Turchinov son received a summons from the recruiting office
Cyril, the only son of the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Oleksandr Turchynov, was invited to the military commissariat. On this "news" said the wife of the Speaker. Anna Turchynov told that the guy until the house, despite the call to the draft board: "He was there, answered all the questions that they were interested in." However, if the 21-year-old young man decides to go to serve, it will not interfere with, "If it is necessary, means - it is necessary. Goes capture Ukrainian territory, and there are not chosen. It's Motherland - it someone has to protect. "
Recall that the third Turchinov signed the Law "On partial mobilization." According to the document, draft boards waiting for officers, sergeants and privates reserve who have experience of military service and possess the necessary zone ATO specialties, as well as volunteers without experience.
Meanwhile, Roman Zvarych joined the battalion "Azov»
Previously Kirill Turchinov military service took place: after school he entered the law faculty of Kyiv National Economic University, where in the fourth year he transferred to the Academy of labor, social relations and tourism. "Cyril recently completed master's degree, a diploma and now he can call" - explains the wife of the Speaker.
By the way, Turchinov, Jr., like his parents, a Protestant. Pastor of the church "Word of Life", which is attended by Turchynov, said that Baptist Kirill has the ability to perform alternative service. "Our doctrine does not prohibit taking up arms. But every parishioner can come to me and take a certificate stating that he is - a valid parishioner of the church. This gives him the right to help the elderly, in time of war to care for the wounded, and so on. But I have no such help did not ask, "- says Pastor Vladimir Kunets.

Recall that the third Turchinov signed the Law "On partial mobilization." According to the document, draft boards waiting for officers, sergeants and privates reserve who have experience of military service and possess the necessary zone ATO specialties, as well as volunteers without experience.
Meanwhile, Roman Zvarych joined the battalion "Azov»
Previously Kirill Turchinov military service took place: after school he entered the law faculty of Kyiv National Economic University, where in the fourth year he transferred to the Academy of labor, social relations and tourism. "Cyril recently completed master's degree, a diploma and now he can call" - explains the wife of the Speaker.
By the way, Turchinov, Jr., like his parents, a Protestant. Pastor of the church "Word of Life", which is attended by Turchynov, said that Baptist Kirill has the ability to perform alternative service. "Our doctrine does not prohibit taking up arms. But every parishioner can come to me and take a certificate stating that he is - a valid parishioner of the church. This gives him the right to help the elderly, in time of war to care for the wounded, and so on. But I have no such help did not ask, "- says Pastor Vladimir Kunets.