Will Lubertsy center of Russia
Plaid pants, badges with Lenin, gyms and hatred informals. Only in the Union, where a fancy cauldron refiner Soviet and Western, could appear movement Lubero - bodybuilders from the suburbs, who set a goal: to clear the capital of skateboards, Iroquois, breakdancing and heavy music.
Brother Lubero
"I myself no one, but we are called" Lubero. " It just Luberetskiy guys. A ride to fight in Moscow and Moscow region became 10-15 years ago, this was told to us yet fathers. We are driving now. But we beat not all in a row ... and only those who do not like us. Did you like those who walk with the chains, the whole "proklёpanny" or repainted, who dishonors the country? »
This text - a letter of 16-year-old resident of suburban Lyuberets in the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda". January of 1986. After the publication of the whole country started talking about Lubero - bodybuilders from working-class suburb, declare war on all "not our».
- Bodybuilding has always thrived in Lyubertsy, long before the beginning of the 1980s - remember a few years ago in a conversation with the author of this material Anatoly Klyuykov - "Uncle Tolia" permanent coach sports club "Lubero." - Favorite gathering place bullies were sand pits five kilometers from the city. There was a beach, and in the 1970s, every summer it was full of beefy guys.
Placer factories, railway station, a small distance from Moscow, a city of temptations and vices. The perfect place for the birth of aggressive community where in high esteem big biceps, shaven heads and normality, as it understood in these places. From about 1982 regular trips to Moscow Lyuberetskiy teenagers began to acquire "ideological" nature. It has not been easy for entertainment outings. Trip became a "struggle for the idea" - namely, "the struggle with the youth, which shames the Soviet way of life," says Dmitry Gromov, a researcher subculture Lubero.
Moscow was the first half of 1980 through the eyes of a resident Lyuberets was a hotbed of evil spirits of all kinds. In Gorky Park partying metallers, punks, rockers. In the "Luzhniki" - skateboarders. On Arbat dancing breakdance. And all around sported chains, badges, ripped jeans and weird hairstyles.
"Lubero came to the concerts, saw them in cafe at discos. By 1986, a fight between informals and Luberets occurs literally every day - says Vladislav Kuzmin, in 1980 - and the victim Lubero breaker. - A favorite place of their collection was the cafe "Seasons" in Gorky Park. Then there just was not there at the breakers then robbed fashionable glasses strips, sheared, hairy, girls bullied. On weekends Lyuberetskiy came a crowd. Get up on the Crimean bridge, shouted something, someone beat popadja ».
Chemistry and other sciences
Winter of 1987 Lyuberetskaya police conducted a series of raids. Their aim was to find out how many illegal rocking operates in the city. Police identified about 40 gyms and rewrite more than 500 visitors. Most rocking chairs situated in the cellar, with some were busy squatting, squatting, or simply - without notice communal organizations.
"The best option was to find a non-residential building in the basement. Then the problem solved itself soundproofing - recalls the atmosphere Lyuberetskiy rocking user forum about bodybuilding Steel Factor. - Iron on the floor rattles much:-singular,-singular! And if the first floor above the basement inhabited, clashes with residents not pass ».
Another frequent problem was the low ceilings of cellars - they are not suited for the presses standing and some other exercises. According to legend, Lyuberetskiy pitching to solve this issue, making the middle of the floor of the pit. In the pit became the pole and has not reach the hands of the ceiling.
In the subculture from the outset formed two groups: the "athletes" and "hooligans", writes in one of his articles Dmitry Gromov. First put in the forefront the sport to the results. For the second sport was only a means to achieve other goals - victory in a fight. According to Anatoly Klyuykova, since the mid-1980s of people in the halls was very much: "And there were people who were growing very quickly, in just a year or two overgrown muscles. Of these it was clear - chemistry ».
In the subculture from the outset formed two groups: the "athletes" and "hooligans". First set the cornerstone sport. For the second sport was only a means to achieve other goals - victory in a fight.
A motion Lubero had their coat of arms and anthem. The coat of arms is a triangle intersecting with his rod, and the inscription "Lubero" at the bottom.
