The trick in a million! How to cook an omelette without eggs, frying pans.
Conventional boiled eggs do not like all the yolk crumbles, because many people love boiled eggs only in salads. Another thing - scrambled eggs, cooked with vegetable oil and spices to taste it all. But it turns out, you can combine the use of boiled eggs and excellent taste of scrambled eggs! There is no oil in the recipe, you will need only an egg ... Look what happened to him to do to get the best taste of your favorite fried eggs boiled egg inside.
Incredibly interesting trick! You just have to shake the egg carefully with a cloth, circular movements stir the yolk and white into a homogeneous mass. When you are welded so beaten egg, it will be a uniform yellow. And the taste will remind eggs! Try this experiment in the kitchen, an unusual dish will delight and surprise your loved ones. Adding to the usual dishes with eggs cooked eggs this way, you significantly improve their palatability.
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Incredibly interesting trick! You just have to shake the egg carefully with a cloth, circular movements stir the yolk and white into a homogeneous mass. When you are welded so beaten egg, it will be a uniform yellow. And the taste will remind eggs! Try this experiment in the kitchen, an unusual dish will delight and surprise your loved ones. Adding to the usual dishes with eggs cooked eggs this way, you significantly improve their palatability.
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