Former school cafeteria chef adds yesterday's manca to omelet, for good reason
What happens if instead of milk in the omelet add semolina? There is one proven recipe in which this dish is prepared in this way. In this article, the editorial board "Site" will tell How to make an omelet in a pan with the addition of mankey.
Such an omelet resembles a soufflé, and its taste becomes incredibly tender. In addition, omelet or scrambled eggs seem to us very simple and ordinary dishes that can cook everything. However, this recipe can reveal the taste of the omelet from a completely different side.
The ingredients
The taste of such a “mannered” omelet turns out to be very interesting: moderately sweet and moderately salty. Therefore, it can be served both with chicken and vegetables, and watering with jam or syrup. The best option for a hearty, nutritious breakfast. Wish you a good appetite!

Such an omelet resembles a soufflé, and its taste becomes incredibly tender. In addition, omelet or scrambled eggs seem to us very simple and ordinary dishes that can cook everything. However, this recipe can reveal the taste of the omelet from a completely different side.

The ingredients
- 1/2 cup of finished semolina porridge
- 2 chicken eggs
- pinch
- 1 tsp butter
- It will do well already cooked semolina, even if it was cooked yesterday. In an omelette like this, it will be very tasty. However, if there is no ready-made manka, you will need to prepare it. Cook porridge according to this recipe: a liter of milk take 5 tbsp. l. cereals and add 1 tsp. salt and 3 tbsp. sugar.
- Mix semolina with sugar and salt and add it to boiling milk. Constantly stirring with a wreath, cook porridge for 5-10 minutes until it becomes thick.
- For an omelet, we need to measure half a glass of semolina porridge per serving. The porridge should be slightly cooled. Then we take the eggs and break them into a bowl. We add a pinch of salt to them and whip them up. We pour out semolina porridge and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
- We melt butter in the pan. We pour the omelet mixture there, cover it with a lid and leave it to cook on a slow heat for about 15 minutes. When the omelet is ready, put it on the plate and garnish.
The taste of such a “mannered” omelet turns out to be very interesting: moderately sweet and moderately salty. Therefore, it can be served both with chicken and vegetables, and watering with jam or syrup. The best option for a hearty, nutritious breakfast. Wish you a good appetite!
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