15 books, written by people with a great sense of humor

They say that laughter prolongs life. If this is true, the book, edited selected The site, will increase it to at least ten years. They cause a Homeric laughter.
They are completely different genres, in their diverse characters, but each book is easy to read, fun and just for one evening.
We have no books - and the world would definitely nicer and brighter

Eugene Cheshirko "Diary brownie" Parts of this book were walking across the network. They were happy to read and share them more than 2 million people. Very funny story houses, which together with the host's cat and puppy daily fall into funny stories. This book will be a wonderful antidepressant and a source of laughter.

Narine Abgaryan "Manyunya fantastichYskYy wrote the novel" The continuation of the novel "Manyunya" about the new adventures of Nara and Manyunya. The girls get the whole book in a very funny situation, get a scolding from strict Ba, and they never sit still in one place. Very funny, touching and want to read from cover to cover immediately.

Sue Townsend "Secret Diary of Adrian Mole" hero of the book - an awkward 14-year-old. His problems "universal scale," such as a pimple on his nose, and trouble such as evil school bully forced to laugh like the hero, and over the other in his age.

Thank Se "plumber, his cat, his wife and other details," The main character - the only light in the plumber, who plays in the academic theater, has a blog and grow onions on the windowsill. This book - a storehouse of the living and the funny stories of life, black humor and self-irony

Alex Eksler "Notes programmer bride" Incredibly funny book. Although it was written over 10 years ago, but still has not lost relevance. We learn the true story of what it is - be lover obsessed programmer who most of the time is in the virtual world and in addition to the computer sees nothing

Joanna Chmielewska "Les" real-life story of the author colleague, architect and artist, which captures from the first page. It is generously endowed with talent, but always falls in the incredibly absurd situations. Great sense of humor, interesting plot and cute characters give only positive emotions and good mood.

Narine Abgaryan "come in large numbers" story of a young girl who came to conquer Moscow in the crazy 90s. Colorful sketches of the "time of troubles" can not be read without laughing. The book illustrates that even in the most difficult situation is always a place for humor, self-irony and cordial relations between people.

Alex Eksler "cat Notes Kebab" If you're wondering what's going on in the head of your favorite cat, then this book is for you. Bestseller of the cat's life, which is easy to read and a lot of fun.

Maxim Malyavin "Notes of a psychiatrist or all haloperidol on the house," author of the book - a psychiatrist - describes a number of comical situations and cases of medical practice. The book is an easy, fun, Samoironichnye with subtle humor.

P. G. Wodehouse "This inimitable Jeeves" Classic English humorous prose, one of a series of books about simple-minded Mr. Bertie Wooster and Jeeves cunning. Once again, one of the heroes - Mr. Bingo - decides to marry. But the circumstances and the environment can disrupt all the plans. And then come to the aid of the two main characters.

Denis Tsepov "Keep your feet cross or Russian tales English obstetrician" Network blog obstetrician who works in London and is very fond of his profession, has turned into a real book. A lot of funny moments without the usual medical cynicism from a man who every day holds a new life in their hands.

Traub Masha "Mom grader Diary" Mom to be difficult, and even more so the first-grader mother. However, while still a lot of fun. This book is about what most when entering the first grade goes, of course, parents. Perfect humorous work about life, family, motherhood, school and home life of the pore.

Michael Weller "Legends of Nevsky Prospect" Perhaps one of the funniest of Russian works of the decade. The author tells "stories" about people from the 90's. Sparkling humor and nostalgia for a past age make this book memorable. From some stories you laugh out loud, other heart aches, thirdly know today.

Helen Fielding, "Bridget Jones's Diary" Most say after reading that book is much funnier movie. This is an excellent opportunity to read it. Known all story about a girl looking for love, but at the same time present themselves. It would be desirable to re-read it again and again with a bad mood and sad thoughts.
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