Blog blockade
Detailed diary blokadnitsy Angelina Efremovna Krupnova-Shamova found in St. Petersburg in the city dump.
The manuscript found two of St Petersburg, which for eighty - Lev Mihryutin and Alexander Petrovich Shishlov. We found in the garbage near the house number 56 on the street Savushkina. In the notebook in a cage - blockade story Angelina Efremovna Krupnova-Shamova.
blood and death
Died 26 / IV 1942 our daughter Miletta K., born 11 / VIII 1933 - 8 years 8 months and 15 days old.
Fedor lived with 7 / IV 1942 26 / VI 1942 - 80 days ...
26 / IV daughter died in the morning and 6 in the morning to feed Fedor breast - not a drop of milk. Children's doctor said: "I am happy, and that his mother (that is, I would have) died and left to his three sons. Do not feel sorry for the daughter, she bastard - would have died in the eighteen - sure ».
But again no milk, I 3 / V 1942 handed over to the Institute of Blood Transfusion on the 3rd Sovetskaya street, I do not remember how many c., As a donor, I June 26, 1941. Being pregnant Fyodor, donated blood 26 / VI - 300 gr., 31 / VII - 250 gr., 3 / IX - 150 gr., 7 / XI - 150 gr. blood. More anymore. 11 / XII - 120 gr. = 970 g. Blood.
12 / I in 1942 - has long walked, I walked on the ice across from the university to the Admiralty on the Neva. The morning was sunny, frosty - stood frozen in the ice barge and boat. It was the 18 th line VO first by a big ol. 1 st line and to the Neva River past the Menshikov Palace and all the colleagues of the University. Then from across the Neva Nevsky pr. Nevsky 3, Sovetskaya ...
How undressed, the doctor - a young man - hand poked in the chest, "What is that?" And I said, "I will be the fourth time the mother." He grabbed his head and ran. Were once three doctors - it turns out pregnant women can not donate blood - donor card crossed out. I was not fed, kicked, and I had to get a certificate in February 1942, on the working card and ration (2 loaves, 900 gr. Of meat, 2 kg of cereals), if I took the blood ...
Went back slowly, but at home waiting for three children Miletta, Kronides and bones. A husband took engineers ... received in February dependency card, and this - 120 gr. bread per day. Death ...
When the ice came up, saw the right under the bridge frozen mountain people - who was lying, who sat as a boy about ten years old, as a living, the head fell to one of the dead. And I wanted so much to go with them. Even I had turned off the path, but remember: the three houses lie on the beds, and I limp - and went home.
The apartment has four rooms: ours - 9 meters, the extreme, the former stables host four houses (19, 19A, 19B, 19B). There is no water pipes burst, but still people poured into the toilet, pour slurry on the wall and freezes from the cold. And no glass in the windows, in the fall they smashed by a bomb.
I came home more cheerful, and the children are glad that she came. But see that empty, and not a word, silent, that hungry. A home is a piece of bread. Three times. Adults, that is, I - 250 gr., And three children's pieces - 125 gr. No one has claimed ...
I lit the stove, put the 7-liter pot, boil the water, threw myrtillus dry grass and strawberry. Cut to thin slices of bread smeared a lot of mustard and a very strong ambassador. They sat down, ate, drank a lot of tea and went to bed. And at 6 o'clock in the morning I put on pants, hat, jacket, coat, going to take place. In just 8 open the store, and all the length and width of 2-3 people - stand and wait, and the enemy plane flying slow and low over the Great pr. VO and pours out the guns, the people were scattered, and then again, in turn, raises no panic - terribly ...
And for water sledging you put two buckets and dipper, you go on the Neva River at Grand Avenue, the 20th line to the Mining Institute. They descend to the water hole and draws the water in the bucket. A pick-up sled with water help each other. Often, you will pass the half-way and razolesh water itself vymoknesh again go, wet, for water ...
The apartment is empty, no one except us, everything went to the front. And so, day after day. From her husband - nothing. And then came the fateful night of 7 / IV 1942 morning, the bout. So far, three children dressed, gathered underwear in a suitcase, two sons tied to the sled, so as not to fall, they drove into the yard to dump, and a daughter and a suitcase left in the alley. And she brought ... pants ...
