Gold Malamute
As the owner of one of the members of this amazing breed, I want to dispel some myths about the Northern sled dogs (hereinafter - CEC), in particular the malamute, as well as to share their experiences in the content and cohabitation. All photos - my family 50 kg malamutskogo happiness, his name is Napoleon Miracle Impayer (the documents), it is in the world - Nord - Nordic. Standard male Alaskan Malamute Tuleneva color, 2, 5 years, the growth at the withers 65 cm, weight 45-50 kg (or more accurately weigh in the home is unrealistic).
I read few posts on this resource devoted Malamute, I decided to dilute some general information.
Alaskan Malamute - one of the few primitive breeds of dogs, the creation of which man has made only indirect efforts. Chief "creator" Malamutes - a harsh northern wilderness of Alaska, bitter cold, limited diet, and heavy physical work in a team. Here it is worth noting that the Malamute - a universal vseprohodny Heavy. An adult dog without much straining can drag three times the weight of her own. A trained dog can move from place up to 2500 kg. Usually these champions are preparing to compete in veytpullingu (dragging heavy weights). The main purpose of the malamute - transportation of heavy loads over long distances at low speed. Not to be confused with the Huskies, they sprinters among EUFOR element of their high speed, light load and vast expanses.
So. Briefly about the myths.
Myth №1 - MANY eating.
You'll be surprised, but eat these little dogs. Is extremely small compared with other large breed dogs. Special CEC slow metabolism allows them to maximize the digest any food. Actually in their homeland extremely poor diet, so all that is eaten - must go for the future. Comparing with the same Germans can say that 500 grams of food per day - enough Malamute, German go hungry. So the stories about "how to feed such a beast," "it is the home eats," etc. - Groundless.
Myth №2 - SAME Like, need to hunt!
Firstly not Laika, secondly, not the hunter. Sled dogs hunting only for themselves, to share their booty with anyone else will not. Bring prey owner? Do not wait. Often these dogs live on self-sufficient, ie, I caught it and eat.
Myth №3 - a good watchdog.
North American Indian tribe, made malemyutov still contribute to the breed, completely depriving malamutes aggression toward people. Aggressive individuals just simply destroyed. Anyone can take a neighbor's dog and go somewhere on business, and the dog should not consider human stranger. Loyalty to the people, but actually love to squeal puppy - one of the characteristic features and carefully saved the breed. So he can only scare its impressive views, but a kind of voice. By the way, malamutes do not bark from nature, they growl, grumble grumble,. Remember Chewbacca from "Star Wars"? It "speaks" to malamutskom language :) keep the house and the owner of such an animal would be only from wild predators, but grabiteteley-people greeted with open legs and show where the money and delicious nishtyaki)))
Myth №4 - will not start, if there are children
The Indian tribes malamute puppies and children grew up together, with sleeping, eating and playing. Malamutes are very friendly to children. The only females are more loyal than dogs. But it is also so in humans. Well, as any large dog should not be left alone malamute with a small child. In his loving malamute does not feel its size, can and push-drop.
Myth №5 -NUZHNO run a lot
It need not run. Again, not to be confused with the Huskies sprinter. Need exercise, transportation weights. The massive and muscular physique malamute - not for high-speed running. His gait - extended trot, saving power and allowing to cover long distances with minimumum effort and maximum efficiency.
Myth №6 - is a hybrid with a wolf
When we brought the puppy, a "big expert", but in fact my neighbor Uncle Vanya, authoritatively stated that it was "a cross between a wolf grow devour all, including children, the elderly and pregnant women».)
The Alaskan Malamute is not a single gram of wolf blood. The resemblance is purely superficial and got Malamute likely similar to those of the polar wolf protection and habitat conditions.
Mif№7 - stupid and not to train
Not stupid. Imagine, you are in the vast snowy tundra, just you and the sled dogs. Will take you stupid dog owner to the house, if he has gone astray? Will the team on thin ice, which did not see the owner and the dog feels pillows paws? Deploy any stupid leader harness if feels the approach of the storm, even against a team? Not stupid, and having an opinion, thinking Malamute ... Yes, it creates some difficulties in the traditional methods of training, yes, you are boundless servility of malamute not wait. But this then is the whole charm of the ancient breeds of dogs, which are often dependent on the life of the whole tribe. He is not a slave - he is a partner, a companion. He can and should make their own decisions.
