He's always chasing time, until fate turned his life ... stop and think!
I've heard the adage that if you want to laugh God, just tell him your plans ... However, we are all in a crazy hectic chasing illusory future and try to plan your life on the minutes and seconds for the month, or even a whole year . We are constantly busy, angry, we do not have enough time even to spend it with family and friends, we do not have time for life ... if we are afraid to sit in the last car of the train. But we possess what will happen tomorrow? We have only the present here and now.
Life is unpredictable and often it is not considered with our plans for the future, it teaches us to live a moment ... I wonder if we look at ourselves and we were able to fix something, what would we do? Look, you have a chance to see in this eye-opening animation short life completely different perspective.
//player.vimeo.com/video/49364409?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Ему managed to overcome fate ... Now stop for a moment and look back at your life. Look at the sky, breathe fresh air and just relax. Ask yourself: do you live or are in the eternal pursuit? The choice is yours! Share this animated parable of his friends are constantly busy.
Life is unpredictable and often it is not considered with our plans for the future, it teaches us to live a moment ... I wonder if we look at ourselves and we were able to fix something, what would we do? Look, you have a chance to see in this eye-opening animation short life completely different perspective.
//player.vimeo.com/video/49364409?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Ему managed to overcome fate ... Now stop for a moment and look back at your life. Look at the sky, breathe fresh air and just relax. Ask yourself: do you live or are in the eternal pursuit? The choice is yours! Share this animated parable of his friends are constantly busy.
Russian a tourist on the beach can be seen from afar. Hide out!
28 shaggy arguments to buy your child a pet. Here and rightly so!