12 errors in the kitchen that can allow even an experienced hostess.
Every family has its own rules and traditions. Little Lady, a child was watching my mother in the kitchen knows how to serve certain dishes, lay the table, the right to meet and escort guests ... However, what is considered a good 10 years ago, does not always work today. Pasta, recline in a colander, cause no less surprise than bananas delivered for storage in the refrigerator. How to cook delicious meals, and not to make mistakes in the elementary? How to make food really appetizing? The highlight chëm restaurant meals? If you do not know the answers to these questions - our article for you!
1. Fish sticks?
Burnt and destroyed the fish into small pieces - a common phenomenon in the kitchen, even an experienced hostess. How to avoid it? 15 minutes before cooking the ambassador not only cut pieces, and oil, which this is the fish will be fried. Integer, appetizing and tasty dish is ready!
2. To wash or not to wash?
"Fashion" for washing the pasta that came to us from the Soviet era, today lost its relevance. If earlier the pasta made from common wheat flour and they had to stick together property, now all the products composed mainly of durum wheat. By the way, the broth in which the cooked pasta are good, the Italian landlady always used for cooking sauce for pasta, so it does not come out until the end of vsë!
3. Fry in olive oil there?
Preparation of Mediterranean dishes, many causes desire to add olive oil to the pan. However, it is better to use for salads or other cold dishes. The combustion temperature etra virgin oil is quite low, so there is a risk of burning food to spoil flavor and also receive a portion of carcinogens. For cooking is best to use ordinary refined olive oil.
4. When putting the tomatoes in soup or hot? Catching cooking, and wants to put in a pan or a saucepan all ingredients simultaneously. However, when it comes to tomatoes, that just need to be avoided. Acid (a tomato - is a product in which it is a lot) accelerates the preparation of meat, but it does not prepare the vegetables. That is, if you're ready, such as soup, then tomatoes or tomato paste should be put after the potatoes, carrots, cabbage and other vegetables already cooked. And if you tushish meat, the tomatoes well put right, then it will become softer.
5. Cook potatoes, covered or not?
To prevent boiling and evaporation of water, and wants to remove it, but it is better to avoid this error. If you cook the potatoes or other vegetables under cover, the vitamins do not evaporate, the products retain the aroma, taste and its beneficial properties. And the cooking process is faster.
6. Pour from the bottle if unfinished wine?
Wine eroding tends to lose flavor and aroma, but do not pour it. Red wine can be used for cooking beef Bourguignon or Bolognese sauce for pasta, white - for chakhokhbili, cider - for pork Normandy. Moreover, in the current economic conditions when there will be an occasion to open a bottle of good wine, just to cook the meat?
7. How to prepare broccoli?
Broccoli is a very useful product, but few people love. Improper cooking - that's the real culprit. Remember that green vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus and peas, should be prepared in large quantities of salt water and in any case not digest. And most importantly, after they are cooked, lean vegetables in a colander, and descended into the cold water to complete the process. This little trick helps broccoli to maintain its taste, flavor and nutrients.
8. How much should be stuffing pizza?
A common mistake when cooking pizza - too much sauce, sausage, cheese and other ingredients that make pizza in the flan. Number of filling should be moderate. This is to ensure that the dough was crispy, does not bend and the piece could take and eat with your hands, like this, in fact, it should be.
9. How to cook the sauce "Vinaigrette»?
This sauce is one of the most common, but his cooking is not always smooth. The first possible mistake - the lack of salt and sugar. They are a must, and they need to be put in the first place and pour the required amount of vinegar to dissolve completely. The second mistake - heterogeneity. Vinegar and oil does not emulsify, if vsë oil pour immediately. It should be added gradually, working vigorously whisk.
10. How to cook an egg without cracking?
To shell remained intact, and the protein has not flowed out, to put the eggs in a sufficiently large container, cover them with cold water, pour lots of salt and not to boil too much.
11. Why does not rise yeast dough?
The dough yeast - one of the most capricious and can not get even a very good housewife. The most common mistakes - it's old yeast and tap water. When selecting yeast focus on those that are released recently, and, of course, never use bags have been commenced. In tap water, even passed through the filter contains chlorine, which prevents the growth of yeast, so pancakes, for example, are best used nonfat milk at room temperature.
12. The method of storage - in the refrigerator or not?
Proper storage products - is also part of the culinary arts. Surprisingly, in the case of spices, honey and bread, we often make the mistake of not removing them in the refrigerator. And it was in a dark and cool place, they retain their properties best. But bananas and tomatoes, on the contrary, in the refrigerator lose their appearance and aroma.
Well-cooked meals are characterized by their aroma, excellent taste and preservation of nutrients and trace elements. Be sure to share with your friends these little tricks. Cooking delicious so easy!
via takprosto cc
1. Fish sticks?
Burnt and destroyed the fish into small pieces - a common phenomenon in the kitchen, even an experienced hostess. How to avoid it? 15 minutes before cooking the ambassador not only cut pieces, and oil, which this is the fish will be fried. Integer, appetizing and tasty dish is ready!