I forgot that I have children in the street. He walked slowly, holding on to the wall of his house, quietly, afraid to crush the baby ...
And in an apartment - dark and in the hallway - the water dripping from the ceiling. A corridor - 3 meters wide and 12 - in length. I go quietly. Came quickly undid his pants, he wanted to put the baby on the ottoman, and fainted from the pain ...
Dark, cold, and suddenly the door opens - part man. It turned out he was walking through the courtyard, he saw two children tied to the sled, asked: "Where are going?" And my five-year Kostya and says, "We're going to the maternity hospital!»
"Oh, the children probably have brought my mother to death," - suggested a man. Kostya and said: "No". The man silently took the sled, "Where to drive?" And Kostyuha commands. Looking man, and here one sled, still a child ...
And children drove up to the house, and the house lit a candle in a saucer, nail-wick - smokes awful. Broken chair, lit the stove, put a pot of water - 12 liters, ran to the maternity ... And I got up and reached for the scissors, and scissors black with soot. Wick trimmed and cut in half the umbilical cord with scissors so ... I said, "Well, Fedka half of you, and the other - I ..." The umbilical cord to it I tied a black thread of the 40th room, and his - no ...
I did, though, and gave birth to a fourth, but knew nothing at all. And then Kostya took out from under the bed book "Mother and Child" (I always read at the end of the book, how to avoid unwanted pregnancies, and then read the first page - "Delivery"). She stood up, the water is hot. Fedor bandaged cord, cut an extra piece of greased iodine, and in the eyes let nothing. Hardly waited for morning. And in the morning I came to the old lady: "Oh, yes you are, and did not go for bread, let's cards, I'll run." The coupons were cut per decade: from 1 to 10 th of, well, there was 8, 9 and 10th - 250 gr. and three 125 gr. For a three days. So the bread and we did not bring the old lady ... But 9 / IV I saw her dead in the yard - so there is nothing to condemn, she was a good person ...
My sister came from the hospital and shouted: "Where are you, I have the flu!" I shout, "Close the door on the side, and it is cold!" She left and the bones of five stood up and said: "A mess something welded!" I got up and flooded the stove, but the porridge stuck like jelly.
Here we ate the porridge without bread and drank 7-liter pot of tea, I dressed Fedenka, wrapped in a blanket and went to the hospital on behalf of Vedemana 14th line. Brought, mothers - not a soul. I say: "Treat navel son." The doctor replied: "Get down to the hospital, then processed!" I say, "I have three children, they were left alone in the apartment." She insisted: "All the same, go!" I screamed at her, and she called the head physician. A chief doctor shouted at her: "Treat the child and give a certificate to the registrar on the metrics and a children's card».
She unwrapped the child and smiled. The umbilical cord, tied me, praise: "Good for you, Mom!" Noted the weight of the baby - 2, 5 kg. The eyes and let drop all references given. And I went to the registry office - on the 16th line, he was located in the basement of the executive committee. The queue is huge, people are in favor of the documents on the dead. And I'm going with my son, people Gives Way. Suddenly I heard someone shouting: "freeloaders talking about!" And the other: "The victory brings!»
Discharged metrics and help children at the card, congratulations, and I went to the chairman of the executive committee. On the stairs up and saw a wide old man sitting at a table in front of him - the phone. He asks why and where I go. I answer that gave birth to a son in the morning and three more children at home, in the hallway - water to the ankles, and the room - two walls face, and they stuck a pillow half wet and slush from the walls crawling ...
He asked: "What is the need?" I replied, "Daughter of eight years old, sitting under the arch at night sledging, chilled, she would have to the hospital».
He pressed a button, the three girls came in uniform, as if on cue, ran up to me, took a child, and two - under my arms and carried home. I cried, suddenly tired, barely reached home ...
On the same day we moved to another apartment on our own ladder - the fourth floor. Oven-defective, the window inserted two glass from our bookcase, and on the stove - 12 liter pan is hot water. The doctor of female consultation, also came to the rescue, began to wash my children, first - Milettu - bare head, no hair ... So it's children - skinny, scared look ...