Were the words of the hymn:
"We were born and grew up in Lyubertsy,
Center of brute force.
And we believe our dream come true:
Will Lubertsy center of Russia ».
The cult of physical force with its practical application has led to the emergence of special Lyuberetskaya fashion. In summer, wearing sweatpants, t-shirts that you can see the muscles. Hurrah walked shirts with movies heroes "Commando" and "Rambo." There is information about the popularity of Lubero in white shirts with narrow tie - but most likely it is a later invention of cinema.
In the winter wore a padded jacket, knitted or fur hats and wide trousers in a cage (they are called "blanket"). People who was young in the 80s, is still remembered with nostalgia jackets - warm and comfortable, they are saved in the fight against shocks and makes men more broad-shouldered. Jackets loved belting army belt: waist so visually became even longer and wider than the shoulders. Army belt used in the fight. Wound on his hand as brass knuckles or unwound over his head. Heavy plaque belt worked as Mace.
Fur hats were considered clothing front. On trips to Moscow took knitted caps, which the vulgar call "gondonkami." So in the brawl was easier to distinguish foreign from their own. Wide plaid pants made of thick fabric became the most famous part of the wardrobe Lubero. These pants have launched into mass production, Soviet textile mills - Lubero wore them as opposed to the Western "Varenko" and "jeans".
The same opposition became Komsomol badges with Lenin. Because icons Brigade Lyuberetskiy - or "office", as those called themselves - often mistaken for Komsomol vigilantes. Badges at all were popular at the time. Informal wear other icons - with the trappings of rock bands, labeled in English. Newspaper "interlocutor" in 1987 tells how a typical Lubero could earn some money, he took away the icons at Neformal under the pretext of fighting the West, but then resold them to another informals. Price icon reached 10 rubles - at the price of a loaf of bread 20 cents.
Posted in [mergetime] 1411568562 [/ mergetime]
Lubero and art
At various times Lubero activity is reflected in the works of art.
A group of DDT on the album in 1990, "The Thaw" is a composition of "Mom, I love Lubero!": "It gives me a chain, it gives me the icons / In his leather jacket ring snouts / kazhny night from Moscow, he brings me a trophy / Scalps enemy punks, hippies amulets / Mama, mama, mama, mama / I Lubero love ».
Posted in [mergetime] 1411568604 [/ mergetime]
Lubero mentioned in the songs "Civil Defense" ("Hey, brother Lubero"), a group of "Lube" ("Lubertsy") and, for example, the rapper Roma Zhigan. In his extremely pathetic clip shows boxers and inspire thought Lubertsy - that place where the real boys lived.
Posted in [mergetime] 1411568633 [/ mergetime]
Life Lubero actually reconstructs Belarusian movie "My name is Harlequin." The protagonist, a resident of the camp, goes to "extinguish" informals in town, falls in love with the same girl uneasy.
Posted in [mergetime] 1411568666 [/ mergetime]
Scene mass brawl between Lubero and informals shown in the movie Paul Lungina "Luna Park". Lubero in the film are derived under the name of the organization "cleaners».
According to various estimates, up to 70% of the inhabitants Lyuberetskiy rocking in the 90s were involved in criminal gangs associated with the racket. "The first leaders of organized crime groups came from the team of bodybuilders in 1991. In the best of times at Lyuberetskiy were 150 active bayonets that could necessarily gather again in five more young bullies "- says Sergey Dyshev, author of" The Russian gangster ».
Zero "Lubero" met departure in legal business. Remembering the old days like a few. On one of the online forums about bodybuilding FURFUR correspondent found a man who claims that the 80 went out for a showdown with Lyuberets informals. But to give details and call their name, last name, he would not. Motivated by the fact that doing business and does not want association with Lubero.
Alexei Kireev, aka Dr. Lubero - Lyuberetskiy bodybuilder and author of "Bodybuilding our way" - to give an interview to our site refused.
