Emergency benefits for the body: exercise "Birch" will save you from the annoying disease.
Many of us have to keep yourself in good physical shape and have a good health, choose run or long walk. These sessions help increase lung capacity, strengthen the heart muscle and lead the work of all bodies in the normal state. But if you absolutely no time for long workouts, then you should take the recommendations from the physiologist, researcher of traditional systems of healing, and the candidate of biological sciences Rinad Minvaleeva. He advises each day to perform the asana, which is called in yoga Sarvangasana or a simple "Birch" or "candle».
Doing "Birch" need at least a minute, gradually increasing the time to three minutes. When the improved blood flow through the vertebral artery in the back of, and the work of all bodies, so the name literally means "the pose for the whole body».
Several reasons make "Birch" every day:
Doing "Birch" need at least a minute, gradually increasing the time to three minutes. When the improved blood flow through the vertebral artery in the back of, and the work of all bodies, so the name literally means "the pose for the whole body».

Several reasons make "Birch" every day:
- strengthening the heart muscle;
- the prevention of varicose veins and hemorrhoids;
- improved circulation;
- a positive impact on the work of the organs and body systems;
- the strengthening of the spine.
It is forbidden to carry out this exercise in case of problems with the spine, pain in the neck or hand tremor.
After the "Birches" is desirable to perform matsiasanu - "the fish pose." This exercise helps to restore hormonal balance. Lie down on your back and do the maximum deflection of relying on the elbows and hips. Stretch your legs. Cast away your head back, but do not touch her sex. Being in this position for at least one minute.
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