At night - a knock at the door. I open, standing in the doorway, my sister Valentina - she was walking to the Finland Station. Behind - a bag. It discloses God: pure rye bread, a soldier, a roll - a magnificent brick, a little sugar, cereals, sour cabbage ...
Radio working day. During the shelling - the signal to the shelter. But we did not leave, even though our area several times a day from long-range artillery shelling. But planes bomb spared, around plants ...
26 / IV 1942 - Miletta died in the morning and six in the morning radio is known: the rate of grain added. The workers - 400 gr., Children - 250 gr ... The whole day spent in the queues. Brought bread and vodka ...
Milettu dressed in a black silk suit ... lies on a table in a small room, I come home, and two sons, aged seven and five years Kronides Kostya, lying drunk on the floor - half drunk ... I'm a little scared, ran to the second floor to the janitor - her daughter He graduated from medical school. She came with me and seeing the children laughed: "Let them sleep, it is better not to disturb them» ...
Eyes overgrown with moss
6 / V in 1942 went to buy bread in the morning. I went and Kronid not know - has swelled, became very thick, a doll like Roly-Poly. I wrapped him in a blanket and dragged the 21 th line in the consultation, and there - closed. Then he suffered on the 15th line, where he shut the door. I brought back home. He ran to janitress, called the doctor. The doctor came, looked and said it was the third degree dystrophy ...
Knock on the door. I open: two orderlies from the hospital Krupskaya - about daughter. I'm in front of their noses shut the door, and knock them back. And then I knew it, my daughter is not present, and the crown, Kronechka something alive. I opened the door, explained that his son is necessary to the hospital. I wrapped it in a blanket and went with them, taking the metric and baby card.
The emergency room doctor told me: "You have the same - the daughter." The answer is: "The daughter is dead, but the son is sick ..." Son took to the hospital ...
No tears, but my heart is empty, terribly. Kostyuha quieted down, he kisses me and Fyodor care and Fyodor child is in the bath, galvanized ...
9 / V 1942 My husband came walking to the Finland Station on the day. We went for a truck and a certificate for burial at the Smolensk cemetery. Besides my baby - Two unidentified corpse ... One of the janitors who died dragged by the feet, and her head was pounding up the stairs ...
At the cemetery could not cry. Milettu carried and laid neatly on the "woodpile" unknown woman from the dead ... 15 days have lain Miletta house, overgrown with moss the eye - had to face close silk cloth ...
Easy ground
On the radio they say: "Everyone should have a garden of Leningrad." All squares turned into vegetable gardens. The seeds of carrots, beets, onions, give free. We on Grand Avenue planted onions and sorrel. More radio ad: You can get a pass in Bergardovku, Vsevolozhsk, but for me there in the hospital Bringing work. I am in the 16th police department to the chief. He writes me a pass, but I did ask for a time-out nanny. And he is a woman - Rhine Alma Petrovna and asks her: "Are you going to nurse her? - Pointing at me. - She has three sons, one of seven, the second - five years, and the third and all the newborn ... »
She went home with me. I walk to the Finland Station. The train was going at night, attacks. I arrived in Vsevolozhsk five in the morning sun, the leaves on the trees bloom. Valine Hospital - the former summer camp.
I sit on the bank of the river, the birds are singing, the silence ... As in peacetime. I came home to some grandfather with a shovel. He asks: "What is sitting?" I explain, "Here, come to dig a vegetable garden, and a shovel in his hands can not keep." He gives me a shovel, shows how to dig, and he sits down and looks like I'm working.
His land is light, well-groomed. Large plot dug, and here my Valya came: bears bread and half a liter of black currant ...
I sat down, nipping a little bread, eat fruit, drink water. Grandfather came to me and said: "Write an application - giving you two rooms and a small room in the attic ...»
So I close my, but the city has taken out. Fedenka took nurseries around the clock, and for Kostyuhoy looking grandfather ...
6 / VI went to Leningrad for Kronides. We discharged him from the hospital with the diagnosis: dystrophy III level, paratyphoid, osteomyelitis. Not a single hair on his head, but the lice white, 40 pieces of large killed. The whole day sitting at the train station. I met a woman who explained this cadaveric louse to a healthy person does not run ...
