Invented loneliness
— Grandma, what is loneliness?
— Loneliness? Well, sometimes, people want to be with someone and not maybe he's lonely.
— How is it? What he wants to be with only one-one? And no one else?
— Well, Yes.
— Well, then it's those other lonely, because they do not need this man.
Grandma squeezed me gently and I breathed in her delicious gingerbread smell. It was the only person with whom you could just lie on the couch, playing with the folds of her thin skin on his hands, examining every crack, every brostock handprints, ask questions, play bingo for money and ask you to say "sixteen" or "corridor", bursting out laughing when she always said, "signicate" or "kalidar" and always smiled at my unbridled laughter.
She spent her life in the village, working from a very young age on earth, and after the war — in the collective farm land. She raised three children, not waiting for after the war my grandfather, who was on the way home from Germany met another woman and "returned" already in another family. And after 10 years, absolutely the patient was asked to return.
And the grandmother watched him until the last days. She never expressed discontent or anger, and she would always care about me and my endless questions and thoughts. I was 11 and the most distant granddaughter. And I waited for every summer that we went to her village where I spend my days were very busy with other interesting things large farms.
It was the first time in four and a half years that I lived in this world, when she came to our city from far the Kuban, where he lived all his life. And I was happy. I was not detached from her anywhere, and finally I was able now to tell her how and what to use, to show that it's not scary to stand on the balcony of the fourth floor, and explain that when the phone rings, do not be afraid, just come up, pick up the phone and say into it: "Hello", and not to run to him and shout: "Calling-calling!".
And then long to explain that when in the tube of someone's name, it must be put near the phone and not on the place and call whom you ask. But grandma still from the excitement and novelty of it all for her all confused and each time I forgot to pick up the phone before you say "Hello", then shouted "calling-calling" in the phone, and called some of us and hang up.
I felt so important, and with inexpressible delight and zeal taught her such ordinary things urban, wild and wondrous for her.
But most importantly, it was the dialogue, which for me was a great happiness, as coveted chirping baby bird in the nest waiting for mom with food in the beak. And I have accumulated so many questions that no one had been time to discuss. But perhaps that is for the reason that all of my questions was only the introduction to a series of counter-flowing and never-ending others.
I heard this word in a black-and-white movie, and it did not give me rest. And it was an enchanted word, as soon as I started asking about him, I was stopped, switching on what I "better" we ought to do instead of asking endless questions, or confined to a standard set: "grow-understand," or "daddy will come and explain everything to you"...
"Oh, you're educated some," smiled the grandmother, and again made me laugh: she always used to tell my innocent little ducklings, when she took them out in the yard on the adjoining lawn, and they helter-skelter trying to rush in all directions, sensing the spirit of liberty. She deftly caught them long krukau and gently sent a mommy duck, saying this phrase. And I laughed every time like the first time — well very much it was funny that the ducks can be "literate."
— Do you ever get lonely? — did not calm down I'm trying, finally, to clarify this strange phenomenon.
I don't have time, " smiled grandma.
Many years have passed, many events, serious and joyful, but I only recently realized that there is NO loneliness!
It's just... a defensive reaction.
We are demirkiran your space, what to log, what not to go, what to admit, what not to release, what is ours and what is someone else's, but let him be, although their suitcases without handle podobralas. And over the years, the walls around us grow, to shout through them more difficult, and increasingly our thoughts are loudly beating against the walls of his own consciousness, being unable to overcome the great and powerful control, which someone once outlined, and we have not resisted and continued in a given direction.
Later, we have ourselves added a point guard, and keep themselves and everyone on the incoming emotional rations, because themselves are not feasting sincere expression of feelings. But even with such a reliable fence itself from what is foreign to a given scheme of life, we are all built to the inviolability of zealously defending myself... from everything, everyone and myself, just in case.
If something we do not understand or inexplicable or frightening to look at, so this is not or is it the machinations of who knows what, who also not the fact that is. But, we don't mind we again pointed the way, gave the decision or made our lives better, or at least let someone come and brighten up our loneliness. And in General, even though someone will do something for us — because we all all all give, children, husbands, wives, friends, colleagues, work, state... and many more commas would be.
And nobody thinks that it was his choice, he, for the good of their own did it, even if nobody asked, so... do nothing for themselves, expelling the primary responsibility for their own lives only responsibility for someone else's. So why someone have something now?
