Which friend is brazenly stealing your life energy?
Modern people do not know how to rest. It is commendable that many of us strive to build a successful career, develop in different directions, want to be better, more successful, happier every day. In a rush to have time for everything and immediately a person forgets to slow down and rest. Recovery of vital energy is as necessary as air. If you feel like a lemon at the end of the day, read the Dalai Lama’s life advice. In them you will find answers to all questions, learn to weed out unnecessary activities and toxic acquaintances. And most importantly, you will find the confidence and tranquility that give you the strength to open new horizons.
The older the person, the more he plunges into the past. Thoughts about unfulfilled dreams and missed opportunities, resentments and so on literally deprive a person of the present. Those who have managed to come to terms with the past and are not in a hurry to make plans for the future, truly know how to live here and now. Life is the moment you live in the moment.
Timelines are burning, projects are in full swing and so on and so forth. Five days a week we work in the sweat of the brow, and spend weekends on household chores: cleaning, cooking, washing, ironing, going for food. It’s Monday and I’m not waiting for work. It’s no wonder that every other person talks about burnout. Life energy is not infinite. Learn to spend it wisely and replenish it. Do not think that idleness is a waste of time, stop being a hostage of time. When you feel tired, give yourself a break and get to work with new strength.
Surround yourself with the right people advises the Dalai Lama. And the right people are those who do not prevent you from being yourself, motivate and support you in your endeavors, share wise advice. Avoid people who are always dissatisfied and constantly talk about their problems, it depresses, takes away your strength. Sometimes it is impossible to avoid such people, but at least try not to pay attention to them.
Care of the body is necessary for a full happy life. Watch what you eat, pay attention to physical exertion to maintain the body in tone. And don't forget to sleep well.
Anger destroys a person from within. Stiffness, aggression, pessimistic attitude - a consequence of resentment. A person who does not know how to forgive steals his energy and health. Let go of the situation, because constantly scrolling it in your head brings only suffering.
Keep your promises Honest and responsible people are valuable. But if you're not sure you can keep a promise, don't promise anything. This will win the trust of people, and it is very expensive.
The Dalai Lama’s advice is very simple. It is, but that does not negate its effectiveness. Feel the ease of being and do not regret anything. Have a good day, buddy. We will be grateful if you share your effective ways to restore vitality.
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The older the person, the more he plunges into the past. Thoughts about unfulfilled dreams and missed opportunities, resentments and so on literally deprive a person of the present. Those who have managed to come to terms with the past and are not in a hurry to make plans for the future, truly know how to live here and now. Life is the moment you live in the moment.

Timelines are burning, projects are in full swing and so on and so forth. Five days a week we work in the sweat of the brow, and spend weekends on household chores: cleaning, cooking, washing, ironing, going for food. It’s Monday and I’m not waiting for work. It’s no wonder that every other person talks about burnout. Life energy is not infinite. Learn to spend it wisely and replenish it. Do not think that idleness is a waste of time, stop being a hostage of time. When you feel tired, give yourself a break and get to work with new strength.

Surround yourself with the right people advises the Dalai Lama. And the right people are those who do not prevent you from being yourself, motivate and support you in your endeavors, share wise advice. Avoid people who are always dissatisfied and constantly talk about their problems, it depresses, takes away your strength. Sometimes it is impossible to avoid such people, but at least try not to pay attention to them.

Care of the body is necessary for a full happy life. Watch what you eat, pay attention to physical exertion to maintain the body in tone. And don't forget to sleep well.

Anger destroys a person from within. Stiffness, aggression, pessimistic attitude - a consequence of resentment. A person who does not know how to forgive steals his energy and health. Let go of the situation, because constantly scrolling it in your head brings only suffering.

Keep your promises Honest and responsible people are valuable. But if you're not sure you can keep a promise, don't promise anything. This will win the trust of people, and it is very expensive.

The Dalai Lama’s advice is very simple. It is, but that does not negate its effectiveness. Feel the ease of being and do not regret anything. Have a good day, buddy. We will be grateful if you share your effective ways to restore vitality.
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The dark gap between us and the Dutch
I drop five drops on my arm and wipe my face to erase the traces of the merciless time.