At five in the morning we got off the train. Son of heavy, bear arms, can not hold his head. When we reached the house, Val looked at him and cried: "Die ..." came the doctor Irina, took a shot and left in silence.
Kron opened his eyes and said, "I - well, did not flinch." And I fell asleep ...
And at 9 o'clock in the morning the doctor came: the head physician of the hospital, a professor and a nurse visited, gave recommendations. We have them, how could perform. But he still did not hold his head, was very weak and did not eat - only drank milk. Day after day, recovering slightly ...
I tried to make. Maiden's tunic made, subtracting those that were for men yesterday. But I ordered it carried one soup, one porridge. And I, as best I could, all sewed.
The son died as an adult
Husband came home on leave, and said that he was transferred from sappers to train drivers, in Leningrad. "I'm a sailor - he said. - And the locomotives do not know. " Head even hugged him: "This is even better: take a brand new boat in Central Park, Georgia freight train - and Ladoga! ..»
6 / VII 1942 We go to Leningrad. Crohn's should be put in the hospital, and I give blood - it is necessary to feed the children ... I was sitting with the sons of the Institute of Blood Transfusion - where donors are fed lunch. Slurp soup as a war correspondent takes us, and smiling, he said: "Let the veterans look like you here in Leningrad ..." Then go to the hospital Rauhfusa. There I take the documents and Crohn goes to the House. The son was in hospital for four months ...
A 26 / VII died Fedenka, Fyodor. I took it from the manger already hopeless. He died as an adult. I cried once, took a deep breath and straightened ...
I wrapped him in a blanket-cover, very beautiful, silk, and carried to the police station where the discharged funeral testimony ... She took him to the cemetery, I, here to pick some flowers, put it in the ground without a coffin and buried ... I could not even cry ... < br />
July 1, 1942 I went to the personnel department of the shipping company. She told me: daughter and son buried. Her husband is in the Poconos. I ask to sailors. He explains that the cards do not need me, I - the donor get a working card, and I need a permanent pass to Ladoga. He took the passport, stamped, sent a pass to Osinovtsa, Osinovezckiy lighthouse. I wrote a permanent seat in the second carriage of the train coming back - free, and has 10 numbers I arrived at the destination. The port I missed. I was told that the boat vozivshy evacuated and products (good time to unload the cargo), during the bombing I went to the bottom. A team - captain, a mechanic and a sailor - were saved, swam. Then the boat picked up, and now he is in the repair ...
The boats were usually Kobona, carried live load ... From time to time I went to the city. But take even a grain of even specks of flour could not - if found, immediately shot. Above the harbor, where are the bags of barley, peas, flour, strafing aircraft fly, holes, pouring into water supplies - trouble!
My Kostya did leaven and baked cakes - come to us all the pier. Finally, the harbormaster ordered to provide us with the flour and butter. And the porters, and the military to get out of the water and soggy mass - on the stove. Eaten, and immediately volvulus die ... How many such cases have been!
So I once again came to the court. I have two job cards, one was sent to kindergarten, there are satisfied with the care Kostyuhoy good, and the other card to give Vale. As food to his grandfather, who our things, he gave me cabbage and berries pets. And gives the apples, I have them in Leningrad, in the hospital to Krone. Treating nurse, doctor are spaced letters from Osinovtsa and back to Lake Ladoga, in the port ... So I spin like a squirrel in a cage. The smiles of the people - as a gift, and her husband near ...
27 / VIII. Quickly summer is over. Ladoga stormy, cold, wind, intensified bombing ... swim into Kobona. Cargo unloaded, off the coast boat sank.
Kostya sent to the pumping station (Station Mill Creek). Night duty, two - free ...
CZK while the hospital name Rauhfusa transported to the hospital for Petrogradka, said that there will perform operation. Put it in the women's section. Women love it - taught sewing, knitting ...
In late December Krone removed a piece of jaw, ordered in January to take home.
3 / I 1943 again went to ask for a house, offered a vacant house in Mill Creek ...
The man was born!
