They live in poverty, dirty and unkempt. When the man saw them, he decided to change their lives.
He had everything - a yacht, a mansion, a multimillion-dollar fees and Hollywood stars as friends. But in 2002, the fate of this man threw in Cambodia, where he was deeply struck by the lifestyle of its inhabitants. Especially much he sunk into the soul of disadvantaged children, who not only on education, but even on the regular diet and normal life could not have dreamed. All this has pushed Scott Neeson sell their property and move to live in Cambodia to help poor children. This courageous act has completely changed not only his life but the lives of thousands of people.
This 9 year old girl named Srey Them. The landfill was habitat for her, her younger sister, mother and many people like her. Dressed in rags, these children are collected on different trash trash to sell it, and help out a little money for food. B>
Photo: Scott Neeson - Facebook
To Scott, accustomed to a life of luxury, it was like a thunderbolt. He did not fit in my head, how to live in such conditions, at least a day. B>
Photo: Scott Neeson - Facebook
Scott Neeson was the president of the company "20th Century Fox", which produced such films as "Titanic" and "X-Men". He received a seven-figure fees, but here people survive for a cent. B>
Photo: Scott Neeson - Facebook
A former inhabitant of Hollywood has learned that in order to feed their families in Cambodia during the month, $ 40 is enough. But what he saw in the country, it surprised him even more than the landfill. B>
Photo: Scott Neeson - Facebook
This is a kind of children's homes in Cambodia. These shelters - a habitat for many children, and most of them are not orphans. It's just that their parents did not have enough money to feed the offspring. Here, children are buying more rich people, who for whatever reason can not make their own. Worst of all, the inhabitants of the orphanage, you can "rent" for absolutely any purpose. B>
Photo: Scott Neeson - Facebook
After what Scott saw here, he made a decision that should help. The man sold his property in Los Angeles and bought a house in Cambodia. One floor he used as an apartment, and the other took office. American founded the "Cambodian Children's Fund" - charity for the Cambodian children, especially those who have been abused. B>
Photo: Scott Neeson - Facebook
Scott Neeson built a school for the children that prepares them for college. It weaned and go to various educational institutions for about one and a half thousand children. He hired to work in a coffee shop more than 100 children who have received the necessary skills, went to work in other establishments catering. As he founded the clinic doctors provide free medical care for everyone. He also takes care of the training of local police, so she could rebuff corruption and crime.
In the meantime, little Srey Them turned 13. She speaks fluent English and is going to go to college. She is no longer threatened with poverty and the existence of a landfill. B>
Photo: Scott Neeson - Facebook
Scott is going to continue its fight against corruption, child abuse and poverty. His school is considered one of the best in the country, and the charity has received many awards and has found its followers. Scott Neeson - a fine example of what can be kind and humane, even being very rich. The more our world is these people, the better.
Share this article about this hero of our time with friends.
www.people.com/people/article/0,, 20671252, 00.html a >
This 9 year old girl named Srey Them. The landfill was habitat for her, her younger sister, mother and many people like her. Dressed in rags, these children are collected on different trash trash to sell it, and help out a little money for food. B>
Photo: Scott Neeson - Facebook
To Scott, accustomed to a life of luxury, it was like a thunderbolt. He did not fit in my head, how to live in such conditions, at least a day. B>
Photo: Scott Neeson - Facebook
Scott Neeson was the president of the company "20th Century Fox", which produced such films as "Titanic" and "X-Men". He received a seven-figure fees, but here people survive for a cent. B>
Photo: Scott Neeson - Facebook
A former inhabitant of Hollywood has learned that in order to feed their families in Cambodia during the month, $ 40 is enough. But what he saw in the country, it surprised him even more than the landfill. B>
Photo: Scott Neeson - Facebook
This is a kind of children's homes in Cambodia. These shelters - a habitat for many children, and most of them are not orphans. It's just that their parents did not have enough money to feed the offspring. Here, children are buying more rich people, who for whatever reason can not make their own. Worst of all, the inhabitants of the orphanage, you can "rent" for absolutely any purpose. B>
Photo: Scott Neeson - Facebook
After what Scott saw here, he made a decision that should help. The man sold his property in Los Angeles and bought a house in Cambodia. One floor he used as an apartment, and the other took office. American founded the "Cambodian Children's Fund" - charity for the Cambodian children, especially those who have been abused. B>
Photo: Scott Neeson - Facebook
Scott Neeson built a school for the children that prepares them for college. It weaned and go to various educational institutions for about one and a half thousand children. He hired to work in a coffee shop more than 100 children who have received the necessary skills, went to work in other establishments catering. As he founded the clinic doctors provide free medical care for everyone. He also takes care of the training of local police, so she could rebuff corruption and crime.
In the meantime, little Srey Them turned 13. She speaks fluent English and is going to go to college. She is no longer threatened with poverty and the existence of a landfill. B>
Photo: Scott Neeson - Facebook
Scott is going to continue its fight against corruption, child abuse and poverty. His school is considered one of the best in the country, and the charity has received many awards and has found its followers. Scott Neeson - a fine example of what can be kind and humane, even being very rich. The more our world is these people, the better.
Share this article about this hero of our time with friends.
www.people.com/people/article/0,, 20671252, 00.html a >
20 photos, which show China is not at its best. Just terrible!
This is even ashamed to show children: bright wedding photos, after which you rashochetsya marry.