10 most tempting recipes, we are pleased the readers this year. "Just So!" Treats!
< «Website» this year entertained its readers delicious, useful and easy-to-prepare dishes! After trying to cook something on our detailed recipes, you will realize that it is - not just empty words
. We congratulate the upcoming holidays, and we give you this great selection!
10 best recipes "Site" in 2015
. We congratulate the upcoming holidays, and we give you this great selection!
10 best recipes "Site" in 2015
- Anyone who loves pasta, should be aware of this trick! Since it is not known just about anyone ...
Instructions for the preparation of the most delicious pasta! < Italian pasta strong> will be the frequent and favorite guest in your kitchen, learn a few tricks enough ...
➜ takprosto.cc/kak-gotovit-makarony
- She mixed the flour with the cream and place in oven. What happened caused delight everyone!
One of the favorite desserts! < Cake with ice cream - the original version of the dessert, which will give any sweet tooth
true bliss. ➜ takprosto.cc/keks-s-morozhenym
- It is simply mixed egg and bread in a cup. The result made me swallow salivating!
This is not just a light snack and healthy. Elegant dish with vegetables, cheese, eggs and herbs, delicious omelet, pie ! And all this -. 3 minute
➜ takprosto.cc/omlet-v-chashke
- This recipe baked cauliflower you will become king of the kitchen!
The magic recipe that will make you fall in love from the heart cauliflower ! Not only incredibly tasty dish, and it looks amazing.
➜ takprosto.cc/zapechennaya-cvetnaya-kapusta
- The trick to a million! How to cook an omelet, omelet pans without.
I had never cooked eggs this way, and very sorry about this ... Scrambled eggs without frying pan - this delicacy that is enjoyed by all
! ➜ takprosto.cc/yaichnica-bez-skovorodki
- 5 mouth-watering cakes without baking, which is not only pleasing to the eye, but also the stomach.
To make these delicious desserts, you do not even have to turn on the oven. Instant cakes without baking , delicious and very simple!
➜ takprosto.cc/bystrye-torty-bez-vypechki
- Cheese cake on kefir: 15 minutes - and delicious dish is ready
! These cake with kefir and suitable for everyday menu for the festive table! Hearty, ruddy, are made from the simplest ingredients. It is no wonder that our readers loved them so!
➜ takprosto.cc/syrnye-lepeshki-na-kefire
- This is the fastest cherry pie in the world. And on top of an incredibly tasty.
Delicate and fragrant, this pie has won the hearts of many housewives. Truly French taste, simple ingredients and a minimum of time to cook - that's what I like Clafoutis
! ➜ takprosto.cc/francuzskiy-klafuti
- The recipe of traditional Georgian cuisine: delicious khachapuri in Tbilisi
The hot, satisfying meal and unique: we offer you cook khachapuri ! Every housewife once in your life should treat their home this yummy ...
➜ takprosto.cc/recept-hachapuri-po-tbilisski
- After I saw it, I would never buy donuts. And just 15 minutes!
Best donuts recipe from all that exist in the world. They do not have to fry, but how delicious succeed!
➜ takprosto.cc/ponchiki-s-chernikoy-iz-duhovki
Share your favorite friends these recipes! All very tasty, with love from the «Website»
7 rules of life of Catherine Deneuve. The famous actress shares the secrets.
"Solkoseril" for a wonderful rejuvenation. The result - skin is divine!