Myth №8 - represents both stank of dog
Smell malamute most accurately described our breeder "pads of their paws smell of fallen pine needles and ears - dried white mushrooms" ... In fact, Malamute smell the forest, leaves, moss, but not of dog. Incidentally OK - not one dog does not smell of dog. The pungent smell indicates health problems.
Myth №9 - in the apartment can not keep
Here there are different opinions, for example, I believe that the apartment is no place for a dog. His apartment I would not lodged. But there is a "apartment" malamutes. And a very good living.
Any dog bored find a way to entertain yourself while you're not home. Leave pet toys, bones, and most importantly to walk well, let's nat. load and your Malamute (and not only) will sleep without hind legs, while you're at work)
Myth №11 - long-haired, blue-eyed, giant malamute
The breed standard says that the hair Malamute - nemyagkaya and rather short. Long-haired, though malamutes look impressive, but do not meet the standard of the breed. Blue eyes for malamute - marriage. Not to be confused with the Huskies and Yakutian Laika. Malamutes have brown eyes, from sandy to dark karigo depending on color. Giant malamutes - American line of breeding, have impressive size up to 70-80 cm at the withers and weighing up to 70 kg. At the end all of their benefits. The Giants are not suitable for sports and have a bunch of problems of the musculoskeletal system and the heart of the system, being in fact unhappy with disabilities.
I thought to do a couple of myths, and already dashed off 11)))
I'll tell you about my last Nord.
With 6 months of it on natural diet dry food personally I do not recognize. If you are interested, I can share a diet where my 2 dogs lived to 15 and 17 years in general no aching.
And we have been riding sports, not professional (this is a dream), but the kata kids on sleds, and me in the summer on a bicycle. The guy is completely healthy, is valuable for breeding the species, but still can not find the time to walk around the exhibits. Unambitious we, what can we do. Disliked males (dominant breed trait), the first does not attack, but will fight back. Indifferent to dogs themselves less in size, very fond of girls) Hunting cats, domestic and wild birds and small animals. Be sure to take into account the need to ancient hunting instincts, if you want to buy a malamute. And Nordic has a good appetite, loves fruits and vegetables, and of everything else that relies love sobakenam.
Summing up, I can say that the Malamute - ideal as a companion dog for people leading an active lifestyle, and even a good helper on the farm, because its purpose as draft animals have not forgotten)
I can tell a lot, for a long time and tasteful, but if someone personally interesting, I always answer, prompt and share your Malamute addiction)
That's all I wanted to say!
I read few posts on this resource devoted Malamute, I decided to dilute some general information.
Alaskan Malamute - one of the few primitive breeds of dogs, the creation of which man has made only indirect efforts. Chief "creator" Malamutes - a harsh northern wilderness of Alaska, bitter cold, limited diet, and heavy physical work in a team. Here it is worth noting that the Malamute - a universal vseprohodny Heavy. An adult dog without much straining can drag three times the weight of her own. A trained dog can move from place up to 2500 kg. Usually these champions are preparing to compete in veytpullingu (dragging heavy weights). The main purpose of the malamute - transportation of heavy loads over long distances at low speed. Not to be confused with the Huskies, they sprinters among EUFOR element of their high speed, light load and vast expanses.
So. Briefly about the myths.

Myth №1 - MANY eating.
You'll be surprised, but eat these little dogs. Is extremely small compared with other large breed dogs. Special CEC slow metabolism allows them to maximize the digest any food. Actually in their homeland extremely poor diet, so all that is eaten - must go for the future. Comparing with the same Germans can say that 500 grams of food per day - enough Malamute, German go hungry. So the stories about "how to feed such a beast," "it is the home eats," etc. - Groundless.
Myth №2 - SAME Like, need to hunt!
Firstly not Laika, secondly, not the hunter. Sled dogs hunting only for themselves, to share their booty with anyone else will not. Bring prey owner? Do not wait. Often these dogs live on self-sufficient, ie, I caught it and eat.
Myth №3 - a good watchdog.