Have you ever thought about the hidden wisdom of one of the rules of salvation prescribed in the aircraft and shall be announced prior to each departure, each aircraft? In the first place — to help yourself, and then the child, a relative, a neighbor. Because if you don't help yourself — you soon won't be able to help you too, no one will help. And so, in life too, whether we like it or not. A special place is the benefactor, about which no one asks. But that's another topic.
When cork got stronger, we — the monolith, a woman is the rock, man-lump, life rushes at breakneck speed, we race for her, if only to do everything, if only not to be late, as always, tomorrow a bunch of stuff, and still have it and need it too, buy that one for next year, and to go somewhere would like, and in General, to kulicka from this country, from this world, from this Earth — how annoying. Won some "proshmandovka" how lucky this "m... duck"... And I, and I...
Stop. And who created this world for yourself? Who shielded themselves with opportunities and other options and ways? Who shut all doors? Who raced somewhere, given to someone once a clearly defined path? Now who is afraid of everything and has many reasons in the Arsenal "not to do", and to begin to change something in himself, in his one and only, absolutely unique, individual life. No need in someone, in something, especially in a rotten system. In itself.
Want the guide? Want to understand the severity of their own inner desolation? Ask yourself: "What can I change?" And if the response before, during, or after, you will feel fear — you have a lot of work! And it can not everyone afford to be.But the results can surpass even the wildest expectations.
Yes, we now believe in nothing. But the axiom in 5th class believe? While all of these are defined (by whom? — the same people) the rules of the game? In dogma? Rules? Fashion? And does not bother anyone that every relatively short period of time, they change all the time, and even with the advent of the new government — that is to say, often even faster...
But we don't believe in immutable things, outside of time, eras, rulers — in Love (not to be confused with affection, love, possession and other identifications and substitutions) in its greatness and the spirit of freedom, right of choice, wisdom and kindness, in sincerity and the power of gratitude...
Children do not understand what loneliness is, they will always find something, but if they need something, they always know how to draw attention to themselves and effectively create the necessary contact or the conditions for it. Their space is always filled, himself, the world, all that surrounds them, and how they participate, until... They begin to defend themselves, no matter for yourself or teach them. But to teach, you need to settle the fear that grows into a voracious monster in fear, and he already knows how to paralyse our gesneriaceae, let not global, but is our destiny.
We're all born brave, because it is necessary to have remarkable courage to be born. We all are born sincere and open — only a child can run easily in the Nude, to say what he thinks and feels, or shouting across the Playground that he wants to poop and then run to mom — so she'd have time to come up with ways of realization of his desires, and when he runs, he has no doubt that the solution to his problem already. And in that moment, trust myself and it is unlimited!
Oh, no, I do not call to Express their physiological needs in a similar way. But I will ask, — where it ends, at what point in our lives, this magnetic harmony with themselves and the world that was not perfect? I would suggest the comparative similarity of the answers... But the truth is that each of us was born not alone, and even lived with, and was this a permanent state, which is unknown a priori alone, but almost everyone took it to friends immediately after the first superficial look.
In this life there are a very limited number of things that we will never be able to change — for example, we can't choose biological parents and children. But we have the right to choose friends, lifestyle, job, family, habits, food, feelings and even thoughts and that those with whom we can become happier, lighter, healthier, more energized, lighter, nicer, more beloved, and easy — Netincome!
So why do we prefer to observe life from an ambush, not to participate in it, not to live, somewhere to always rush, and then pitifully chew snot in the Sahara (sorry)? So why cling to lifeless and ugly look of horror and grind cadaveric subjects, diarrhea politicians convicted neighbor break on loved ones, hiding in the series, on the couch, in the bottle, tearful books and then the disease in the end? Why do we live the first years and exist life? So what actually prevents? Not something that can and must change?..
We're making ourselves lonely, but the problem is that we do alone and others with their friends. We have created a layer designated for this phenomenon, and delegated to him all his kingdoms, and, with them". And we always have to him, loneliness. And in the fullness of life, a limitless number and variety of its manifestations, moments and sparkles, on a small, but bright, fragile and vulnerable, good and home, extra time for himself on the extra smile for each other, never enough time..
When you're alone
This life is written with my blood...
We came up with loneliness. To take responsibility for your own allotment, which we can cultivate and fertilize every day, fill it with his love and joyful things. Its not someone, yet our weeds become overgrown, and when most in my own life comfortable. The paradox of this small Paradise on Earth is that you would be unlikely to be alone in this comfortable space.
