Mistakes in preparing an omelet

Omelet is considered to be a simple and unpretentious dish. However, instead of lush, tender and melting in the mouth, it often turns out to be dry and dense, more like an egg pie.

In fact, to turn out a really tasty dish, you need to follow some cooking rules, which are not known to everyone.

How to cook an omelet in a pan
  1. The right pan
    In order for the omelet to turn out lush, and not look flattened pancake, you need the right pan. It is best to take dishes from cast iron or other thick material. In a frying pan with a thin bottom, the omelet will quickly roast from below, but will not be baked from above. You also need to choose the correct diameter of the pan. For an omelet of 2-3 eggs, a diameter of 15 centimeters will be optimal, and for 4-5 eggs a pan of at least 25 centimeters in diameter will be needed.

Whipping tool
The French say omelet eggs should be whipped 17 times. Many hostesses whip them up with a mixer or even a blender, but a real chef will only do it with a fork!

Do you want to give the finished dish a subtle aroma and a spicy note of taste? Sit before whipping eggs on a fork cut clove of garlic.

Luxury and volume
Delicious lush omelet You just can't make eggs. Ideally, 1 egg should have 1 tablespoon of warm cream or milk. Instead of milk, you can use mineral water, kefir or ryazhenka.

With fermented milk products, the omelet is very high and airy. If you add a little sour cream to the egg mixture, the dish will acquire a pleasant creamy taste, and on mineral water the omelet becomes unusually light and lush.

Some add a little flour or mankey to eggs for volume - no more than half a teaspoon per 4 eggs. The latter option, by the way, will appeal to children, in this case, instead of salt, you need to add a spoonful of sugar and serve an omelet with jam.

In the egg-milk mixture you can enter additional ingredients - seasonings, vegetables, mushrooms, meat, fish, fruits, nuts. It is important that all the ingredients that are added to eggs, ranging from milk to pieces of meat, are not cold, otherwise the omelet will not rise.

There are many recipes for an omelet with fried bacon or lard, on various fats, but the perfect dish is obtained with butter. That's what gives you the right taste. If vegetables or meat are added to the omelet, then they should be fried in butter. It is also used to lubricate the form during the preparation of an omelet in the oven.

Method of preparation
Better keeps the shape and gets a high omelet from the oven. For its preparation, they use vipers with sides. Such omelets are prepared in rest homes and other catering establishments.

Before cooking an omelet in a pan, it should warm up well. At first, the omelet should be fried on a high heat, but once it begins to rise, the fire should be reduced to a minimum so that the dish languishes under the lid until ready.

If the omelet on top is still wet, and the bottom is already burning, pierce it with a fork or slightly lift it with a spatula to the liquid component of the glass down. You can roast the omelet on both sides, and after turning off the fire, leave the dish under the lid for a couple of minutes so that it reaches the desired condition.

Now you know, How to make a delicious omelet. We wish you a pleasant appetite and new culinary discoveries!

Dietary omelet will be more useful if you cook it from quail eggs. They contain more micronutrients and less cholesterol. Quail eggs are recommended for children and patients who have suffered serious diseases.

Some inexperienced cooks and do not suspect that eggs can cook something more complicated than an omelet. And today's edition. "Site" Presents at once 3 recipes of unusual dishes from eggs.

Surprisingly, even boiled eggs can surprise finicky guests. It's about the intricate shape of the dish. This trick will delight even a sophisticated cook, and everything is prepared so simply that even a schoolboy can cope!

The simplest dish can be turned into a work of culinary art. A little imagination, delicious filling, and boiled eggs turn into... a festive bouquet.


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