North American Indian tribe, made malemyutov still contribute to the breed, completely depriving malamutes aggression toward people. Aggressive individuals just simply destroyed. Anyone can take a neighbor's dog and go somewhere on business, and the dog should not consider human stranger. Loyalty to the people, but actually love to squeal puppy - one of the characteristic features and carefully saved the breed. So he can only scare its impressive views, but a kind of voice. By the way, malamutes do not bark from nature, they growl, grumble grumble,. Remember Chewbacca from "Star Wars"? It "speaks" to malamutskom language :) keep the house and the owner of such an animal would be only from wild predators, but grabiteteley-people greeted with open legs and show where the money and delicious nishtyaki)))
Myth №4 - will not start, if there are children
The Indian tribes malamute puppies and children grew up together, with sleeping, eating and playing. Malamutes are very friendly to children. The only females are more loyal than dogs. But it is also so in humans. Well, as any large dog should not be left alone malamute with a small child. In his loving malamute does not feel its size, can and push-drop.
Myth №5 -NUZHNO run a lot

It need not run. Again, not to be confused with the Huskies sprinter. Need exercise, transportation weights. The massive and muscular physique malamute - not for high-speed running. His gait - extended trot, saving power and allowing to cover long distances with minimumum effort and maximum efficiency.
Myth №6 - is a hybrid with a wolf
When we brought the puppy, a "big expert", but in fact my neighbor Uncle Vanya, authoritatively stated that it was "a cross between a wolf grow devour all, including children, the elderly and pregnant women».)
The Alaskan Malamute is not a single gram of wolf blood. The resemblance is purely superficial and got Malamute likely similar to those of the polar wolf protection and habitat conditions.
Mif№7 - stupid and not to train
Not stupid. Imagine, you are in the vast snowy tundra, just you and the sled dogs. Will take you stupid dog owner to the house, if he has gone astray? Will the team on thin ice, which did not see the owner and the dog feels pillows paws? Deploy any stupid leader harness if feels the approach of the storm, even against a team? Not stupid, and having an opinion, thinking Malamute ... Yes, it creates some difficulties in the traditional methods of training, yes, you are boundless servility of malamute not wait. But this then is the whole charm of the ancient breeds of dogs, which are often dependent on the life of the whole tribe. He is not a slave - he is a partner, a companion. He can and should make their own decisions.
Myth №8 - represents both stank of dog
Smell malamute most accurately described our breeder "pads of their paws smell of fallen pine needles and ears - dried white mushrooms" ... In fact, Malamute smell the forest, leaves, moss, but not of dog. Incidentally OK - not one dog does not smell of dog. The pungent smell indicates health problems.
Myth №9 - in the apartment can not keep
Here there are different opinions, for example, I believe that the apartment is no place for a dog. His apartment I would not lodged. But there is a "apartment" malamutes. And a very good living.
Any dog bored find a way to entertain yourself while you're not home. Leave pet toys, bones, and most importantly to walk well, let's nat. load and your Malamute (and not only) will sleep without hind legs, while you're at work)

Myth №11 - long-haired, blue-eyed, giant malamute
The breed standard says that the hair Malamute - nemyagkaya and rather short. Long-haired, though malamutes look impressive, but do not meet the standard of the breed. Blue eyes for malamute - marriage. Not to be confused with the Huskies and Yakutian Laika. Malamutes have brown eyes, from sandy to dark karigo depending on color. Giant malamutes - American line of breeding, have impressive size up to 70-80 cm at the withers and weighing up to 70 kg. At the end all of their benefits. The Giants are not suitable for sports and have a bunch of problems of the musculoskeletal system and the heart of the system, being in fact unhappy with disabilities.
I thought to do a couple of myths, and already dashed off 11)))

I'll tell you about my last Nord.
With 6 months of it on natural diet dry food personally I do not recognize. If you are interested, I can share a diet where my 2 dogs lived to 15 and 17 years in general no aching.
And we have been riding sports, not professional (this is a dream), but the kata kids on sleds, and me in the summer on a bicycle. The guy is completely healthy, is valuable for breeding the species, but still can not find the time to walk around the exhibits. Unambitious we, what can we do. Disliked males (dominant breed trait), the first does not attack, but will fight back. Indifferent to dogs themselves less in size, very fond of girls) Hunting cats, domestic and wild birds and small animals. Be sure to take into account the need to ancient hunting instincts, if you want to buy a malamute. And Nordic has a good appetite, loves fruits and vegetables, and of everything else that relies love sobakenam.
Summing up, I can say that the Malamute - ideal as a companion dog for people leading an active lifestyle, and even a good helper on the farm, because its purpose as draft animals have not forgotten)
I can tell a lot, for a long time and tasteful, but if someone personally interesting, I always answer, prompt and share your Malamute addiction)
That's all I wanted to say!