WHY WE angry
The hardest part of working on yourself - is to learn to cope with their own emotions. And especially with the emotion of anger. Anger - a strong sense of indignation. And this anger can be caused by anything. Everything depends on our emotional and physical state.
The hardest part of working on yourself - is to learn to cope with their own emotions. And especially with the emotion of anger. Anger - a strong sense of indignation. And this anger can be caused by anything. Everything depends on our emotional and physical state.
So why do we get angry?
The most common cause of anger is the behavior of people when it does not meet our expectations:
children and indulge in noisy ("Yes, how can this go on! It's intolerable!»)
the car in front of you is going too slowly ("What did he drags like a turtle!»)
slave poorly executed job ("That idiot! I also explained to him a hundred times!»)
the driver of the bus was rude ("Here Hamley! How dare he talk to me like that!"), and the like
Sometimes anger can be caused by physical pain. Is Aching back or head - want to see you all soon left alone (and the world as well), and immediately went to the pain.
The reason for indignation may also serve as a situation where things are going wrong, as it should - the elevator got stuck, turn off the light when you typed an important document, the car stalled, the door lock jammed, and you, as luck would have it, take the time to package products broke in the middle of the road ... In a word, our anger can cause anything, sometimes even the most minor detail.
But in fact, the cause of our anger is not the situation, and our belief that everything in life has to go exactly the way we want: people's behavior must conform to our requirements, the circumstances must develop in line with our expectations, and the entire course of life should be as we want. And if something comes not as we expect, hope, want, demand - there is anger.
Sometimes anger can lead to emotional outbursts. As a rule, before we tell ourselves that simply are not able to have to endure the situation in which we are. In fact, we are quite capable to continue to tolerate it - if we'd like to say about this.
Thus, the whole thing in our endless internal monologue that never stops. Sometimes, we are quite aware of what we say to ourselves, but often these conversations take place unconsciously.
Likewise, internally, we unconsciously give any assessment of the circumstance, and based on this evaluation and our emotions arise. If we decide that that's the situation did not meet our expectations and unbearable for us - we get a flash of anger. And we give to another, perhaps, would have reacted calmly. After all, every circumstance has only the value which we attach to it.
There are times when we are in emotional stress on the need to move and in the process is that to collect the necessary things on their own is very difficult and nerve activity, disassemble the furniture and prepare packages all this leads to anger. The main thing at this moment to catch your breath and calmly find a solution - for example, to hire the carrier company, which helps collect, load and transfer.

The hardest part of working on yourself - is to learn to cope with their own emotions. And especially with the emotion of anger. Anger - a strong sense of indignation. And this anger can be caused by anything. Everything depends on our emotional and physical state.
So why do we get angry?
The most common cause of anger is the behavior of people when it does not meet our expectations:
children and indulge in noisy ("Yes, how can this go on! It's intolerable!»)
the car in front of you is going too slowly ("What did he drags like a turtle!»)
slave poorly executed job ("That idiot! I also explained to him a hundred times!»)
the driver of the bus was rude ("Here Hamley! How dare he talk to me like that!"), and the like
Sometimes anger can be caused by physical pain. Is Aching back or head - want to see you all soon left alone (and the world as well), and immediately went to the pain.
The reason for indignation may also serve as a situation where things are going wrong, as it should - the elevator got stuck, turn off the light when you typed an important document, the car stalled, the door lock jammed, and you, as luck would have it, take the time to package products broke in the middle of the road ... In a word, our anger can cause anything, sometimes even the most minor detail.
But in fact, the cause of our anger is not the situation, and our belief that everything in life has to go exactly the way we want: people's behavior must conform to our requirements, the circumstances must develop in line with our expectations, and the entire course of life should be as we want. And if something comes not as we expect, hope, want, demand - there is anger.
Sometimes anger can lead to emotional outbursts. As a rule, before we tell ourselves that simply are not able to have to endure the situation in which we are. In fact, we are quite capable to continue to tolerate it - if we'd like to say about this.
Thus, the whole thing in our endless internal monologue that never stops. Sometimes, we are quite aware of what we say to ourselves, but often these conversations take place unconsciously.
Likewise, internally, we unconsciously give any assessment of the circumstance, and based on this evaluation and our emotions arise. If we decide that that's the situation did not meet our expectations and unbearable for us - we get a flash of anger. And we give to another, perhaps, would have reacted calmly. After all, every circumstance has only the value which we attach to it.
There are times when we are in emotional stress on the need to move and in the process is that to collect the necessary things on their own is very difficult and nerve activity, disassemble the furniture and prepare packages all this leads to anger. The main thing at this moment to catch your breath and calmly find a solution - for example, to hire the carrier company, which helps collect, load and transfer.