2. To wash or not to wash?
"Fashion" for washing the pasta that came to us from the Soviet era, today lost its relevance. If earlier the pasta made from common wheat flour and they had to stick together property, now all the products composed mainly of durum wheat. By the way, the broth in which the cooked pasta are good, the Italian landlady always used for cooking sauce for pasta, so it does not come out until the end of vsë!

3. Fry in olive oil there?
Preparation of Mediterranean dishes, many causes desire to add olive oil to the pan. However, it is better to use for salads or other cold dishes. The combustion temperature etra virgin oil is quite low, so there is a risk of burning food to spoil flavor and also receive a portion of carcinogens. For cooking is best to use ordinary refined olive oil.

4. When putting the tomatoes in soup or hot? Catching cooking, and wants to put in a pan or a saucepan all ingredients simultaneously. However, when it comes to tomatoes, that just need to be avoided. Acid (a tomato - is a product in which it is a lot) accelerates the preparation of meat, but it does not prepare the vegetables. That is, if you're ready, such as soup, then tomatoes or tomato paste should be put after the potatoes, carrots, cabbage and other vegetables already cooked. And if you tushish meat, the tomatoes well put right, then it will become softer.

5. Cook potatoes, covered or not?
To prevent boiling and evaporation of water, and wants to remove it, but it is better to avoid this error. If you cook the potatoes or other vegetables under cover, the vitamins do not evaporate, the products retain the aroma, taste and its beneficial properties. And the cooking process is faster.

6. Pour from the bottle if unfinished wine?
Wine eroding tends to lose flavor and aroma, but do not pour it. Red wine can be used for cooking beef Bourguignon or Bolognese sauce for pasta, white - for chakhokhbili, cider - for pork Normandy. Moreover, in the current economic conditions when there will be an occasion to open a bottle of good wine, just to cook the meat?

7. How to prepare broccoli?
Broccoli is a very useful product, but few people love. Improper cooking - that's the real culprit. Remember that green vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus and peas, should be prepared in large quantities of salt water and in any case not digest. And most importantly, after they are cooked, lean vegetables in a colander, and descended into the cold water to complete the process. This little trick helps broccoli to maintain its taste, flavor and nutrients.

8. How much should be stuffing pizza?
A common mistake when cooking pizza - too much sauce, sausage, cheese and other ingredients that make pizza in the flan. Number of filling should be moderate. This is to ensure that the dough was crispy, does not bend and the piece could take and eat with your hands, like this, in fact, it should be.

9. How to cook the sauce "Vinaigrette»?
This sauce is one of the most common, but his cooking is not always smooth. The first possible mistake - the lack of salt and sugar. They are a must, and they need to be put in the first place and pour the required amount of vinegar to dissolve completely. The second mistake - heterogeneity. Vinegar and oil does not emulsify, if vsë oil pour immediately. It should be added gradually, working vigorously whisk.

10. How to cook an egg without cracking?
To shell remained intact, and the protein has not flowed out, to put the eggs in a sufficiently large container, cover them with cold water, pour lots of salt and not to boil too much.

11. Why does not rise yeast dough?
The dough yeast - one of the most capricious and can not get even a very good housewife. The most common mistakes - it's old yeast and tap water. When selecting yeast focus on those that are released recently, and, of course, never use bags have been commenced. In tap water, even passed through the filter contains chlorine, which prevents the growth of yeast, so pancakes, for example, are best used nonfat milk at room temperature.

12. The method of storage - in the refrigerator or not?
Proper storage products - is also part of the culinary arts. Surprisingly, in the case of spices, honey and bread, we often make the mistake of not removing them in the refrigerator. And it was in a dark and cool place, they retain their properties best. But bananas and tomatoes, on the contrary, in the refrigerator lose their appearance and aroma.

Well-cooked meals are characterized by their aroma, excellent taste and preservation of nutrients and trace elements. Be sure to share with your friends these little tricks. Cooking delicious so easy!
via takprosto cc
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