Picking up this dog on the street, they had no idea that this would be the best present in their lives.
What the homeless need our little help and support! However, people tend to be indifferent to the four-legged, who roam the streets. They say that the problem does not concern me, so why do I have to solve it. True, there are a small number of desperate Dobryakov who are ready at any moment to show compassion to the poor and zveryata to help. This is especially true when the four-legged friend in need of urgent treatment. The hero of today's post - a toothless little dog, which picked up on the street when his condition was extremely grave. Fortunately the world is not without good people, otherwise he would have already collapsed from the cruelty and indifference.
One day a guy named Cody found this cute furry animal. According to the man, then he worked in a factory for the production of wooden floors. Working on the next order, Cody accidentally looked up and saw him standing in front of this is a miracle. The dog stared as the man in the eye, do not pay attention to it was simply impossible. B>
«When I came closer, I saw that he had fleas, it toothless, and on the face were some strange gray circles. I realized that the dog is not in the best shape. During lunch, I gave him chicken burger, because he was so thin that I could easily count his ribs » i>, - says Cody on the first day of acquaintance with the animal. B>
The next day, a man came to work as usual. What was his surprise when he found the little dog in the same place: the animal man waited all day! And Cody's nothing to do but to take him to her. B>
After the foundling was tested by a veterinarian, he has revealed the following problems: delays in development and growth, cataracts, provoked a strong blow to the head, rotting teeth, stomach ulcers, complete deafness. Just a "gorgeous" bouquet ...
The dog made a few necessary operations, and he began to recover. Cody Two children were crazy about the new darling pet. The younger daughter gave him the nickname Bezzubik (Such was the nickname of a dragon from her favorite cartoon "How to Train Your Dragon»). B>
Due to human care the animal come to life before our eyes.
Now, the dog does not have to live in the cold. However, frolic in the drifts of snow - she still fun! B>
My daughter Cody loves to dress up a pet.
Look, this is the best Christmas gift in the world!
A Bezzubik the more mod! That pink boa sure to face him ... that is to muzzle. B>
Despite the fact that the dog is completely deaf, the whole family love to play and spend time with him.
However Bezzubik favorite activity - the dream.
It is in this case a professional ...
«I would never have thought that I could love animals as much as I attached to this miracle. My whole family is delighted with it! He is the only one of its kind. We hope that we helped him to leave behind all the bad memories » i>, - shared with reporters Cody. B>
You see, this case once again proves one truth: not the beauty will save the world, namely kindness. More to such people, who are willing to lend a helping hand at the right time. This dog is lucky: he was lucky to find a real family where he is loved, cherished and protected. Tell your friend the story Bezzubik, let to believe that good will win in the end.
One day a guy named Cody found this cute furry animal. According to the man, then he worked in a factory for the production of wooden floors. Working on the next order, Cody accidentally looked up and saw him standing in front of this is a miracle. The dog stared as the man in the eye, do not pay attention to it was simply impossible. B>

«When I came closer, I saw that he had fleas, it toothless, and on the face were some strange gray circles. I realized that the dog is not in the best shape. During lunch, I gave him chicken burger, because he was so thin that I could easily count his ribs » i>, - says Cody on the first day of acquaintance with the animal. B>

The next day, a man came to work as usual. What was his surprise when he found the little dog in the same place: the animal man waited all day! And Cody's nothing to do but to take him to her. B>

After the foundling was tested by a veterinarian, he has revealed the following problems: delays in development and growth, cataracts, provoked a strong blow to the head, rotting teeth, stomach ulcers, complete deafness. Just a "gorgeous" bouquet ...

The dog made a few necessary operations, and he began to recover. Cody Two children were crazy about the new darling pet. The younger daughter gave him the nickname Bezzubik (Such was the nickname of a dragon from her favorite cartoon "How to Train Your Dragon»). B>

Due to human care the animal come to life before our eyes.

Now, the dog does not have to live in the cold. However, frolic in the drifts of snow - she still fun! B>

My daughter Cody loves to dress up a pet.

Look, this is the best Christmas gift in the world!

A Bezzubik the more mod! That pink boa sure to face him ... that is to muzzle. B>

Despite the fact that the dog is completely deaf, the whole family love to play and spend time with him.

However Bezzubik favorite activity - the dream.

It is in this case a professional ...

«I would never have thought that I could love animals as much as I attached to this miracle. My whole family is delighted with it! He is the only one of its kind. We hope that we helped him to leave behind all the bad memories » i>, - shared with reporters Cody. B>

You see, this case once again proves one truth: not the beauty will save the world, namely kindness. More to such people, who are willing to lend a helping hand at the right time. This dog is lucky: he was lucky to find a real family where he is loved, cherished and protected. Tell your friend the story Bezzubik, let to believe that good will win in the end.
From these pictures it is impossible to look away! Very soulful portraits of Gypsies Pyrenees.
The kids wanted to please my mother breakfast in bed ... Then I could not help laughing!