This girl showing everyone how dangerous is the Sunburn
27-year-old mother of 2-year-old son Tony Willoughby Alabama posted a frightening self that looks like skin cancer, as the Sun warning. At 21, she was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell skin cancer, which most often occur because of the very long-term exposure to the sun. Now, Tony visited a dermatologist every 6-12 months and, as a rule, it is removed tumors each inspection. In his Facebook, she wrote: "I sunbathed on average 4-5 times a week, but never went to a solarium on the same day. But nevertheless, my stay in the sun too long and was a frequent ".
"If someone needs a little motivation, not to lie on the span of hours under the scorching sun ..."
"… Come here! Here is the skin cancer "
"I never thought about the future, when I was in high school - I just sunbathing, because it was the norm for me"
"Wear sunscreen and tanning use in the form of a spray, instead of roasting in the sun. You are given only one skin and you have to take care of her "
"Learn from the mistakes of others and do not let sunburn prevent you to see how your children are growing"
"Now it's my biggest fear, because I have a two year old son"
"If someone needs a little motivation, not to lie on the span of hours under the scorching sun ..."
"… Come here! Here is the skin cancer "
"I never thought about the future, when I was in high school - I just sunbathing, because it was the norm for me"
"Wear sunscreen and tanning use in the form of a spray, instead of roasting in the sun. You are given only one skin and you have to take care of her "
"Learn from the mistakes of others and do not let sunburn prevent you to see how your children are growing"
"Now it's my biggest fear, because I have a two year old son"
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