Defining the boundaries of land

With real estate, the owner must not only manage it wisely, but also to perform certain rules: pay taxes, use the land for other purposes, not violate the rights of neighbors. Especially it concerns the compliance boundary.
How is the land?
To correctly establish the boundaries, it is necessary to know where the territory of neighbors, lest the intersection and the occurrence of disputed areas. For this specialist will be invited, cadastral engineer who hold delimitation of land . This is a long laborious work later to avoid misunderstandings.
Rules permit small errors. For urban areas, the differences are valid up to half in rural and 2, 5 meters. Cadastral Specialist is based on measurements of topography and soil type. More precise coordinates are obtained with the use of geodetic works and satellite imagery.
Self-determination of the boundaries on the construction project may not coincide with the data inventory supervision, so to clarify the precise borders should be handled in this organization. However, clearly fixed boundaries do not interfere with the neighbors to sort things out.
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