How to persuade a person to accept your direction (7 photos)
Talks - a delicate matter
Participating in negotiations often turns hardball stress for people, so few in the discussion of important questions of principle can be guided solely by reason, especially when the other side in the negotiations involved a skillful manipulator, using your same emotions against you. Here are a few tricks of professional negotiators, with which you can arrange for a companion, and even impose some conditions favorable to you exclusively. 1. What are the conditions of their first
Many psychologists recommend candidates a position not to mention the desired salary for the interview, and at the first contact with the employer really is better to refrain from it, focusing on their business qualities. But if you see that decision is made in your favor, it is necessary first to take the initiative and call the conditions of cooperation - triggered the so-called anchor effect: designated amount you will open a space for bargaining and will be the starting point for the discussion of other items. A recent study shows that even if the required by the applicant the salary is obviously overestimated, but the candidate for the post of the first calls its terms, the employer goes willingly make concessions.
When the source itself represents the first price, but it does not suit you, do conclusion: most likely he is familiar with the effect of binding and tries to manipulate you, or do not forward to further cooperation. In this case, go to the counter - you can say that the amount is not sounded serious and similar proposals offends you, then the source will be forced to end the conversation or to listen to your conditions.
2. Change the subject
Negotiators almost never become fixated on a single subject matter and themes change - perhaps the most common technique used in the negotiations, especially if you need to discuss the different parts, or they relate to a few people. When negotiations reach an impasse or take disadvantage for one of the parties to the direction to negotiators is effective to postpone the decision of the issue and switch to another.
Take, for example the sale of a car in the credit sides need to agree on the price of the machine, the first installment, the monthly payment and the ability to repay part of the amount due to the buyer's old car. If any of the points of discussion is the buyer doubts and negotiations "stalled", the seller can offer to discuss the following question - in this case, the client for the time forget about the problem. For example, if the buyer does not like the overall price, the seller is to find out how much the client can make a right and how many are willing to pay each month, having considered these figures, it would be more amenable. The deeper the source is immersed in the negotiations, the greater his desire to make a deal.
If you are faced with the fact that the other person is trying to make you forget the unfavorable conditions, turned his attention to other topics, do not let him get away from the problem, but do not try too soon to talk about the benefits (for example, the possibility of transmission of an old car as a partial redemption value of the new, in the example with the purchase of a car), which you are seeking - the negotiations likely to pluck.
3. Designate an imaginary problem
This tactic involves a shift in focus of negotiations in which one of the parties designates a secondary issue as fundamentally important. This makes it possible to make "concessions" that the interlocutor perceives as a "noble gesture" and success in the discussion when he comes more readily meet.
To counteract false concessions interlocutor pretty easy - after all, you can always forget about the interests of the interlocutor, the imaginary or real trade-offs and guided only by self-interest, but practice shows that this method rather lead to the collapse of the discussion.
If you want to be sure that the negotiator does not manipulate you, creating false problems and triumph "solving" them is to thoroughly understand his position and try to understand what the source actually willing to sacrifice, and that it be used only as a bargaining chip false.
4. Appeal to the High Court
One effective way to change the course of the negotiations in their favor is also an appeal to the High Court - in other words, if you feel that you imposed conditions are not favorable, said he did not have the full authority and should discuss everything with the management. In particular, this classic technique by actor William Macy (can be seen in the dark comedy "Fargo", released in 1996..
Using this technique, you can kill two birds with one stone: first, negotiations on the merits shall be suspended and the other party may make a compromise to renew them, and secondly so that you save face by giving the other party understand that the problem is not you.
If this tactic is used against you, it makes sense to demand a meeting with the upstream face of which has jurisdiction to settle disagreements. Remember that the success of the negotiations is likely to reach the side that has a lot of patience, so try to bring the interlocutor desire to finish the fruitless debate.
5. Calculate your best alternative option
There is always a risk that the negotiations have finally reach a deadlock, so you should have called the best alternative option agreement (Loves). If you realize your exact Loves, then immediately you realize profitable will deal or not and you can quickly navigate. It is also a good idea if you try to find Loves interlocutor to understand what conditions he is ready to go. Precise knowledge of the best alternatives - one of the key points of negotiation.
For example, you need to sell ultra-modern jet aircraft and you have a few potential buyers. If the terms of the deal were not satisfied with a single customer contact to another and so on, until you do not call a reasonable price, comparable to the average for the market. In this case, your Loves is precisely the average market price less time, which may have to be spent on negotiations with several buyers (because time, as you know - the money).
If there is a suspicion that the other party in the negotiations with you intend to use this trick (often the case), prepare for the meeting as follows - gather customer information, check with the situation on the market, and in the discussion of the deal, try to find out all the details of the possibility and the desire companion and try ahead of time not to reveal his cards.
6. "The Last Bite»
When the negotiations are practically over, one of the parties may suddenly go back to any of the subjects of discussion and try to add "one more small condition" - this technique is called the "last bite." So patience is tested on the other hand and her willingness to make concessions in order to quickly complete the protracted discussion.
If you are offered to make an agreement, "a sheer detail and finally put an end to the discussion," then the deal even without the additional condition is much better Loves interlocutor, and "a mere trifle" nothing else is manipulation. Feel free to refuse to enter into an agreement with an additional condition - most likely, the other side still adjust its position and crosses out the condition set out in the last minute.

