Recall: neyroprogrammirovaniya for preschoolers

For a child, the attention to the internal memory is also important as it is for adults. The trick is how to show a person who is not able to really count to 5, that he is such a thing as a memory and what it does.
Share their own experiences, which some friends called dangerous experiment with children's psyche. Well, this is the trick of parenting - you can experiment with the child's mind, the more it happens anyway.
So, Materials:
- Paper, scissors, pencils
- Plastic container - serves as a repository of memory
- Animal figurines
- Doll with rubber head "programmer»

Pets are turning to the programmer with a variety of problems that it solves by manipulation of memory. The audience helps the programmer.
What it looks like, example:
The action takes place in the form of theater. Mamontёnok (of the famous cartoon) refers to the problem - the elephant refuses to recognize him. Programmer implant an artificial elephant memory of mammoth - programmer with elephant removed the wings, where the programmer returns without an elephant, but with the container. Together paint on paper leaf mammoth and placed in a container memory, which is sent back to the backstage, where "stitched" back to the elephant. Elephant back and instantly recognizes his mammoth.

Example 2 i>, «Confused diet»:
Herbivore was eating meat, and vice versa predator grass. Opening their memory-containers, the programmer discovers that the drawings meat and vegetables mixed owners. Programmer puts the figures in opposite containers and everything falls into place.
Example 3 i>, «reconciled friends»:
Two animals had a falling out. Software removes them from memory "quarrel" (a ball, in the manner of the logo Habra :))) and puts the image of two friends walking together.
Example 4 i>, «Geographic cretinism»:
Hippo forgotten how to find their way home. Software retrieves the memory map of the location of the animal (home, park, shop) and draws a route to the house.

Example 5 i>, «remembered another»:
The animal can not remember the face of his friend. It remembers everything but the muzzle. Programmer analyze the surviving memories and finds the missing piece of the puzzle in its own library.
For this scenario, I had to draw a few puzzles with animals, in which all parts can be interchanged.

Summary and Conclusions:
Our classes are alternated stories that I invented (examples listed) and those that come up and showed himself a child. Plots child certainly copied, changing characters and adding small details, such as when the memory is not possible to fix the first time required to retry again and again (the phenomenon of "mistakes" which was observed in previous experimental game about which I wrote).
Model of the theater is perfect for showcasing new concepts. It is important to ensure your child as much as possible to take part in the plot. I assure you of special invitations for this is not required.
Previous experience in this series i>: Programming MegaBlocks
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/218331/