Beef carpaccio with arugula

beef (fillet, 6 cm thick) - 600g
for the sauce:
Arugula - 40g
eggs (hard boiled) - 1 pc.
anchovy (canned in oil) - 2 pcs.
capers - 1 tbsp shallots - 2 pcs.
white bread (crumb) - 20g
vinegar (wine) - 2 tbsp
olive oil - 100 ml
tomatoes - 1 pc.
Arugula - a few sprigs
Lime - 1 pc.
grated Parmesan
Remove the meat in the freezer for 1 hour.
Prepare the sauce: arugula, rinse, remove the stems. Egg, cut into 4 pieces. Fold the anchovies and capers. Peel shallots and cut into 4 pieces. Whisk together with breadcrumbs, wine vinegar and olive oil for 1 minute until smooth green color.
Meat cut with a sharp knife into slices of 3 mm thickness and place the paper on the aluminum by two pieces on one another. Cover with another sheet of aluminum paper and roll the rolling pin. Put the slices on a platter and pour a few drops of sauce. Garnish with grated parmesan cheese. Tomato slice and garnish with arugula leaves. Cut the lime into quarters served separately.
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