Telling beyond the grave voice, at night, under the covers ...
- One girl was a cat named Barsik. Once, in a quiet in the stormy night, Barsik went for a walk to the cemetery and did not return. Day No, no ... two on the third day the girl's grandmother says:
-Don't Cry, granddaughter. To eat the best cakes I baked specially for you - and she smiles so not on good terms.
-And What they, Granny? - I asked the girl.
C ... Bars with cabbage, granddaughter, cabbage, - said the grandmother, and dig deeper into his mouth.
-Babushka, Do not lie! - Shouted a girl - I know what you pies!
-Yes! I killed it and put it in his meat pies! - Cried grandmother - in pies ... Barsik Barsik your ...
-So Would immediately and said, - said the girl - you know how I hate cabbages.
One girl was playing in the sandbox, and found there a black vibrator.
I wonder, what is it? - Thought the girl and went home. Since then, the girl has not been seen for three days ... Well, exactly.
One girl all the time chasing a black glass eye. Wherever she went, black glass eyes constantly staring at the girl. Girl goes for a walk - black eyes looking at her. Go to the kitchen - and there is a black eye. She goes into the bedroom - a black eye for it.
-Eb ... Nye paparazzi! - I broke down finally and Britney locked herself in the toilet. One boy was seriously ill - he had flat feet and dandruff. One day he went for a walk and found the yellow snow.
Just do not eat yellow snow! - I shouted to him from the window of my grandmother, but the boy did not listen and began to eat yellow snow, until all had not eaten. And the next day he went completely flat and dandruff. That's what - Urinotherapy.
In the same town was a military enlistment office. Recruitment office as the draft board, except for the fact that this - devouring time. And so, one boy came from the recruiting office agenda.
Just do not go to the draft board Devouring Time! - Mom said.
-Just Not Voenkomat Devouring Time! - Begged my grandmother
-Do not even think! - Dad threatened
But the boy did not listen and took summons and went to the draft board Devouring Time. And he returned two years later. It is no longer a boy, but a grandfather.
Once in the apartment on the ceiling there was a black spot, and the next day the tenant died of a heart attack. Next week, the spot appeared in another apartment, and soon the tenant of the apartment, too, died of a heart attack. And in the third apartment there was a black spot, and then the tenant died. In the fourth week, the spot appeared in the apartment Sidorov. Sidorov called the housing office:
-I Have here a black spot on the ceiling. Oh, yeah? Can be repaired? And how much will it cost? HOW??? - I asked Sidorov died of a heart attack.
- One girl was a cat named Barsik. Once, in a quiet in the stormy night, Barsik went for a walk to the cemetery and did not return. Day No, no ... two on the third day the girl's grandmother says:
-Don't Cry, granddaughter. To eat the best cakes I baked specially for you - and she smiles so not on good terms.
-And What they, Granny? - I asked the girl.
C ... Bars with cabbage, granddaughter, cabbage, - said the grandmother, and dig deeper into his mouth.
-Babushka, Do not lie! - Shouted a girl - I know what you pies!
-Yes! I killed it and put it in his meat pies! - Cried grandmother - in pies ... Barsik Barsik your ...
-So Would immediately and said, - said the girl - you know how I hate cabbages.
One girl was playing in the sandbox, and found there a black vibrator.
I wonder, what is it? - Thought the girl and went home. Since then, the girl has not been seen for three days ... Well, exactly.
One girl all the time chasing a black glass eye. Wherever she went, black glass eyes constantly staring at the girl. Girl goes for a walk - black eyes looking at her. Go to the kitchen - and there is a black eye. She goes into the bedroom - a black eye for it.
-Eb ... Nye paparazzi! - I broke down finally and Britney locked herself in the toilet. One boy was seriously ill - he had flat feet and dandruff. One day he went for a walk and found the yellow snow.
Just do not eat yellow snow! - I shouted to him from the window of my grandmother, but the boy did not listen and began to eat yellow snow, until all had not eaten. And the next day he went completely flat and dandruff. That's what - Urinotherapy.
In the same town was a military enlistment office. Recruitment office as the draft board, except for the fact that this - devouring time. And so, one boy came from the recruiting office agenda.
Just do not go to the draft board Devouring Time! - Mom said.
-Just Not Voenkomat Devouring Time! - Begged my grandmother
-Do not even think! - Dad threatened
But the boy did not listen and took summons and went to the draft board Devouring Time. And he returned two years later. It is no longer a boy, but a grandfather.
Once in the apartment on the ceiling there was a black spot, and the next day the tenant died of a heart attack. Next week, the spot appeared in another apartment, and soon the tenant of the apartment, too, died of a heart attack. And in the third apartment there was a black spot, and then the tenant died. In the fourth week, the spot appeared in the apartment Sidorov. Sidorov called the housing office:
-I Have here a black spot on the ceiling. Oh, yeah? Can be repaired? And how much will it cost? HOW??? - I asked Sidorov died of a heart attack.