraks.
First, in 2005 began the construction of a very small, 8x8 meters, the temple in the village -dugana Yarikto - Sahyuusan sume. In 2006, he was consecrated, and it carried great khurals, which bring together all Buddhists Barguzin district.
Currently datsan is located in the Barguzin Valley, 3 km north-west from the village Kurumkan. The monastery complex consists of a main temple, two suburgans the main entrance, the arc of Green Tara, outbuildings and a house for retreats.

May 2, 2005 near the village of Barguzin Yarikto area was opened samoproyavivsheesya image of Saraswati, the Buryat language Yanzhima.
this is the entrance to the ecological path to the goddess Yanzhima. Actually trail -

34. Mount ...

35. Mount


37. 1 Yuan, come all the way from China !!!

38. Again, in the mountain ...

39. Along the trails are often caught pyramid of stones ...

40. The task at attention .... Squirrel Where ????

41. Again the hill ... the path ...

42. Approaching the sacred place ...

43. All that can be wrapped with tape to impose ...


45. Your humble servant, too, decided to lay down a pyramid ...

46. Place of offerings ...
Digression ...... not to start a religious Sor))))
I actually baptized, but not that I do not believe in God ... I believe, but not quite into it. I do not understand why that's necessary to fight and to fight for something all-powerful .... All religions have some head ... So I think there are some chief, only he does not have racial, linguistic or other characteristics ... just in different people differently established communication with him ...... Well it is, to the word ...

47. Ribbons

48. That's actually a shrine Buddhist goddess ... Lick Yanzhima on a rock ......

48-1 comparison
This is a contemporary account of the events stybrennoe E. Garmaeva "Back in 1996, the locals not far from this place found a box inside which is a kind of cult thing. They went to Ivilginski temple, lamas told his finding. Lama told them to bring the box, but amazingly, they could not find it. Apparently it was not yet time to open Yanzhima and the story was forgotten.
In late April 2005, the area came Barguzinsky delegation of Buddhist Traditional Sangha headed Hambo Lama D.Ayusheevym for the consecration of the construction of temples, places in the villages Duganov Yarikto and Bayangol and to find a place of erection Barguzinsky datsan.
April 29 Khambo Lama held a Buddhist ceremony of consecration of the place for erecting Doug and went to Kurumkansky area. To the border area was accompanied by representatives of the administration, driving Unigan area, he said: "There is something there. Maybe there's something there. "
On his return from Kurumkansky datsan May 2, 2005 Hambo Lama Ayusheeva met on the road Yarikto residents. At the rector shireete Lama Datsan Barguzinsky Tsydenov Namzhilova and a few locals in Chile four women, all went up to the mountain Ulzaha. It turned out that the people with Yarikto 1996 secretly kept "box" in the place where it was found. Following her examination of Hambo Lama I have determined that this tsa-tsa - Buddhist ritual small "Thousand Buddha stupa", and she points to the seat of Burkhans.
Hambo Lama Damba Ayusheev: "From 11 hours we began to move the rocks. When we turned over a stone, under which found tsa-tsa, under it was a huge heavy stone blocks. A passed for three hours, all tired, we have already begun to lose hope that -That find. I took a crowbar and began rattling the stone, and when he lifted his head, somewhere in my face hit the bright lights, so I even blinked, and when looked closely, then on a huge gray boulder 10 meters away from you see a clear image of a dancing goddess .. . "And, indeed, a great Yanzhima raised in a graceful gesture of his left hand and left foot, ready to start creating beautiful dance of life and beauty. And next, you can see her defenders, many see an elephant on the right side, and some see the left side of the outline of the bear.
The revival of Buddhism in the Barguzin valley is primarily due to the phenomenon of existence in the face of Yanzhima Unigan area near Ulus Yarikto. This is an image of self-manifestation official decision of the Supreme Sangha Council - Sugundy which meets every five years, is recognized as one of the five Buddhist shrines Buryatia. Every year in the Barguzin Valley is widely celebrated manifestation Yanzhima. Above the stone palace built Yanzhima.
In Barguzin Buryats have a persistent belief that it is in these places safely hidden sacred relics Barguzinsky datsan, which was destroyed in the 30s.
After finding the image Yanzhima, it became clear that the ritual tsa-tsa left in this place a great son of the rector of the Barguzin Barguzin Valley datsan Lama shireete Tseden Soodoev, Soodoy Lama in the late XIX century. According to the stories of old residents, it is in these places to meditate and was born not far from here. Hambo Lama Ayusheev often repeats: "In Buddhism, there are no coincidences" and not accidental Yanzhima, the embodiment of wisdom and the arts, which was the main Yidam meditation Soodoy Lama, manifested in our time, in front of Hambo Lama, who came to revive the datsan. Buryats believe that the strong spirit of the invisible Under baqsi - High Master has been 160 years invisibly present in these places to bless and guard. E.Garmaeva: "Through the years, the thickness is even warm light emitted eyes of our esteemed Soodoy Lama, the embodiment of the great Nagarjuna, education rights and a visionary."
Each year, the 24th month of the lunar calendar of the dragon in the Barguzin datsan in Buryatia held a holiday Yanzhima manifestation of the goddess. Yanzhima - goddess of arts, sciences, crafts, wisdom and prosperity. It is associated with purity, innocence and the creation of a new one. The Indian name of the goddess Yanzhima - Saraswati. In ancient times in India was revered river Saraswati. Light river Saraswati, which is poured out from the mountain tops, long gave clear feelings and thoughts of people. And on its banks, many found shelter for quiet reflection and offering prayers. It is believed that she later ascended to heaven, taking the form of eternally young goddess Saraswati, and the heavens became the giver of knowledge.
For Yanzhima drilled - one of the most revered goddesses, which is also considered the goddess of wisdom and patron of motherhood, children and students. It gives people all kinds of aesthetic knowledge, eloquence, fine mind. Goddess worship Yanzhima artists and musicians, poets and artists. It is referred to childless women.
At the end of 2009 at the Barguzin region near the site displays the face of the goddess began construction Yanzhima Tsogchen Dugan Barguzinsky datsan or "Palace of the goddess Yanzhima" - "Yanzhima burhanay Ordon".
The pilgrimage is taken under the custody of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia.



51. The descent takes place on a different path, view amazing ...

53. Further events taking place rapidly. Before Sunset was about 2 hours ... We had to look for a place overnight. The blessing took the tent. I said, "Poh * th in the suspension," - and we rushed on the dirt road (100 km) to Lake Baikal. After half an hour, when stopped with the dirt on the asphalt, I was ready to camp anywhere, but the wife is steadily demanded the coast, with picturesque ....
As a result, the place was found, and an overnight stay ......... sorry for the lack of photos ... ... there has been little .DROVA, tent, fire, food ... everything about an hour. But it was worth, who have never slept in a tent in the woods, do not understand ... .nablyudenie ...... SURF Baikal, by the way does not differ from the surf of the Black Sea ...
In the photo, my trusty steed and palatochka ....
Sleep so as not getting enough sleep ... and never slept 7:00 ... .Pozavtrakali gathered and went home.

54. The road home was easy, given the novelty of the road. I went with a cruising speed of about 140 km \ h.

55. Only in the pass caught quite a large cloud)))

56. ALL
You can troll)))) Thank you)))