When you choose flooring that are taking a very important decision as this can be said base home

There are three main types of parquet flooring is an artificial, powerful board - a layer of artificial flooring large and solid parquet boards.
The cheapest option is a solid parquet board, for its production takes much less wood. It consists of three layers, and because of this, it becomes stronger than the usual thin board, resistant to sudden changes in temperature. Its thickness is twelve - fifteen millimeters.
Artificial parquet and powerful board differ from solid wood flooring boards so that they are not made of layers of a hollow, solid wood single tree species (mainly exotic woods). These options do not come cheap as the price of exotic tree species differ from conventional and their installation can be entrusted exclusively to professionals plus the required glue for plywood.
When choosing flooring, consider the humidity and do not trust the photos when choosing colors parquet www.dvernoydom.com.ua/ru/parket/ if very few of them on the site.
When you'll choose parquet, refer to these rules and then rest assured that choose a reliable and quality product.