... For a long time was taken for blog - not before it. I went to the doctors.
The manuscript found two of St Petersburg, which for eighty - Lev Mihryutin and Alexander Petrovich Shishlov. We found in the garbage near the house number 56 on the street Savushkina. In the notebook in a cage - blockade story Angelina Efremovna Krupnova-Shamova.

blood and death
Died 26 / IV 1942 our daughter Miletta K., born 11 / VIII 1933 - 8 years 8 months and 15 days old.
Fedor lived with 7 / IV 1942 26 / VI 1942 - 80 days ...
26 / IV daughter died in the morning and 6 in the morning to feed Fedor breast - not a drop of milk. Children's doctor said: "I am happy, and that his mother (that is, I would have) died and left to his three sons. Do not feel sorry for the daughter, she bastard - would have died in the eighteen - sure ».
But again no milk, I 3 / V 1942 handed over to the Institute of Blood Transfusion on the 3rd Sovetskaya street, I do not remember how many c., As a donor, I June 26, 1941. Being pregnant Fyodor, donated blood 26 / VI - 300 gr., 31 / VII - 250 gr., 3 / IX - 150 gr., 7 / XI - 150 gr. blood. More anymore. 11 / XII - 120 gr. = 970 g. Blood.
12 / I in 1942 - has long walked, I walked on the ice across from the university to the Admiralty on the Neva. The morning was sunny, frosty - stood frozen in the ice barge and boat. It was the 18 th line VO first by a big ol. 1 st line and to the Neva River past the Menshikov Palace and all the colleagues of the University. Then from across the Neva Nevsky pr. Nevsky 3, Sovetskaya ...
How undressed, the doctor - a young man - hand poked in the chest, "What is that?" And I said, "I will be the fourth time the mother." He grabbed his head and ran. Were once three doctors - it turns out pregnant women can not donate blood - donor card crossed out. I was not fed, kicked, and I had to get a certificate in February 1942, on the working card and ration (2 loaves, 900 gr. Of meat, 2 kg of cereals), if I took the blood ...
Went back slowly, but at home waiting for three children Miletta, Kronides and bones. A husband took engineers ... received in February dependency card, and this - 120 gr. bread per day. Death ...
When the ice came up, saw the right under the bridge frozen mountain people - who was lying, who sat as a boy about ten years old, as a living, the head fell to one of the dead. And I wanted so much to go with them. Even I had turned off the path, but remember: the three houses lie on the beds, and I limp - and went home.
The apartment has four rooms: ours - 9 meters, the extreme, the former stables host four houses (19, 19A, 19B, 19B). There is no water pipes burst, but still people poured into the toilet, pour slurry on the wall and freezes from the cold. And no glass in the windows, in the fall they smashed by a bomb.
I came home more cheerful, and the children are glad that she came. But see that empty, and not a word, silent, that hungry. A home is a piece of bread. Three times. Adults, that is, I - 250 gr., And three children's pieces - 125 gr. No one has claimed ...
I lit the stove, put the 7-liter pot, boil the water, threw myrtillus dry grass and strawberry. Cut to thin slices of bread smeared a lot of mustard and a very strong ambassador. They sat down, ate, drank a lot of tea and went to bed. And at 6 o'clock in the morning I put on pants, hat, jacket, coat, going to take place. In just 8 open the store, and all the length and width of 2-3 people - stand and wait, and the enemy plane flying slow and low over the Great pr. VO and pours out the guns, the people were scattered, and then again, in turn, raises no panic - terribly ...
And for water sledging you put two buckets and dipper, you go on the Neva River at Grand Avenue, the 20th line to the Mining Institute. They descend to the water hole and draws the water in the bucket. A pick-up sled with water help each other. Often, you will pass the half-way and razolesh water itself vymoknesh again go, wet, for water ...
The apartment is empty, no one except us, everything went to the front. And so, day after day. From her husband - nothing. And then came the fateful night of 7 / IV 1942 morning, the bout. So far, three children dressed, gathered underwear in a suitcase, two sons tied to the sled, so as not to fall, they drove into the yard to dump, and a daughter and a suitcase left in the alley. And she brought ... pants ...
