This man has no arms to be lowered. However, fate has not been able to break this brave ...
Life, in general, never spoiled 48-year-old Chen Xin Yin and rarely offers him gifts. After a powerful electric shock he is 7 years old lost both hands. When Chang was 20, the fate prepared for him a heavy slap another. He died of his beloved father. Besides his care remains sick mother. All grief fell on a guy at one point. But these dramatic events did not break Hsin-Yin. He, in the end, there was no hand to their opuskat.Sosedi offered poor thing to go begging for this courageous man replied: «Yes, I do not have hands, but do not forget that I still have legs ». i> As long as people who, thank God, have arms and legs, drowning in their own tears and the eternal complaints about life, Chen is not going to despair and challenge his own fate.
Yes, Chen Hsin-Yin has a hard time, but the man took over the farm and everything, it is worth noting, quite copes with its own responsibilities.
This brave man found out, seemingly out of a desperate situation.
Chen works in the field, weaving baskets and cook with the help of - what would you have thought? That's right: your own legs! B>
But in 2014 fell on the shoulders of another unfortunate obligation - he needs to look after a sick 91-year-old mother, who can no longer take care of themselves itself. 42,988,664
When I heard the story of this courageous man, I suddenly came to mind the words of Hemingway's novel "The Old Man and the Sea»: «Man is not created in order to endure the defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated ». I> Tell me about this unknown hero to his comrades.
via ofigenno

Yes, Chen Hsin-Yin has a hard time, but the man took over the farm and everything, it is worth noting, quite copes with its own responsibilities.

This brave man found out, seemingly out of a desperate situation.

Chen works in the field, weaving baskets and cook with the help of - what would you have thought? That's right: your own legs! B>

But in 2014 fell on the shoulders of another unfortunate obligation - he needs to look after a sick 91-year-old mother, who can no longer take care of themselves itself. 42,988,664

When I heard the story of this courageous man, I suddenly came to mind the words of Hemingway's novel "The Old Man and the Sea»: «Man is not created in order to endure the defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated ». I> Tell me about this unknown hero to his comrades.
via ofigenno
@ Why is called the "dog"? I never mind!
Seeing this dog, you can pass out. But you'll be surprised to learn the reason for his appearance.