Author: Tatiana Baruch
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.slovomiru.com/2012/10/blog-post_3.html
— Loneliness? Well, sometimes, people want to be with someone and not maybe he's lonely.
— How is it? What he wants to be with only one-one? And no one else?
— Well, Yes.
— Well, then it's those other lonely, because they do not need this man.
Grandma squeezed me gently and I breathed in her delicious gingerbread smell. It was the only person with whom you could just lie on the couch, playing with the folds of her thin skin on his hands, examining every crack, every brostock handprints, ask questions, play bingo for money and ask you to say "sixteen" or "corridor", bursting out laughing when she always said, "signicate" or "kalidar" and always smiled at my unbridled laughter.
She spent her life in the village, working from a very young age on earth, and after the war — in the collective farm land. She raised three children, not waiting for after the war my grandfather, who was on the way home from Germany met another woman and "returned" already in another family. And after 10 years, absolutely the patient was asked to return.

And the grandmother watched him until the last days. She never expressed discontent or anger, and she would always care about me and my endless questions and thoughts. I was 11 and the most distant granddaughter. And I waited for every summer that we went to her village where I spend my days were very busy with other interesting things large farms.
It was the first time in four and a half years that I lived in this world, when she came to our city from far the Kuban, where he lived all his life. And I was happy. I was not detached from her anywhere, and finally I was able now to tell her how and what to use, to show that it's not scary to stand on the balcony of the fourth floor, and explain that when the phone rings, do not be afraid, just come up, pick up the phone and say into it: "Hello", and not to run to him and shout: "Calling-calling!".
And then long to explain that when in the tube of someone's name, it must be put near the phone and not on the place and call whom you ask. But grandma still from the excitement and novelty of it all for her all confused and each time I forgot to pick up the phone before you say "Hello", then shouted "calling-calling" in the phone, and called some of us and hang up.
I felt so important, and with inexpressible delight and zeal taught her such ordinary things urban, wild and wondrous for her.
But most importantly, it was the dialogue, which for me was a great happiness, as coveted chirping baby bird in the nest waiting for mom with food in the beak. And I have accumulated so many questions that no one had been time to discuss. But perhaps that is for the reason that all of my questions was only the introduction to a series of counter-flowing and never-ending others.
I heard this word in a black-and-white movie, and it did not give me rest. And it was an enchanted word, as soon as I started asking about him, I was stopped, switching on what I "better" we ought to do instead of asking endless questions, or confined to a standard set: "grow-understand," or "daddy will come and explain everything to you"...
"Oh, you're educated some," smiled the grandmother, and again made me laugh: she always used to tell my innocent little ducklings, when she took them out in the yard on the adjoining lawn, and they helter-skelter trying to rush in all directions, sensing the spirit of liberty. She deftly caught them long krukau and gently sent a mommy duck, saying this phrase. And I laughed every time like the first time — well very much it was funny that the ducks can be "literate."
— Do you ever get lonely? — did not calm down I'm trying, finally, to clarify this strange phenomenon.
I don't have time, " smiled grandma.
Many years have passed, many events, serious and joyful, but I only recently realized that there is NO loneliness!
It's just... a defensive reaction.
We are demirkiran your space, what to log, what not to go, what to admit, what not to release, what is ours and what is someone else's, but let him be, although their suitcases without handle podobralas. And over the years, the walls around us grow, to shout through them more difficult, and increasingly our thoughts are loudly beating against the walls of his own consciousness, being unable to overcome the great and powerful control, which someone once outlined, and we have not resisted and continued in a given direction.
Later, we have ourselves added a point guard, and keep themselves and everyone on the incoming emotional rations, because themselves are not feasting sincere expression of feelings. But even with such a reliable fence itself from what is foreign to a given scheme of life, we are all built to the inviolability of zealously defending myself... from everything, everyone and myself, just in case.
If something we do not understand or inexplicable or frightening to look at, so this is not or is it the machinations of who knows what, who also not the fact that is. But, we don't mind we again pointed the way, gave the decision or made our lives better, or at least let someone come and brighten up our loneliness. And in General, even though someone will do something for us — because we all all all give, children, husbands, wives, friends, colleagues, work, state... and many more commas would be.
And nobody thinks that it was his choice, he, for the good of their own did it, even if nobody asked, so... do nothing for themselves, expelling the primary responsibility for their own lives only responsibility for someone else's. So why someone have something now?
