Raise children's self-esteem
One math teacher from Minnesota gave the students a task: to create a class list, think like most about each of the classmates and write it down in front of the quality of his surname. At the end of the lesson she has collected lists. It was a Friday. Over the weekend, she treated the results on Monday and give each student a sheet that lists all the good things in it noticed classmates.
Guys read here and there heard a whisper: "Is it all about me? I did not know that I love so much. " They did not discuss the results in class, but the teacher knew it achieved its goal. Her students to believe in themselves.
A few years later one of those guys died in Vietnam. He was buried at home in Minnesota. With him came just friends, former classmates and teachers. At the funeral of his father went to the teacher of mathematics:
- I want to show you something. - From the wallet he pulled a folded, on a worn piece of folds. It has been seen that it many times read and reread. - It is found in things son. He did not part with it. Do you recognize?
He handed her the paper. It was a list of positive qualities, who noticed his son classmates.
- Thank you, - said his mother. - Our son is so valued that.
And here there was amazing, one after the other classmates were getting the same sheets. Many have always kept them to himself, in his wallet. Someone even kept his family album. One of them said:
- We have kept all these lists. Is it possible to throw this?
Guys read here and there heard a whisper: "Is it all about me? I did not know that I love so much. " They did not discuss the results in class, but the teacher knew it achieved its goal. Her students to believe in themselves.
A few years later one of those guys died in Vietnam. He was buried at home in Minnesota. With him came just friends, former classmates and teachers. At the funeral of his father went to the teacher of mathematics:
- I want to show you something. - From the wallet he pulled a folded, on a worn piece of folds. It has been seen that it many times read and reread. - It is found in things son. He did not part with it. Do you recognize?
He handed her the paper. It was a list of positive qualities, who noticed his son classmates.
- Thank you, - said his mother. - Our son is so valued that.
And here there was amazing, one after the other classmates were getting the same sheets. Many have always kept them to himself, in his wallet. Someone even kept his family album. One of them said:
- We have kept all these lists. Is it possible to throw this?