I forgot that I have children in the street. He walked slowly, holding on to the wall of his house, quietly, afraid to crush the baby ...
And in an apartment - dark and in the hallway - the water dripping from the ceiling. A corridor - 3 meters wide and 12 - in length. I go quietly. Came quickly undid his pants, he wanted to put the baby on the ottoman, and fainted from the pain ...
Dark, cold, and suddenly the door opens - part man. It turned out he was walking through the courtyard, he saw two children tied to the sled, asked: "Where are going?" And my five-year Kostya and says, "We're going to the maternity hospital!»
"Oh, the children probably have brought my mother to death," - suggested a man. Kostya and said: "No". The man silently took the sled, "Where to drive?" And Kostyuha commands. Looking man, and here one sled, still a child ...
And children drove up to the house, and the house lit a candle in a saucer, nail-wick - smokes awful. Broken chair, lit the stove, put a pot of water - 12 liters, ran to the maternity ... And I got up and reached for the scissors, and scissors black with soot. Wick trimmed and cut in half the umbilical cord with scissors so ... I said, "Well, Fedka half of you, and the other - I ..." The umbilical cord to it I tied a black thread of the 40th room, and his - no ...
I did, though, and gave birth to a fourth, but knew nothing at all. And then Kostya took out from under the bed book "Mother and Child" (I always read at the end of the book, how to avoid unwanted pregnancies, and then read the first page - "Delivery"). She stood up, the water is hot. Fedor bandaged cord, cut an extra piece of greased iodine, and in the eyes let nothing. Hardly waited for morning. And in the morning I came to the old lady: "Oh, yes you are, and did not go for bread, let's cards, I'll run." The coupons were cut per decade: from 1 to 10 th of, well, there was 8, 9 and 10th - 250 gr. and three 125 gr. For a three days. So the bread and we did not bring the old lady ... But 9 / IV I saw her dead in the yard - so there is nothing to condemn, she was a good person ...
My sister came from the hospital and shouted: "Where are you, I have the flu!" I shout, "Close the door on the side, and it is cold!" She left and the bones of five stood up and said: "A mess something welded!" I got up and flooded the stove, but the porridge stuck like jelly.
Here we ate the porridge without bread and drank 7-liter pot of tea, I dressed Fedenka, wrapped in a blanket and went to the hospital on behalf of Vedemana 14th line. Brought, mothers - not a soul. I say: "Treat navel son." The doctor replied: "Get down to the hospital, then processed!" I say, "I have three children, they were left alone in the apartment." She insisted: "All the same, go!" I screamed at her, and she called the head physician. A chief doctor shouted at her: "Treat the child and give a certificate to the registrar on the metrics and a children's card».
She unwrapped the child and smiled. The umbilical cord, tied me, praise: "Good for you, Mom!" Noted the weight of the baby - 2, 5 kg. The eyes and let drop all references given. And I went to the registry office - on the 16th line, he was located in the basement of the executive committee. The queue is huge, people are in favor of the documents on the dead. And I'm going with my son, people Gives Way. Suddenly I heard someone shouting: "freeloaders talking about!" And the other: "The victory brings!»
Discharged metrics and help children at the card, congratulations, and I went to the chairman of the executive committee. On the stairs up and saw a wide old man sitting at a table in front of him - the phone. He asks why and where I go. I answer that gave birth to a son in the morning and three more children at home, in the hallway - water to the ankles, and the room - two walls face, and they stuck a pillow half wet and slush from the walls crawling ...
He asked: "What is the need?" I replied, "Daughter of eight years old, sitting under the arch at night sledging, chilled, she would have to the hospital».
He pressed a button, the three girls came in uniform, as if on cue, ran up to me, took a child, and two - under my arms and carried home. I cried, suddenly tired, barely reached home ...
On the same day we moved to another apartment on our own ladder - the fourth floor. Oven-defective, the window inserted two glass from our bookcase, and on the stove - 12 liter pan is hot water. The doctor of female consultation, also came to the rescue, began to wash my children, first - Milettu - bare head, no hair ... So it's children - skinny, scared look ...
