Shoe Karma
Went fishing with. On the way I met a seagull that had tangled fishing cord beak and "paddle". Birds could not eat or take off because cord was stretched so that the birds nor run nor take any wings fully straighten. All in some moldy stuff.
Will all 4 photos.
Lapa was constricted, but I healed.
Seagull rescued. Flew away. Many will say that this filthy bird. And I like them. And the intellect is not inferior to the crows.
Posted in [mergetime] 1409965952 [/ mergetime]
Will all 4 photos.
Lapa was constricted, but I healed.
Seagull rescued. Flew away. Many will say that this filthy bird. And I like them. And the intellect is not inferior to the crows.
Posted in [mergetime] 1409965952 [/ mergetime]