The ideal woman. Vedic TIPS

1. This is the main point ... be happy. And for this we have a cheat sheet consisting of 64 points. (Meaning 64 art Saraswati). Understand that no one make a woman happy, but her own.

Any event in the life of F, be it marriage or the birth of children, like a magnifying glass. If the F-happy will be even happier if unhappy ... Draw your own conclusions.

1.1. To be beautiful (to give yourself time to dress yourself beautiful, care for themselves, to do sports, to be feminine, the word do for all to admire like M F, and F was pleased with myself)

1.2. Be in a good mood and with a positive attitude. M focused on the fight with the outside world. And want to return home to a bright, joyful loved one who shared a good mood and help restore depleted mental strength. So imagine the creation of joy and good humor - this is very important! They should be sufficient and at himself and the man when he comes for support and inspiration to heal battle wounds.

2.Nachat serve her husband. Perform their duties.
Once you become happy, became a princess or queen, it's time to share your happiness with others.

The Vedas say that of all the relationship with her husband (wife-friend, mother, daughter, and so on. D. - Lectures Lakshmi Narayana Das M and M) are the best relations are formed with his wife, a servant ... to that fulfills every wish and whims of her husband (but who knows the scriptures and act in accordance with them)

3. Be faithful. Even thought to prevent ... My husband is the best !!!

4. To believe in him will never be sure, to know that he's the best. At The Moment. "You can, you -best!»

5.Darit tenderness, care and affection.

4. Let him defend himself (woman needs to be protected from itself in the first place, from his thoughts), require that he does. And to be close to someone was to defend. Be thankful.

5. As soon as the husband came home from work- 20 minutes to give him a break and adapt, do not ask questions, just feed)) The man wants to be sure that he has such a strong base, which is not afraid of no war! And that the rear does not gossip about him and not diminish it with your friends.
Discuss the relationship, thus breaking their family life. Do not wash dirty linen in the house, but if too painful, then discuss philosophy, not to get personal.

6.Prinimat man he is. Post a free choice, not imposing their views, you can simply express a wish ... but !!! show willingness that the decisive word in the main issues (external life, responsibility) will be behind him.

7.Podderzhivat man. Surrender his saw a wreck and especially its ban yourself to get back when the man starts something new or tolerate failures - in such moments, it is particularly in need of support.
Forget the phrase "I told you ..". To forget. As if it was not hard.
Understand what motivates a man - call the outside world .. Call of F- is a knife in the back. From her waiting for love and support.

8. If there is a need to talk, you need to clearly define the scope, for example: It takes 5 minutes. Articulate their desires.

9. Respect the man, his aspirations, desires, attempt not to disturb him and share them.

10.Proyavlyat attention to him and his business.

11.Videt time when a man needs to rest and give him some time alone, not sticking with questions.

12.Perestat offense resentment at F angers M. In the complex psychological factors scroll philosophical thoughts in my head, and that would be what to think ...

13.Zanimatsya spiritual practice, study (F itself sebe- mystic can unobtrusively, with the permission of her husband, even if he did nothing, it is possible to practice repetition and chanting prayers and mantras)

14.Umet and know when and what you can ask M.

15.Pokazyvat that it is necessary, it is dear to you, he is the most powerful and coveted that it means a lot to a woman nearby.