At night - a knock at the door. I open, standing in the doorway, my sister Valentina - she was walking to the Finland Station. Behind - a bag. It discloses God: pure rye bread, a soldier, a roll - a magnificent brick, a little sugar, cereals, sour cabbage ...
Radio working day. During the shelling - the signal to the shelter. But we did not leave, even though our area several times a day from long-range artillery shelling. But planes bomb spared, around plants ...
26 / IV 1942 - Miletta died in the morning and six in the morning radio is known: the rate of grain added. The workers - 400 gr., Children - 250 gr ... The whole day spent in the queues. Brought bread and vodka ...
Milettu dressed in a black silk suit ... lies on a table in a small room, I come home, and two sons, aged seven and five years Kronides Kostya, lying drunk on the floor - half drunk ... I'm a little scared, ran to the second floor to the janitor - her daughter He graduated from medical school. She came with me and seeing the children laughed: "Let them sleep, it is better not to disturb them» ...
Eyes overgrown with moss
6 / V in 1942 went to buy bread in the morning. I went and Kronid not know - has swelled, became very thick, a doll like Roly-Poly. I wrapped him in a blanket and dragged the 21 th line in the consultation, and there - closed. Then he suffered on the 15th line, where he shut the door. I brought back home. He ran to janitress, called the doctor. The doctor came, looked and said it was the third degree dystrophy ...
Knock on the door. I open: two orderlies from the hospital Krupskaya - about daughter. I'm in front of their noses shut the door, and knock them back. And then I knew it, my daughter is not present, and the crown, Kronechka something alive. I opened the door, explained that his son is necessary to the hospital. I wrapped it in a blanket and went with them, taking the metric and baby card.
The emergency room doctor told me: "You have the same - the daughter." The answer is: "The daughter is dead, but the son is sick ..." Son took to the hospital ...
No tears, but my heart is empty, terribly. Kostyuha quieted down, he kisses me and Fyodor care and Fyodor child is in the bath, galvanized ...
9 / V 1942 My husband came walking to the Finland Station on the day. We went for a truck and a certificate for burial at the Smolensk cemetery. Besides my baby - Two unidentified corpse ... One of the janitors who died dragged by the feet, and her head was pounding up the stairs ...
At the cemetery could not cry. Milettu carried and laid neatly on the "woodpile" unknown woman from the dead ... 15 days have lain Miletta house, overgrown with moss the eye - had to face close silk cloth ...
Easy ground
On the radio they say: "Everyone should have a garden of Leningrad." All squares turned into vegetable gardens. The seeds of carrots, beets, onions, give free. We on Grand Avenue planted onions and sorrel. More radio ad: You can get a pass in Bergardovku, Vsevolozhsk, but for me there in the hospital Bringing work. I am in the 16th police department to the chief. He writes me a pass, but I did ask for a time-out nanny. And he is a woman - Rhine Alma Petrovna and asks her: "Are you going to nurse her? - Pointing at me. - She has three sons, one of seven, the second - five years, and the third and all the newborn ... »
She went home with me. I walk to the Finland Station. The train was going at night, attacks. I arrived in Vsevolozhsk five in the morning sun, the leaves on the trees bloom. Valine Hospital - the former summer camp.
I sit on the bank of the river, the birds are singing, the silence ... As in peacetime. I came home to some grandfather with a shovel. He asks: "What is sitting?" I explain, "Here, come to dig a vegetable garden, and a shovel in his hands can not keep." He gives me a shovel, shows how to dig, and he sits down and looks like I'm working.
His land is light, well-groomed. Large plot dug, and here my Valya came: bears bread and half a liter of black currant ...
I sat down, nipping a little bread, eat fruit, drink water. Grandfather came to me and said: "Write an application - giving you two rooms and a small room in the attic ...»
So I close my, but the city has taken out. Fedenka took nurseries around the clock, and for Kostyuhoy looking grandfather ...
6 / VI went to Leningrad for Kronides. We discharged him from the hospital with the diagnosis: dystrophy III level, paratyphoid, osteomyelitis. Not a single hair on his head, but the lice white, 40 pieces of large killed. The whole day sitting at the train station. I met a woman who explained this cadaveric louse to a healthy person does not run ...
