Why keep a diary?

Many people believe that keeping a diary - it is absolutely a waste of time. In fact, this is not a bad way to spend, which is very useful as a momentary, and in the long run. And even if you are not keeping a diary, it is worth thinking about it, because with it you can:

1. Monitor the implementation of the objectives
If you set yourself any long-term goal, a simple blog can be a very useful tool for motivating the achievement of these goals. In the diary you day after day, week after week, month after month can monitor how progress. The steps of a long journey can not be seen, but if you fix them, you can at any time to look back and see exactly how much you have gone.
This method is particularly well suited to achieving fitness goals (such as completing a certain number of push-ups or pull-ups, running a certain distance, weight loss up to a certain weight or volume), educational purposes (read certain books, learn such and such things), and any other tasks that can be broken down into components.

2. To express their thoughts
Keeping a diary helps to cope with anger and disappointment. Pouring onto the paper true thoughts, resentment and misery, you can better understand them, to calm emotions and understand what really is not so bad as it seems, and there is a way out of the situation.
In addition, most people write about the problems much easier than talking about them.

3. Maintain a chronology of his life
Ever blog will be a very interesting document from a historical perspective. It will be nice to somehow discover an old diary and remember the youth. Since the events in memory fade and what now seems bright and juicy and can not recall without a diary.
He will also be interesting and your descendants, and if you become famous (and why not?) - And then to a wider audience. In any case, the times are changing so rapidly that today the usual things can in just a few decades of sound amazing (think, for example, how we lived before the era of the Internet, mobile phones and fifty television channels).

4. To better understand themselves
Regularly writing in a diary his thoughts and feelings, you can better understand them. Maybe you can find out the causes of certain failures, as well as see what led to the victory.
Unfortunately, we do not often get to stop and analyze their feelings. Diary will do it, because everything will be recorded on paper. Sometimes it allows the study of fundamentally change their views, get your dream job, become healthier and happier.

5. Learn to write better
And finally, keeping a diary almost certainly help you improve your writing skills. This can hardly be the main reason, but we all have to write, and then the ability to competently express their thoughts can be very useful. In the diary, you can experiment - write poetry, make sketches, try different styles of presentation, develop their horizons. If you do it regularly, it just goes into the habit.


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