According to the magazine "Ogonek" politician Vasily Yakemeneko spent his youth in the legendary Ljuberetsky gym "Titan". Yakimenko - born Lyuberets, former head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, one of the founders of the pro-Kremlin youth movement "Moving Together" and "Our».
Brother Lubero
"I myself no one, but we are called" Lubero. " It just Luberetskiy guys. A ride to fight in Moscow and Moscow region became 10-15 years ago, this was told to us yet fathers. We are driving now. But we beat not all in a row ... and only those who do not like us. Did you like those who walk with the chains, the whole "proklёpanny" or repainted, who dishonors the country? »
This text - a letter of 16-year-old resident of suburban Lyuberets in the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda". January of 1986. After the publication of the whole country started talking about Lubero - bodybuilders from working-class suburb, declare war on all "not our».
- Bodybuilding has always thrived in Lyubertsy, long before the beginning of the 1980s - remember a few years ago in a conversation with the author of this material Anatoly Klyuykov - "Uncle Tolia" permanent coach sports club "Lubero." - Favorite gathering place bullies were sand pits five kilometers from the city. There was a beach, and in the 1970s, every summer it was full of beefy guys.

Placer factories, railway station, a small distance from Moscow, a city of temptations and vices. The perfect place for the birth of aggressive community where in high esteem big biceps, shaven heads and normality, as it understood in these places. From about 1982 regular trips to Moscow Lyuberetskiy teenagers began to acquire "ideological" nature. It has not been easy for entertainment outings. Trip became a "struggle for the idea" - namely, "the struggle with the youth, which shames the Soviet way of life," says Dmitry Gromov, a researcher subculture Lubero.
Moscow was the first half of 1980 through the eyes of a resident Lyuberets was a hotbed of evil spirits of all kinds. In Gorky Park partying metallers, punks, rockers. In the "Luzhniki" - skateboarders. On Arbat dancing breakdance. And all around sported chains, badges, ripped jeans and weird hairstyles.
"Lubero came to the concerts, saw them in cafe at discos. By 1986, a fight between informals and Luberets occurs literally every day - says Vladislav Kuzmin, in 1980 - and the victim Lubero breaker. - A favorite place of their collection was the cafe "Seasons" in Gorky Park. Then there just was not there at the breakers then robbed fashionable glasses strips, sheared, hairy, girls bullied. On weekends Lyuberetskiy came a crowd. Get up on the Crimean bridge, shouted something, someone beat popadja ».
Chemistry and other sciences
Winter of 1987 Lyuberetskaya police conducted a series of raids. Their aim was to find out how many illegal rocking operates in the city. Police identified about 40 gyms and rewrite more than 500 visitors. Most rocking chairs situated in the cellar, with some were busy squatting, squatting, or simply - without notice communal organizations.
"The best option was to find a non-residential building in the basement. Then the problem solved itself soundproofing - recalls the atmosphere Lyuberetskiy rocking user forum about bodybuilding Steel Factor. - Iron on the floor rattles much:-singular,-singular! And if the first floor above the basement inhabited, clashes with residents not pass ».
Another frequent problem was the low ceilings of cellars - they are not suited for the presses standing and some other exercises. According to legend, Lyuberetskiy pitching to solve this issue, making the middle of the floor of the pit. In the pit became the pole and has not reach the hands of the ceiling.
In the subculture from the outset formed two groups: the "athletes" and "hooligans", writes in one of his articles Dmitry Gromov. First put in the forefront the sport to the results. For the second sport was only a means to achieve other goals - victory in a fight. According to Anatoly Klyuykova, since the mid-1980s of people in the halls was very much: "And there were people who were growing very quickly, in just a year or two overgrown muscles. Of these it was clear - chemistry ».
In the subculture from the outset formed two groups: the "athletes" and "hooligans". First set the cornerstone sport. For the second sport was only a means to achieve other goals - victory in a fight.

A motion Lubero had their coat of arms and anthem. The coat of arms is a triangle intersecting with his rod, and the inscription "Lubero" at the bottom.
Were the words of the hymn:
"We were born and grew up in Lyubertsy,
Center of brute force.
