Idea Camp: the evolution of communications

Many scientists are inclined to think that the only communicative mutation or biological inheritance of characteristics that are essential proficiency (device vocal apparatus, involves the development of pharyngeal cavity, the development of the speech areas of the left hemisphere, especially the frontal lobe, which provides complex syntactic constructions, and semantic zones right hemisphere), are fixed with each new generation, and to develop social skills Homo Sapiens, will survive and survive the "neighboring" branch - Homo neanderthalensis.
Despite the fact that the Neanderthal skull volume was even more than we have with you (1400-1600 cu. Cm. And above), the lack of development of speech unit has not allowed them to survive in the evolutionary struggle.
Millions of years of evolution have given us a unique communication skills, rich language and emotions.
We believe that the evolution of smartphones is moving on the same principle: only those devices that can be adapted to most communication mutations in our society, not die and receive their further development.
Within Idea Camp we tried to feel the direction of this development, which will enable the next generation of smartphones to expand our communication (and not only) the ability of their respective owners.
About how it was held, read under the cut.

A few words about what this workshop and what it's for.
In essence, this is a contest of ideas. We offer our guests tell us that they would like to improve the existing YotaPhone and fantasize about his new functions, features and forms.
General management of the workshop took on Dmitry Karpov. All participants are housed in three large halls and shared in groups of a few people. Among those present were many guests from many different countries, and all of their combined interest in our work, desire to participate with us in building with modern innovative smartphones.
The first stage h4>
Guests were invited to complete the following tasks: the allotted amount of time to come up with:
a) Improvements and new uses for existing YotaPhone.
b) The functions and capabilities to new generations of smartphones.
No other restrictions were not, you could suggest anything. We did not put any conditions on the materials used and methods of use.
First discussions were quite restrained. Someone watched their unexpected colleagues, someone shy. Someone, on the contrary, took the initiative in their hands and began to put forward ideas. Gradually small stiffness disappeared, and people are increasingly began to participate in discussions, write, draw, argue.
After a while we asked briefly introduce ideas from each group. What they want to improve in the current smartphone can be used as a second screen, which features and functions they would like to receive future YotaPhone.
Offers touched many different directions, new programs, new forms of phone, including flexible and removable displays a variety of options using the second screen, all kinds of "smart" accessories. The range of ideas ranged from completely unpretentious software improvements to conceptually new gadgets.
After the announcement of all the ideas given word staff engineers and developers Yota Devices. Their task was to give his authoritative conclusion that Proposition already implemented, and that is in development.
The second stage h4>
Next we offered each group to choose from only one of their ideas, the most interesting, in their opinion, and to prepare for its defense. It was necessary to consider in detail the essence of the idea, draw or sculpt illustrations explaining the sample. Someone lively, someone intently, participants again plunged into the discussion.
During the defense of their project are noticeably worried. They can be understood, because it was no longer just about placer proposals. You had to submit their most interesting better idea, show it to other benefits and appeal. Each team has produced illustrations for explaining the nature and advantages of the ideas. Still among us many talented people, we are once again convinced of it! Many figures ingeniously and artistically passed plan sponsors, perfectly complementing explanations speakers. Some groups, in addition to interesting pictures, even had time to prepare a model from clay.
Protection were active, it was felt that all participants of the workshop really passionate about it. How worried and experienced team members for their fellow speakers. For such a short period of time people had come together and worked together with pleasure.
After the end of the protection of selected projects began voting. The essence of it was this: in each of the three major groups of guests have to choose the best projects by voting for participation finals.
Final h4>
As a result of the final stretch out eight projects. Their authors alternately held their presentation has for all participants of the workshop:
1) «Back sensor." The idea is to use the second screen as an auxiliary control sensor element when working with the main screen. For example, to zoom in on the map, scroll, etc.
2) «Library LAN." Caught in a place where there is no cellular network (metro, basements), you can quickly turn your smartphone into a host a local wireless network for the exchange of electronic books. Thus on the second screen shows information about the created network, a kind of sign, invites everyone. As a means of monetization, the authors proposed by publishers to distribute this way some books and teasers.
3) «Active Note». The application in which you advance make a shopping list and cases. We often recall some having to purchase or promise retroactively, being far from the desired location. This application keeps track of our position by referring to the list of tasks and all possible base their institutions and organizations. If you find yourself within, for example, 2 km from the place where you can buy or make something from the task list, the application will automatically notify you of this by specifying also the route to the destination.
4) «Live Screen». Application which on the basis of data from various sensors (light exposure, gravity, gyroscope, compass, etc.) to determine where you are now: on the subway, in the car or at home for a jog. And depending on that automatically displays the appropriate information: reader for books, navigator, calorie counter, or any other information you need or application.
5) «Gamified Learning». An application that uses the principles of gamification to show progress in achieving all your goals, with the map on the second screen of the current status and cheer instruction. Progress is monitored by means of intermediate tests. Most of the functions of the smartphone is blocked until the test fails.
6) «Resolution Zap». Fitness app that blocks almost all the functions of the smartphone, as long as the user does not comply with the right amount of certain exercises.
7) The project is modular smartphone. The device is assembled from full-size, but very thin modules, like a sandwich. Thus the user himself selects the desired him the opportunity, depending on the current task.
8) Intellectual reference application / translator. When reading any text using the front camera tracks the movement of the user's eyes. If a person is too long looking at a word, the program determines the word that caused difficulty, and automatically displays the second screen translation, Wikipedia articles. Or watching the music video program displays the second screen article about the artist, lyrics.
After presenting the finalist projects were voted among the spectators. His voice could only give for any one project.
And now, the exciting moment - the announcement of winners!
First prize was awarded to the authors of the project «Active Note».
Second prize was awarded by a vote among the participants Idea Camp author of "Rear sensor».
The third prize went to a group of girls who were the most active participants in the discussions throughout the workshop.
All winners were awarded smartphones YotaPhone, memorable awards and all kinds of branded souvenirs. And most importantly - their ideas are very likely to be implemented in the next generation YotaPhone.
Conclusion h4>
First Idea Camp gave us a very interesting and rewarding experience. We tried to give our guests the opportunity to invest part of themselves, their ideas and dreams in the creation of the new smartphone. That they felt that they were not for us "faceless consumers", and people for whom (and with whom) we operate.
We are enriched with new ideas, energy and once again convinced of the correctness of the chosen path. Seen and have felt your support and interest in what we do. And it was the best recognition results of our work and a strong motivation for further work.
Thank you, friends!
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/yotadevices/blog/219271/
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