Incredible endurance test: TOP 5 crazy videos
A new trend has appeared on the Internet - crazy competitions where participants test their body for endurance.
Do you know anyone who is so reckless and courageous that he would eat a spoonful of cinnamon and show it to the world? There are enough daredevils in the world who risk their health for the sake of fame on the Internet and show what they are capable of. Econet invites you to take a look at the five craziest YouTube competitions. Tea competition. In fact, it turned out that eating two bags of tea without water was a difficult task.
http://techno.bigmir.net/idea/1537226-Dikie-eksperimenty-nad-telom--TOP-5-bezumnyh-video?_tpl=video&video_num=0 A guy decided to mix Mentos and Coke in his mouth. Do not repeat this – you can tear your mouth. Don't try to do this at home.
Competition: Put 40 pieces of Juicy Fruit chewing gum in your mouth. You think it's easy?
Ice cauterization. To be more extreme, the guy added salt, it improved the melting of the ice, but also lowered its temperature. It's incredibly painful.
The guy decided to test the strength of his stomach by eating a lot of food, the total energy value is 54200 calories. It's terrifying.
Source: /users/413
Do you know anyone who is so reckless and courageous that he would eat a spoonful of cinnamon and show it to the world? There are enough daredevils in the world who risk their health for the sake of fame on the Internet and show what they are capable of. Econet invites you to take a look at the five craziest YouTube competitions. Tea competition. In fact, it turned out that eating two bags of tea without water was a difficult task.
http://techno.bigmir.net/idea/1537226-Dikie-eksperimenty-nad-telom--TOP-5-bezumnyh-video?_tpl=video&video_num=0 A guy decided to mix Mentos and Coke in his mouth. Do not repeat this – you can tear your mouth. Don't try to do this at home.
Competition: Put 40 pieces of Juicy Fruit chewing gum in your mouth. You think it's easy?
Ice cauterization. To be more extreme, the guy added salt, it improved the melting of the ice, but also lowered its temperature. It's incredibly painful.
The guy decided to test the strength of his stomach by eating a lot of food, the total energy value is 54200 calories. It's terrifying.
Source: /users/413