At five in the morning we got off the train. Son of heavy, bear arms, can not hold his head. When we reached the house, Val looked at him and cried: "Die ..." came the doctor Irina, took a shot and left in silence.
Kron opened his eyes and said, "I - well, did not flinch." And I fell asleep ...
And at 9 o'clock in the morning the doctor came: the head physician of the hospital, a professor and a nurse visited, gave recommendations. We have them, how could perform. But he still did not hold his head, was very weak and did not eat - only drank milk. Day after day, recovering slightly ...
I tried to make. Maiden's tunic made, subtracting those that were for men yesterday. But I ordered it carried one soup, one porridge. And I, as best I could, all sewed.
The son died as an adult
Husband came home on leave, and said that he was transferred from sappers to train drivers, in Leningrad. "I'm a sailor - he said. - And the locomotives do not know. " Head even hugged him: "This is even better: take a brand new boat in Central Park, Georgia freight train - and Ladoga! ..»
6 / VII 1942 We go to Leningrad. Crohn's should be put in the hospital, and I give blood - it is necessary to feed the children ... I was sitting with the sons of the Institute of Blood Transfusion - where donors are fed lunch. Slurp soup as a war correspondent takes us, and smiling, he said: "Let the veterans look like you here in Leningrad ..." Then go to the hospital Rauhfusa. There I take the documents and Crohn goes to the House. The son was in hospital for four months ...
A 26 / VII died Fedenka, Fyodor. I took it from the manger already hopeless. He died as an adult. I cried once, took a deep breath and straightened ...
I wrapped him in a blanket-cover, very beautiful, silk, and carried to the police station where the discharged funeral testimony ... She took him to the cemetery, I, here to pick some flowers, put it in the ground without a coffin and buried ... I could not even cry ... < br />
July 1, 1942 I went to the personnel department of the shipping company. She told me: daughter and son buried. Her husband is in the Poconos. I ask to sailors. He explains that the cards do not need me, I - the donor get a working card, and I need a permanent pass to Ladoga. He took the passport, stamped, sent a pass to Osinovtsa, Osinovezckiy lighthouse. I wrote a permanent seat in the second carriage of the train coming back - free, and has 10 numbers I arrived at the destination. The port I missed. I was told that the boat vozivshy evacuated and products (good time to unload the cargo), during the bombing I went to the bottom. A team - captain, a mechanic and a sailor - were saved, swam. Then the boat picked up, and now he is in the repair ...
The boats were usually Kobona, carried live load ... From time to time I went to the city. But take even a grain of even specks of flour could not - if found, immediately shot. Above the harbor, where are the bags of barley, peas, flour, strafing aircraft fly, holes, pouring into water supplies - trouble!
My Kostya did leaven and baked cakes - come to us all the pier. Finally, the harbormaster ordered to provide us with the flour and butter. And the porters, and the military to get out of the water and soggy mass - on the stove. Eaten, and immediately volvulus die ... How many such cases have been!
So I once again came to the court. I have two job cards, one was sent to kindergarten, there are satisfied with the care Kostyuhoy good, and the other card to give Vale. As food to his grandfather, who our things, he gave me cabbage and berries pets. And gives the apples, I have them in Leningrad, in the hospital to Krone. Treating nurse, doctor are spaced letters from Osinovtsa and back to Lake Ladoga, in the port ... So I spin like a squirrel in a cage. The smiles of the people - as a gift, and her husband near ...
27 / VIII. Quickly summer is over. Ladoga stormy, cold, wind, intensified bombing ... swim into Kobona. Cargo unloaded, off the coast boat sank.
Kostya sent to the pumping station (Station Mill Creek). Night duty, two - free ...
CZK while the hospital name Rauhfusa transported to the hospital for Petrogradka, said that there will perform operation. Put it in the women's section. Women love it - taught sewing, knitting ...
In late December Krone removed a piece of jaw, ordered in January to take home.
3 / I 1943 again went to ask for a house, offered a vacant house in Mill Creek ...
The man was born!
... For a long time was taken for blog - not before it. I went to the doctors.