And we believe our dream come true:
Will Lubertsy center of Russia ».

The cult of physical force with its practical application has led to the emergence of special Lyuberetskaya fashion. In summer, wearing sweatpants, t-shirts that you can see the muscles. Hurrah walked shirts with movies heroes "Commando" and "Rambo." There is information about the popularity of Lubero in white shirts with narrow tie - but most likely it is a later invention of cinema.
In the winter wore a padded jacket, knitted or fur hats and wide trousers in a cage (they are called "blanket"). People who was young in the 80s, is still remembered with nostalgia jackets - warm and comfortable, they are saved in the fight against shocks and makes men more broad-shouldered. Jackets loved belting army belt: waist so visually became even longer and wider than the shoulders. Army belt used in the fight. Wound on his hand as brass knuckles or unwound over his head. Heavy plaque belt worked as Mace.

Fur hats were considered clothing front. On trips to Moscow took knitted caps, which the vulgar call "gondonkami." So in the brawl was easier to distinguish foreign from their own. Wide plaid pants made of thick fabric became the most famous part of the wardrobe Lubero. These pants have launched into mass production, Soviet textile mills - Lubero wore them as opposed to the Western "Varenko" and "jeans".
The same opposition became Komsomol badges with Lenin. Because icons Brigade Lyuberetskiy - or "office", as those called themselves - often mistaken for Komsomol vigilantes. Badges at all were popular at the time. Informal wear other icons - with the trappings of rock bands, labeled in English. Newspaper "interlocutor" in 1987 tells how a typical Lubero could earn some money, he took away the icons at Neformal under the pretext of fighting the West, but then resold them to another informals. Price icon reached 10 rubles - at the price of a loaf of bread 20 cents.
Posted in [mergetime] 1411568562 [/ mergetime]
Lubero and art
At various times Lubero activity is reflected in the works of art.
A group of DDT on the album in 1990, "The Thaw" is a composition of "Mom, I love Lubero!": "It gives me a chain, it gives me the icons / In his leather jacket ring snouts / kazhny night from Moscow, he brings me a trophy / Scalps enemy punks, hippies amulets / Mama, mama, mama, mama / I Lubero love ».
Posted in [mergetime] 1411568604 [/ mergetime]
Lubero mentioned in the songs "Civil Defense" ("Hey, brother Lubero"), a group of "Lube" ("Lubertsy") and, for example, the rapper Roma Zhigan. In his extremely pathetic clip shows boxers and inspire thought Lubertsy - that place where the real boys lived.
Posted in [mergetime] 1411568633 [/ mergetime]
Life Lubero actually reconstructs Belarusian movie "My name is Harlequin." The protagonist, a resident of the camp, goes to "extinguish" informals in town, falls in love with the same girl uneasy.
Posted in [mergetime] 1411568666 [/ mergetime]
Scene mass brawl between Lubero and informals shown in the movie Paul Lungina "Luna Park". Lubero in the film are derived under the name of the organization "cleaners».
According to various estimates, up to 70% of the inhabitants Lyuberetskiy rocking in the 90s were involved in criminal gangs associated with the racket. "The first leaders of organized crime groups came from the team of bodybuilders in 1991. In the best of times at Lyuberetskiy were 150 active bayonets that could necessarily gather again in five more young bullies "- says Sergey Dyshev, author of" The Russian gangster ».

Zero "Lubero" met departure in legal business. Remembering the old days like a few. On one of the online forums about bodybuilding FURFUR correspondent found a man who claims that the 80 went out for a showdown with Lyuberets informals. But to give details and call their name, last name, he would not. Motivated by the fact that doing business and does not want association with Lubero.
Alexei Kireev, aka Dr. Lubero - Lyuberetskiy bodybuilder and author of "Bodybuilding our way" - to give an interview to our site refused.
According to the magazine "Ogonek" politician Vasily Yakemeneko spent his youth in the legendary Ljuberetsky gym "Titan". Yakimenko - born Lyuberets, former head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, one of the founders of the pro-Kremlin youth movement "Moving Together" and "Our».