Surfingbird: nothing but the most interesting
Surfingbird.ru - a project created to find interesting pages on the Internet. Look for it their own, based on the interests indicated to you at registration. Surfingbird intelligent and are able to recommend to you the pages that exactly like.
Start using Surfingbird.ru very simple: Register, enter your interests (for example, "humor", "Pictures", "Pictures") and click on the "Surf." Service, of course, free.
Interface Surfingbird - very simple. To travel through the pages PUSH "Surf", to assess the materials - "Like" and "Do not like it." The system evaluates these estimates and adapts to your preferences, learning to select the most interesting articles for you.
One click on the "star" was added favorite links in the "Favorites" - and be sure they are not lost. Pages found Surfingbird, you can easily share with your friends, because there is a button to send the link to all the popular social networks.
LOOK & gt; & gt; & gt;
Start using Surfingbird.ru very simple: Register, enter your interests (for example, "humor", "Pictures", "Pictures") and click on the "Surf." Service, of course, free.
Interface Surfingbird - very simple. To travel through the pages PUSH "Surf", to assess the materials - "Like" and "Do not like it." The system evaluates these estimates and adapts to your preferences, learning to select the most interesting articles for you.
One click on the "star" was added favorite links in the "Favorites" - and be sure they are not lost. Pages found Surfingbird, you can easily share with your friends, because there is a button to send the link to all the popular social networks.
LOOK & gt; & gt; & gt;