Participating in negotiations often turns hardball stress for people, so few in the discussion of important questions of principle can be guided solely by reason, especially when the other side in the negotiations involved a skillful manipulator, using your same emotions against you. Here are a few tricks of professional negotiators, with which you can arrange for a companion, and even impose some conditions favorable to you exclusively. 1. What are the conditions of their first

Many psychologists recommend candidates a position not to mention the desired salary for the interview, and at the first contact with the employer really is better to refrain from it, focusing on their business qualities. But if you see that decision is made in your favor, it is necessary first to take the initiative and call the conditions of cooperation - triggered the so-called anchor effect: designated amount you will open a space for bargaining and will be the starting point for the discussion of other items. A recent study shows that even if the required by the applicant the salary is obviously overestimated, but the candidate for the post of the first calls its terms, the employer goes willingly make concessions.
When the source itself represents the first price, but it does not suit you, do conclusion: most likely he is familiar with the effect of binding and tries to manipulate you, or do not forward to further cooperation. In this case, go to the counter - you can say that the amount is not sounded serious and similar proposals offends you, then the source will be forced to end the conversation or to listen to your conditions.
2. Change the subject

Negotiators almost never become fixated on a single subject matter and themes change - perhaps the most common technique used in the negotiations, especially if you need to discuss the different parts, or they relate to a few people. When negotiations reach an impasse or take disadvantage for one of the parties to the direction to negotiators is effective to postpone the decision of the issue and switch to another.
Take, for example the sale of a car in the credit sides need to agree on the price of the machine, the first installment, the monthly payment and the ability to repay part of the amount due to the buyer's old car. If any of the points of discussion is the buyer doubts and negotiations "stalled", the seller can offer to discuss the following question - in this case, the client for the time forget about the problem. For example, if the buyer does not like the overall price, the seller is to find out how much the client can make a right and how many are willing to pay each month, having considered these figures, it would be more amenable. The deeper the source is immersed in the negotiations, the greater his desire to make a deal.
If you are faced with the fact that the other person is trying to make you forget the unfavorable conditions, turned his attention to other topics, do not let him get away from the problem, but do not try too soon to talk about the benefits (for example, the possibility of transmission of an old car as a partial redemption value of the new, in the example with the purchase of a car), which you are seeking - the negotiations likely to pluck.
3. Designate an imaginary problem

This tactic involves a shift in focus of negotiations in which one of the parties designates a secondary issue as fundamentally important. This makes it possible to make "concessions" that the interlocutor perceives as a "noble gesture" and success in the discussion when he comes more readily meet.
To counteract false concessions interlocutor pretty easy - after all, you can always forget about the interests of the interlocutor, the imaginary or real trade-offs and guided only by self-interest, but practice shows that this method rather lead to the collapse of the discussion.
If you want to be sure that the negotiator does not manipulate you, creating false problems and triumph "solving" them is to thoroughly understand his position and try to understand what the source actually willing to sacrifice, and that it be used only as a bargaining chip false.
4. Appeal to the High Court

One effective way to change the course of the negotiations in their favor is also an appeal to the High Court - in other words, if you feel that you imposed conditions are not favorable, said he did not have the full authority and should discuss everything with the management. In particular, this classic technique by actor William Macy (can be seen in the dark comedy "Fargo", released in 1996..
Using this technique, you can kill two birds with one stone: first, negotiations on the merits shall be suspended and the other party may make a compromise to renew them, and secondly so that you save face by giving the other party understand that the problem is not you.
If this tactic is used against you, it makes sense to demand a meeting with the upstream face of which has jurisdiction to settle disagreements. Remember that the success of the negotiations is likely to reach the side that has a lot of patience, so try to bring the interlocutor desire to finish the fruitless debate.
5. Calculate your best alternative option

There is always a risk that the negotiations have finally reach a deadlock, so you should have called the best alternative option agreement (Loves). If you realize your exact Loves, then immediately you realize profitable will deal or not and you can quickly navigate. It is also a good idea if you try to find Loves interlocutor to understand what conditions he is ready to go. Precise knowledge of the best alternatives - one of the key points of negotiation.
For example, you need to sell ultra-modern jet aircraft and you have a few potential buyers. If the terms of the deal were not satisfied with a single customer contact to another and so on, until you do not call a reasonable price, comparable to the average for the market. In this case, your Loves is precisely the average market price less time, which may have to be spent on negotiations with several buyers (because time, as you know - the money).
If there is a suspicion that the other party in the negotiations with you intend to use this trick (often the case), prepare for the meeting as follows - gather customer information, check with the situation on the market, and in the discussion of the deal, try to find out all the details of the possibility and the desire companion and try ahead of time not to reveal his cards.
6. "The Last Bite»

When the negotiations are practically over, one of the parties may suddenly go back to any of the subjects of discussion and try to add "one more small condition" - this technique is called the "last bite." So patience is tested on the other hand and her willingness to make concessions in order to quickly complete the protracted discussion.
If you are offered to make an agreement, "a sheer detail and finally put an end to the discussion," then the deal even without the additional condition is much better Loves interlocutor, and "a mere trifle" nothing else is manipulation. Feel free to refuse to enter into an agreement with an additional condition - most likely, the other side still adjust its position and crosses out the condition set out in the last minute.