This guy did not who he claims to be ... When he showed his true colors - passers-by were shocked!
A typical day in the usual big city. Passers-by and then somewhere in a hurry, without noticing what is happening right in front of them. It seemed that this day does not promise anything unusual. Suddenly a simple guy came up to the boy, who was playing with a ball, and decided to have some fun with him in the middle of the street. In humans it is, oddly enough, did not cause absolutely no reaction. But he had only to remove his glasses and beard as the indifference of passers-by immediately changed the extraordinary interest and a violent reaction! But who is this mysterious stranger ?! I will say one thing: in place of the boy would now like to turn every child enjoys football ... and not only!
Meet Cristiano Ronaldo himself! Your child probably would have fainted from happiness ... For players such as Ronaldo, are born once in a century. For this boy, this memory will last a lifetime! This can not be forgotten!
A lot of talent big heart! Some would say that this is another PR stunt famous football player, but for me it is a wonderful example of how one person combine qualities of a real man, a professional athlete and philanthropist. Ronaldo has not forgotten that he once was as a boy, and that he had at that age had its idols, which helped him become who he is today ... Perhaps the many stars of the sport is often to watch this video. Show this kind gesture of the famous football player to your friends.
Meet Cristiano Ronaldo himself! Your child probably would have fainted from happiness ... For players such as Ronaldo, are born once in a century. For this boy, this memory will last a lifetime! This can not be forgotten!
A lot of talent big heart! Some would say that this is another PR stunt famous football player, but for me it is a wonderful example of how one person combine qualities of a real man, a professional athlete and philanthropist. Ronaldo has not forgotten that he once was as a boy, and that he had at that age had its idols, which helped him become who he is today ... Perhaps the many stars of the sport is often to watch this video. Show this kind gesture of the famous football player to your friends.
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