Have you ever thought about the hidden wisdom of one of the rules of salvation prescribed in the aircraft and shall be announced prior to each departure, each aircraft? In the first place — to help yourself, and then the child, a relative, a neighbor. Because if you don't help yourself — you soon won't be able to help you too, no one will help. And so, in life too, whether we like it or not. A special place is the benefactor, about which no one asks. But that's another topic.
When cork got stronger, we — the monolith, a woman is the rock, man-lump, life rushes at breakneck speed, we race for her, if only to do everything, if only not to be late, as always, tomorrow a bunch of stuff, and still have it and need it too, buy that one for next year, and to go somewhere would like, and in General, to kulicka from this country, from this world, from this Earth — how annoying. Won some "proshmandovka" how lucky this "m... duck"... And I, and I...

Stop. And who created this world for yourself? Who shielded themselves with opportunities and other options and ways? Who shut all doors? Who raced somewhere, given to someone once a clearly defined path? Now who is afraid of everything and has many reasons in the Arsenal "not to do", and to begin to change something in himself, in his one and only, absolutely unique, individual life. No need in someone, in something, especially in a rotten system. In itself.
Want the guide? Want to understand the severity of their own inner desolation? Ask yourself: "What can I change?" And if the response before, during, or after, you will feel fear — you have a lot of work! And it can not everyone afford to be.But the results can surpass even the wildest expectations.
Yes, we now believe in nothing. But the axiom in 5th class believe? While all of these are defined (by whom? — the same people) the rules of the game? In dogma? Rules? Fashion? And does not bother anyone that every relatively short period of time, they change all the time, and even with the advent of the new government — that is to say, often even faster...
But we don't believe in immutable things, outside of time, eras, rulers — in Love (not to be confused with affection, love, possession and other identifications and substitutions) in its greatness and the spirit of freedom, right of choice, wisdom and kindness, in sincerity and the power of gratitude...
Children do not understand what loneliness is, they will always find something, but if they need something, they always know how to draw attention to themselves and effectively create the necessary contact or the conditions for it. Their space is always filled, himself, the world, all that surrounds them, and how they participate, until... They begin to defend themselves, no matter for yourself or teach them. But to teach, you need to settle the fear that grows into a voracious monster in fear, and he already knows how to paralyse our gesneriaceae, let not global, but is our destiny.
We're all born brave, because it is necessary to have remarkable courage to be born. We all are born sincere and open — only a child can run easily in the Nude, to say what he thinks and feels, or shouting across the Playground that he wants to poop and then run to mom — so she'd have time to come up with ways of realization of his desires, and when he runs, he has no doubt that the solution to his problem already. And in that moment, trust myself and it is unlimited!
Oh, no, I do not call to Express their physiological needs in a similar way. But I will ask, — where it ends, at what point in our lives, this magnetic harmony with themselves and the world that was not perfect? I would suggest the comparative similarity of the answers... But the truth is that each of us was born not alone, and even lived with, and was this a permanent state, which is unknown a priori alone, but almost everyone took it to friends immediately after the first superficial look.
In this life there are a very limited number of things that we will never be able to change — for example, we can't choose biological parents and children. But we have the right to choose friends, lifestyle, job, family, habits, food, feelings and even thoughts and that those with whom we can become happier, lighter, healthier, more energized, lighter, nicer, more beloved, and easy — Netincome!
So why do we prefer to observe life from an ambush, not to participate in it, not to live, somewhere to always rush, and then pitifully chew snot in the Sahara (sorry)? So why cling to lifeless and ugly look of horror and grind cadaveric subjects, diarrhea politicians convicted neighbor break on loved ones, hiding in the series, on the couch, in the bottle, tearful books and then the disease in the end? Why do we live the first years and exist life? So what actually prevents? Not something that can and must change?..
We're making ourselves lonely, but the problem is that we do alone and others with their friends. We have created a layer designated for this phenomenon, and delegated to him all his kingdoms, and, with them". And we always have to him, loneliness. And in the fullness of life, a limitless number and variety of its manifestations, moments and sparkles, on a small, but bright, fragile and vulnerable, good and home, extra time for himself on the extra smile for each other, never enough time..
When you're alone
This life is written with my blood...
We came up with loneliness. To take responsibility for your own allotment, which we can cultivate and fertilize every day, fill it with his love and joyful things. Its not someone, yet our weeds become overgrown, and when most in my own life comfortable. The paradox of this small Paradise on Earth is that you would be unlikely to be alone in this comfortable space.
Author: Tatiana Baruch
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.slovomiru.com/2012/10/blog-post_3.html